
1/8/2017 22:31 – Facebook Post

8:12 p.m.

I was not not seen by any person really of this world…

Merlene Corpuz..

“A Praiseworthy Towering Body of Evidence Facts…”

of 49 months of Linking and not forgetting the stream the links the fills, or tangling them up while untangling the Fils…Threads for 49 months Night and Day to reach 8 49 Face Book Friends.

While acting in an E.T Play unknown to the Audience despite it being reflected in all their movies films and books…

XENOCIDE…By Orson Scott Card…. Alexander Robert..Emeka…

Acted by Emeka Kolo….

Written by Devi and Clara of the First Story of Existence Creation..
The First Borns…
Who chose to make Emeka Kolo act in their play of Their Existence in this World with non one knowing or recognizing that Existence.
But which the Actor knows it is the only real Story taking place which has to be corrected or the Human Virus, the True Alien, imposters, usurpers of Hue Manity.. the Natural Ones..
The Children Consciousness of Elves and Fairies..
Evolving back to their Original Evolved Selves after getting lost in the Space of a beautiful play contaminated by the Virus – really the illusion of Self Worth and Jealousy Hatred….
Instead the Purifying of Seeing oneself in the Mirror of Expression despite Good intentions…

*xenocide. Noun. (plural xenocides) (science fiction) The genocide of an entire alien species. (US, colloquial) The intentional killing of an entire foreign (plant or animal) species.

Welcome my 8 49 Face Book Friend….
E=C Me 4/3…
I proved it literally by doing nothing but following the Cause and Effect to Delta Manor Room 5A.. Bed 5019…
Then to Room 3A bed 3002, and then Room 4.B bed 4016…

5= 3A -4B… 5019… 69….3002…32…..4016… 56….
E-3 1…4 2
E = 4/3.. B.A…
E=C.Me 4/3…21…3….
69 M.W….32…3-20-2001….Sacred Portal 56…32…69…
11 5…6…

I was not seen by anyone in this World…
But I was seen by the E in you.. Who moved you right to the End Game…
I was correct when I said this was more like Enders Game…..
Which turned out to have 5 Books…
Ernest Clines “Armada” was very close…
I was seen by your true Spirits….

Mer Le N.E….Corps U.Z

Xenocide (1991) is the third novel in the Ender’s Game series of books by Orson Scott Card. It was nominated for both the Hugo and Locus Awards for Best Novel in 1992.[1] The title is a combination of ‘xeno-‘, meaning alien, and ‘-cide’, referring to the act of killing; altogether referring to the act of selectively killing populations of aliens, a play on genocide.

Enders Game… E.G.
Armada .. A..

E.G.A….L.A..XY…(X=24, Y=25…49…) 1O 11..C.I…E

Nasa… Galaxy 1101 I.C…

The last book IS X.. Generation X Garden 268 East 4th Street..
Existential Death…
The Alien which had to be destroyed is the Human Species…
Played by Herry S… A Play….
A True Story Play… A..Traishon Sum-leur…Production… P…

I had a meeting today with Raheem Sarcar.. R.S… It was my making a protest to this play… while investigating it.
I had arranged a meeting with Raheem to talk about possible routes to find employment.
I had enough of this… refusal to manifest the Truth to Everyones Awareness while I reported and lived in a different dimension where this Reality was being played out to the Ignorance of All, who I am forced to prove through Evidence and Facts through Empirical Reason…

Instead Roaul was there…

Raoul whom I had called the Wolf….
Because that is the meaning of the name as well as Wolf Counselor..
But it turns out his name means..

*Rahul, a popular male name in India, has a variety of meanings. The earliest meaning found in the Upanishads is “conqueror of all miseries”. Rahul also means “traveler” in Arabic. Buddha’s son was also called Rahul, meaning “relation”.

And he was standing in line and for the first time we got to talking…

He is 31 years old.. Very well Traveled…
And and Ebright Scholar….
Yep Erik Ebright…
He was looking for a Job, just as I came to speak to Raheem about who comes in after Rahul decides not to rush off for an appointment but instead he finds no seat and joins me…

And I find myself, for the first time in a long time talking about my work before I entered this last 16 years play summoned to New York by Durek Verrett and others situations beyond my control to embark on a “Higher Inter dimensional play….and contest Challenge…

And then he revealed himself….

I almost got up and ran…
His hyper supernatural intelligence kept on matching my expressions of what I really was doing and the play..
which he then likened to Ender Game but not the film the Book…
And then to Xenocide… By O.S.CARD….

And then after receiving the code of I gave him and exchanging Emails…

He blew me away so much with the intel, I was almost trembling with exhaustion and the end of my nerves with this play…
And so, he recognized that which Raheem S was not that interested in….
Which was fine, he was kind but it was obvious that Rahul was the one I was meant to meet…
Raheem came earlier and sat besides us..
But it became so clear that Rahul was the one, and stayed with me for two hours and showing enormous appreciation and supreme Hyper Intelligence… the same phrase Dean Dunkwu had described me as as well as Patrick Okolo…
And so we are meeting tomorrow at 6..

The time I was meant to meet Raheem today…
I met with Rahul…
With 6 usd in my wallet right now…

The Sword of Truth… are the Books he said my name reminded him off..

And Then Nenad M. Djurdjevic texts me at 5:22 p.m.. E.V.
That he has uploaded the Evidence of Sacred Portal 49…
The Alternative to E GA LA XY 1O 11..C.I…

For those who refused to see E=C,Me 4/3…

Xenocide is the first Code he stated to me as if already knew his cue…

9:31 p.m

Wizards third World… Terry Goodkinda…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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