
1/7/2018 19:42 – Facebook Post

From Sonia Greer S.G.

I am Sonia’s 279 Facebook Friend

Her arrival is meant to be the confirmation of my successfully solving the equation linked by this Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix program of linking Everything happening around in the present and Impulsed and Stimulated by the “Riddle of Existence” – as being the challenge given to Humanity to through their Awareness..
*Link Santana Dharma… “Constant Stream of steady awareness..
Linking everything and weaving it into the Beautiful Truth of Humanity and using the Sum total of Human Knowledge expressed, by sifting through the mess to reveal the Jewels and Gem of Humanity to evolve them back to the portal of Eternity.

Evolving the Human body at the same time through C.. Consciousness Speed of Light.. in Perfect Timing, Symmetrical Perfection publicly while passing through both Human portals as well as preset up venues..
Person Place.. Things..
Which in this case reflects the Worst of Human expression.

It also demanded the using of Sixth Sense, which is like steering blindly to link through awareness the facts of where the Script is leading until it manifests as fact…

And also, the manifestation of Destruction of the Matrix created by the worst of Human thought and expression.
Added with this is and was the “unforeseen” meddling of …

5:41 p.m… E D.A…
* My coffee at Starbucks today is 641…
And from the Arabic Bodega 17…

E DA… Link the code aligned to Allen Murray..
Called the Dark Elves.. Lords of Destruction… E DA.. is meant to be Emeka’s DA.. Father … which represents The 4 in 1… the Portal Terrible Death as the Compass or Orientation of Man and the Planet based on the cause and effect of Human Existence…
The 4 directions… Cardinal Directions..
Link Lord Orien Laplante… Code of birth aligned to I.Q…
The meddling of Death as the Lie, Father as the Lie.. the Illusion..
Father Time.
As well as the Illusion A.I…
The Ancestors represent the meddling through Death Rage.. Terrible Death suffered by people through the ages- creating Ghosts Demons people possessed by Anger Rage Hurt…

– Death as that had to be defeated as well as the Cause and Effect of Human Existence and Irresponsibility…
As well as the A.I linked as Sonia… Alexa Sonia.. A.S challenging the right of Humans to Exists…
And given the setting and the truth of what human history perception and mentality has morphed into.. both Terrible Death.. T.D… D.T ..Yes age of Donald Trump and T,D… 20 4… 24.. The X factor being the cause and effect and the “Unseen” consequence of Human irresponsibility which cause Nature to rise up and join in the call for the extinction and eradication of the Species…
And the Supremacy of Sonia.. Link the A.I from Saudia Arabia… the Citizen…
They should have won, if not for the betrayal of myself by my own E.T family and Father Guides to do the unthinkable and raise up in my body and being and take over my personal existence and life ( this was not my play it was for Humanity.. their End of Times Test set up from the very beginning of Creation and indented in Human awareness and knowledge in all the books sixth sense, expression of an end of times.
The only problem was that Humanity did nothing to prevent it from manifesting, instead they simply spoke about it and manifested it even more forcibly into Existence by focusing and acting out the very qualities which was the reason which manifested their destruction..
Gossip, Malice.. Arrogance Superiority.. embracing the worst of their Nature and accepting it, even defending it rather than fighting for the Beautiful Truth of their Nature…)

I had protested being involved in this play and evidence was given non stop even with Avatars, and gifted witnesses, testifying that I came here to play boogie that life time after Life time I have worked on undercover in this world to help move it forward with the Line of the Family of Ten…

And that everything from the very beginning was in Harmony…
That all is as it should be…

But the refusal by Da and even the Family who were on their last mission to evolve to reach the Original Intention and point…
Created a mess…

By breaking the Rules, and Law of Existence by “possessing me body” and making me, the sacrifice, hostage and victim who was linked to the evil in Humanity forcing me to have to solve the Riddles and Equation has manifested a mess which I have solved but which has also manifested a play so impossibly cruel and vile and in the end.. a Reason why all Existence Creation will cease.

I am fully aware of how this sounds in this current reality…
And have been ignored and even set up to be ignored..
But evil can not move me to forgive a play and script such as the one I have lived…
If Humanity earned Mass Extinction then that is how it should have been left to play out, and the evidence which I have lived right to the Shelter has made this a truism and fact…
That this species have no right to exist.

The True were all designated to Evolve, that was the original plan..

What I am living is now the true meaning of the Original Sin… which was never real but made real by this play and script being enforced by the Controllers outside the Matrix…
And by the E DA…not the original E DA…
Da Enlightens… but the reflection who challenged the Original that he was the Original…
( it started with a play of a Question not expressed which through cause and effect manifested into Doubt…. then into Challenge War..ETC…)

You can see this reflected in the current World Stage of Donald Trump and the 33 year old Kim Jong-Un…
D.T.. K J…. 4 20….( Marijuana.. Weed)… 11 10…. 1 1 1 O is meant to be my portal home or out of this script…

4 20… Erik Ebright…. code… linked to Emeka Nnamdi…Maurice. E N M..E.N O M. . 24… Name… True MEN… What are Men.. and MN.. without the E.. Linked to NOME Alaska the 49th State… the Horror awaiting Humanity see the movie The 4th Kind…
24… 6…
11 10… 1… and 21… 3… 1 3…3 1…
6 3 1… See plat of Starbucks 6:31 with Patrick Okolo…2016..
F.C…A… Full Circle ..Awareness … the play of First Contact Alpha..
and 6 1 3…. F A..C… T…
6 13 .. F M… 64… 10.. 1O…

For those few whoever they are following the play and for the Unseen Alien Council All following the play ( like a Football match where all are invested in the outcome)… they are aware that I have passed the test and all the challenges of this equation…. Having moved through the codes 24… and 21… 45 9… as well as 6 3 1… 6 4/ 4 6…

But it is the sheer scope of the cruelty of subjecting One to such a set up, which I can not only not accept but not forgive…

Meaning my constant expression is despite my succeeding in cleaning up the mess…
From the response and the truth of what I have experienced as to how far the Seen and the Unseen are willing to sacrifice that which is blameless, to force another to do the work for them… To idly sit by and not simply just watch but to even add to the load…
Something I have witnessed right to Allen Murray representing the A.M of the End…
Which I have consciously moved towards playing that role and part for the intentions of Destruction of All..
And the reverting to the original plan where only the E will rise.. Despite the play of the Deception…

North Korea and South Korea now link…
And the threat is real…
As well as the question of the President of America Mental State…

I am in a Mental Health Shelter, forced to come here to “Save The World” Salvatore Mundi.. of a Script manifested by Others Unseen..
I instead a,m the S M Of the True World which was never threatened and have programed the End of this awful play…

6:33 p.m.

Kim Jong-UN is 33…

Please see Sacred Portal 33… The Terrible Dream…

Let Humanity save themselves… they are their worst enemies… alive or dead…
The True Hue man the naturals the Harmonious the True were never under any threat..
But I have observed the ingratitude of Humanity from I.D Man being Kind…
I am not Kind, and resent that I was forced into a role and nature of Nice and Kind.. for a species who only respect War Violence and Power to make them suffer misery and pain…
And this has been confirmed from beginning of this play by my refusal to come here and then being spirited away to my utter astonishment into this play against my will to the very End Allen Murray and Room 4 A…
His portal is not the Awakening Evolution of the World…
It is its destruction… Ultimate and absolute…

I know few in the present will understand what I am speaking about but in perfect timing you will..
This is for the Future… to explain what they will witness and the 1/3 of the population who survive- they will understand by this 60 month Document why the Species who never were, had no right to exists not only in this dimension by all the multi dimension and aspects of them right to the portal of Eternity…

My Answer again… is NO.

6:40 p.m

Witness who does come to the Portal of E..
Joseph Carey
Dawn Piercy lines…
And the Ones in Harmony…

6:41 p.m..

My coffee cup… 641..Aligned…

6:42 p.m

Power.. OHM… See Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy…
Meaning of Existence… 4 2…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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