
1/8/2017 20:47 – Facebook Post

1/8/2017 20:47 – Facebook Post

6:11 p.m.


8-1-2017…37…10…1 O


1-8-2017…37…10…1 O


I could see that the 8 49, representing the Truth that the portal Existential Death, actually exist.

I knew it was rising, which usually happens when you tell the truth.
I could see it but what I was and am experiencing, the feeling of being closed in..
And no where to escape..
Every moment, every post, every situation converging to the which identifies as what Existential Death, looks like, feels like, reasons it came into exists..
It is an anger beyond fury, rage, even power because it has endured all that expression, and held it, then moved into Silence, then stillness…
The Anger of being made to play such a role, and worse still the response..
This Theater, Play Game…
Reflected in books, films…

i saw it in the play with “Chucki” as David Dawn a person totally ignorant of his role in this lethal play of the Consequence “Annunaki…The Nephelim the Beautiful Ones, giving response to the cause and effect of an entire species, being

The Death of an Entire Species….

Chuki already aligned to myself… through the very first person and portal I passed through from London to New York…
A friend called Nicky from Belsize Park, had linked me up with his friend Chucky.. And it was him home I landed in the 3-20-2001…
Chuki was also the name of Albert Santana’s brother at 268 East 4th street who lives on the Fifth Floor, linked to Chuki…
Eshe Chuki Asale…
Who I linked up with while at 268 East 4th Street who became 243 rd Face Book Friend… B..43.. Sacred Portal “Door to Life.. is 43…”
Who lives at Queens Park, in London where I lived and parted with my sister in Dec 23rd 1988..and left 1989 Sept.. the 9th Month.

And the play which linked us is on Face Book…
And for a long time when I would write ‘Lotus” her name as well as Lotus Santana still shows up…

Chuki means “Life.. Echo… Beauty…

To understand this play you must link, and to link, you must follow the links, which I have been posting.. daily, linking, weaving which my own expression and then reading the Echo is and through Face Book Friends who respond with Face Book Requests in perfect timing….

So this Portal which I began weaving in 2006 when I reached Albert Santana’s portal- where I discovered a counter weaver…
has been a long time in the making…
49 months on Face Book, Room B bed 49..With Keith Grant..
Star Bucks Cafe 77… 14..50…and x 49.
13 4…M.D…/D.M…Manifest Destination Delta Manor…
Meaning that in the E-Spirit play versus the Spirits dimension which I am reporting from, which most of you see as imagination, a story or ones persons version of reality….

…That I am exactly where I was intended by them.. The E-spirits who are really Spirits because they are literally Energy of Expression Origins Source in motion..
While the others are Ideas fueled by belief enacted in this world.

So, yes I know what it feels like and was curious as to which name would be the 8 49 Face Book Friend…
The persons whose name would define the Echo.. of the True Life…
This one or the one I represent…
David Dawn in bed 4017…D.O.Q… D.O..A.G…

or mine…

Bed 4016….D.O.P….D.O.A.F…

Recall Anamla Qayin intel sent to me. “D.M.I.C T.P/K 115 A.G.E”
I received this intel while still at Green Point, room A, Bed 007, where I felt the play would, had to end of James Bond, and had no idea that I would be brought to the code of her message…
Manifested as D.M..I.C…etc…

Meaning that I have already done both bed 4017…as well as right to 4018, 4019..And even 420.. which does not exist but does because there are two of me in this play ocupying bed 4016…

Sumler Traihi recently told me that after seeing me for the first fee days he had chilled towards me ( I had of course noticed which I told him)… he had been afraid…
And as I spoke to him briefly he blurted out “Your Possessed”
I knew what he meant, he had displayed acute sensitivity and a mind so quick to grasp concept way beyond.. that it was exciting to witness… He is 23… I am wearing M.J..Number 23….

6:49 p.m

He is right of course, I am possessed but by my own Esprit and body Activated Volume Turned up of Sensitivity that it gives the Illusion that they are separate and it looks like they are…
The Sounds which often come unbidden and the movement created to simulate a body talking…
My body and Being as separate from me.
David and Clara… Aspects of myself and D+C=7…G…Geoff Lacour G.L.. and his Brother David.. And their Mother Brook.. St Barths..
I have no time to go back and explain that connection but it began the moment I finished the Family of Ten Creation Story…
in 2004… Geoff appeared, who I met at a night club called Cielo…
“Heavens” the same Nightclub I had created my first Show at Heavens Nightclub in London.. In memory of my Grandfather and in Honor of the Evolution of Woman and African Wooman..

Brook is the name of Sacred Portal 5 Entrance and Manifest Descent for manifestation in this 3D reality ( not its Hologram) of the Original Evolved True Men from the Universal Wu-Men…of the 5th Dimension..

No, It is the nature of how this play was designed that you had to go back to link, to understand the story and this post the play and the evidence..
You must follow the Trail which I have lived, endured, suffered and surmounted to provide and then records the evidence of what is happening in the True Present..
Exemplified by my Existence and life of living in a different realm of consciousness that this Work Sytem, Money and Time period…
Hence the taking away my I.P, passports Portfolio to go out into the filed…
To bring Evidence of if there really is Anything out there…

I was interested in just what would be the name of my Face Book friend who would be the 8 49… Harmony with Existential Death…
Sacred Portal 49.. as well as sacred portal 8;00… not 8 which is “Love Links Desire” but the 800 which depicts “A NUN”
Giving her thumbs down and representing Existential Death…
Both Portal of 8 manifesting…

Merlene Corpuz

M.C…/ C.M… E= C Me 4/3.. As being the Equation for Energy I posted over 4 years ago…As the True equation for Energy and that it Source is not Outside of us in the physical World.. within us all..

7:06 p,m..
Which began with my proving it by arriving at The Bean Cafe,
only to find it was aligned to the Mitochondria Dna and Cells in the Body which generate Energy within the body… WITHIN..
Where Nenad M. Djurdjevic entered actively in the play as the Scholar of this reality calling attention to the alignment by his offering his Scholarship which thinks outside of the book.. has imagination….
And we went further from 2005 when I first went The Bean, then known as “Cafe Kudos” on 1st and 3rd… ( 1 3…)
Kudos means “Praise”… P…
Emeka means Praise…

It was then transformed to The Bean Cafe…
that was in 2005… and before I found 268 East 4th Street…
And so just as I am existing in Star Bucks while “living” consciously undercover in at Delta Manor Mental Housing Shelter…
I was Existing at The Bean which then moved to 3rd St and 2nd Av…
Or 2nd and 3rd Ave…

And from that Within represented by the Body…
I found myself moving backwards and forwards to the Origin of expression beyond the Bean Mitochondra in the Cells… but traveling through C.. Cee Consciousness through the ‘Milk Way 69″ while moving through Space Time..Outside in New York… Through the portals of People homes and Expressions.. through their Spirits…
And their True Spirits and Memories at speed of Light…
To reach the most furious battle between the E line and the Spirits…
The Evolved and Beliefs who thought that they were real…
Because people held onto them…

And finally to Energy itself… B’Eau Ti… and Truth which is Love…
Dark Matter and Light.. 96% to 4… 100% but there is something greater that 100%… that which is who is the Observer who brings 100% into Existence by being able to Identify it..
And the Witness to this this…
1 11…. Thus 1O1…1O2…. 11 12… 2 3… Being to Cee… Be Conscious…There is nothing after that, it returns to the Source of Energy…
A Awareness Infinity
A.I. 1 9…. Add 9 – 1+ 9+9- 19 =S Source
Alpha Intelligence.(Hyper I)
The Source of Expression… which is a Individual…Infinity….

I was stunned.. 11 -12 years of this….
Expression could end this in a blink of an eye…

But instead a Story was created to Educate All on that which had mystified not just Humanity but all Higher Expression…
Not who is the Source.. which it became…
But what are the Origins of Existence Creation and what is its point and purpose and this question came from the Horror Existence was turning into..
Many forgot how life was once so sweet and how it still is..

But this question was turning Reason the Age of Expression and reason into a mess.. so a story of Correcting was introduced which became the Story of the Family of 10.. T.E.N…E.T-EN.E – S A O.H.I
And finally the 1 O… Full Circle and the the One 1 15..A.A.E… 69 99 66… 123 C… Switch
E.A.A… E.A-Z.A… And finally E.F… 56… then 11…K..KOLO… then 1..

And none of it was real… it was a story of a Simulation of what was its take on what would happen..
Which just stunned me.. Star Wars!! 1977!!!
It was Star Trek…

Star Trek is an American science fiction entertainment franchise based on the television series created by Gene Roddenberry. The first television series, simply called Star Trek and now referred to as The Original Series, debuted in 1966 and aired for three seasons on the television network NBC. It followed the interstellar adventures of Captain James T. Kirk (William Shatner) and his crew aboard the starship USS Enterprise, a space exploration vessel, built by the interstellar federal republic United Federation of Planets in the twenty-third century”

1966….Set in the 23rd Century…

Gene Rodenberry and the number 47…

E.B.T…Card Play Grant Street … See that play.. from room B 2015 bed 47 -53.. to Room A this year just before Delta Manor…
and now Harmony Sacred Portal 49…


“The number 47 was slipped into Star Trek with alarming regularity, and it all began with TNG writer Joe Menosky. In a 2005 interview with Pomona College Magazine (Menosky’s alma mater), he said:

When asked why he started including 47 in episodes, Menosky admits, “After Pomona, Eric [Level, Menosky’s freshman RA] and I maintained a correspondence and typically would mention in passing any new sightings. It seemed like placing 47s rather than just spotting them would be a way to continue the reference for any alumni who happened to watch the series.”

Pomona College Magazine Vol. 41, No. 2 “To boldly go where no number has gone before” by Noah Buhayar
The number wasn’t chosen at random, as that interview hints; “47” has been a campus supersition since at least 1964:

The number “47” has held mystical importance for Pomona students for almost forty-seven years. Two different stories about its roots exist. Campus lore suggested that in 1964, Pomona math professor Donald Bentley produced a convincing mathematical proof that 47 was equal to all other integers2, and that other faculty members and senior students could not disprove his equation at first sight. (By the 1970s oral history had grown this tale into a 1950s McCarthy-era exercise by an unnamed professor, and that it was a symbolic attack on the “big lie” political style of the Red-hunters of the era.) Another version — later verified by Bentley — holds that two Pomona students on a summer grant project in 1964 hypothesized that 47 occurred far more often in nature than random number distribution would explain. Pomona College is also located off exit 47 on Interstate 10.”

7:40 p,m

Mer le ne…means “Praise Worth in Arabic…”
*Mohammed Praise Worthy….
And “Tower” in Hebrew Greek…

As well a the 13 Disciple of Christs Mary Madgelena
Lena Means “Light”

Corpuz means “Body” A Body of Work..
A Universal Body… 49 Months on Face Book Telling a Story of being in a play very similar to the concept of Enders Game by Oscar Scott Card… O.S.C…A.R…E…E Bright…

And the Oscar goes to to… E..Ebright….
Corp U-Z… 21-26….2001…2006…

As Well as a Corpse… With a Z .

See the meaning of Xenocide….
Also a book by O.S.C… A.t…


7;47 P.M

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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