
1/7/2017 20:41 – Facebook Post

4:26 p.m.

D..Z… Delta the End… Z.

7-1-2017…37.. 1


G.K. Grant Kolo

1-7-1…. Full Circle…


Its Snowing here.. a mild Snow Storm

He Thinks He’s and Angel…”

That is what I over heard the person at the Day and Night store I buy my American Spirits from.

And immediately my mind went back to the absurd play that got me at the Delta Manor…

A Mild Snow Storm….

You will be a Superstar….!!!”

That is according to Nicholas Petcher..

That is what will happen when I when I publish the “Art Satire”mentioned in my “Art Satire” ( A.S), Book..
You are mentioned on the cover….

Notice his initials N.P… These are the letter which have formed in my Art Installation in my Locker.. I found a dark blue wooden letter N, which I had found at Erik Ebrights place in Miami..(6983)..

Wait, I have to pause.. I have this incredulous smile on my face…
He did not dare go this far… but I know he did…
I saw it in David Dawns Face today, just after Nicholas Petcher text me this in response to the declaration of love between Apollo Perez and Nicholas….

And I recall what I shared from Face Book Memories of yesterday Micheal Epps…M.E…

Wait.. I have to pause, I am mouth opened, laughing incredulous staring out the window…
They would not dare go this far… but I know they did… And there is no ounce of anger just gob smacked stupid grin….
(At least I know they are here… and the whole thing of trying to make me look mentally unbalanced before the entire world is a lie…
I have come to my senses…
The same way, I have come to my senses at Delta Manor…
Of giving a damn about what I thought the men at Delta Manor felt at me for not going out to fight each time someone corrected them or whom they wished to set up so they would loose their beds.

If you method and Ghetto law is such an effective test of Man Hood and Status, why were all of them ( nearly all) so cared and not running the place.
Why are you in a homeless shelter..?
I had been seeing their Souls, speaking to their Souls, their True Spirits, there potential…
The Individuals..

Snow Flakes Falling…
S.F.F… 19 66… David!!!! I can”t believe this….!!!?? The Play!!

Exquisite, Brilliant, Devilish….
..Cause I can assure you,David, the E line… and certainly myself.. we are not Angels…
Which is why I made it clear that my true “pet name” is not Emmy…
It is “The Beautiful Devil”… T.B.D….20 2 4…Room 4.B…Bed 20…
There is no bed 20.. Oh yes there is…
The One who spoke the Truth the the T..Ti…. 7th Note…
Literal Highest Heavens…

It was so ridiculous…

5:03 p.m.

O.K, out of respect of this masterful play but EVIL!!!
If you look at it..

By the Way, I have a New Friend Request…
Which puts us at 8 49..Face Book Friends…
Harmony Sacred Portal 49… Existential Death….
Which I am completing the activation of..right now..
So it was Evil Beyond Imagination…
D..EVIL…Beautiful Devil is the Truth…
Bed 4016 +420… Erik Ebright woke up at April 20th…
D.T.. 4 20…Divine Truth..
16+20 is 36…
Bed 36 is Chase.. Chess.. who I was moved to give 10:00 usd from the Alive Sacred Money sent by the designated ones…
I have.. had 13 Dollars in my wallet when

5:11 p.m.. Mimicked an absurd confrontation that even knew was a joke…

All to get me to come here and activate this play, after that play.

Which is how I got out into the Mild Snow Storm..

Last night as we slept, I lay awake tossing and stretching, by body I found myself looking at David Dawn “Chuki” as he slept..
I had never looked at him, and he is grossly over weight.
I knew how David Roman Nicholas can me Energetically through people..
I had seen people morph at the end of a great play with them, to reveal Davids Face staring back at me before morphing back into themselves…
My mouth used to drop open.. and I reported it happening here with the play with David Philip Gil…
O.M.G..Look… D.P..G… The Bed I am in…

5:16 p.m

My own Natural Harmony and perfect timing reveals and confirms my expression in Time and Space which is why I am so solid in my stance of this truth and play despite no one seeming to realize exactly what is going on or how literally it is stated that there are “Aliens” amongst is.. A-Liens actually…

And to go too much into it would be.. just too much for people anyway..
They could only see it as a Story, that is the only way their minds can grasp such a possibility despite all the data and films detailing this..
P.S.. David or Devi as we call him is the Line of my Twin Awareness..
In the play of the Family of 10.. 1O.. Ten… I am called Spirit Awareness.. A.S… Yes Artist Satire Book…
Nicholas Petcher.. Yes David Roman Nicholason… Nnamdi…
Erik… Sigh… Same Person just different Evolutions and Portals to reach the Full Devi…

Sigh… Okay… let me pause and try and let you know the facts of what happened…

I can”t believe it..

Alright… So I knew David could Travel… through bodies..
It did not matter in the end who believed me here, which is what Chase B of bed 36.. The one who started all these Challenges kept on telling me…
Sigh, but I had to, can’t you see, at least for a time… I had to give each of then a chance by seeing and activating the E Awareness in them…
At let it speak… I had to speak to their literal Souls, and the only way I could do this is by making the Costumed Character masking as Ego feel that they could be relaxed around me…

See Kerwyn Vincent ( K.V.. 11 22) that is line of David and Clara.. Clarity… Devi;s Feminine Aspect… You call then Krishna Redha..Radar… Vishnu..Kali… All Devi and Clar Star Child… All Devi..
Hence David Phillip Gill… “Beloved Friend of Horses Joy…”
Go back last year to see that play…
Edward Eceinco had just become my Face Book Friend… Yes EE.. 55.. And to my surprise, we went back down to D…
Eunice Nkechi Oviawe-Jones ..E.N.O..J ..
J.O.N…E… had opened the Portal… and Edward came with Afa Divination yet was giving messages to me which he testified came unbidden to him.. they just came out of his mouth…
Messages in the name codes…
Which I publicly decoded…
Devi Clara… D.C…4 3… 7… 12…

These knuckle heads were the ones holding me up from merging…
Oh, I will deal with them, later.. but they are also my intimate Lovers and Selves…
They really “Know” me…

So. when I had first met David Dawn I was aware, and I knew David had told me quite a few times that he had been fat as a child and quite a few times as an adult..
Something difficult to believe because his body looked like Micheal Angelo’s David but better…
Michel Angelo.. Yes, when he became my Face Book friend, I suspected….
But I was, am bored with this play..

I noticed Davids annoyance when I guffawed…
It was not because I disbelieved him or thought him too vain,
not it was because I simply could not picture it…
That he would let himself go.. unless it served a purpose…
As something Actors here do for their craft…
And so to David Roman I was addressing Devi…
And my guffaw was to him…

And I never saw David in the 15 years I have known him,.
meeting him “By Chance” non stop over the years, until quite recently noted on Face Book… with the same Devilish mysterious cheeky “You will never figure out what I am really up to” smile which was made more disarming at the relish it took in knowing not only were you pissed off, but that there was nothing you could do about.

So, I purposely refused to even acknowledge the possibility but I did scan him and check…
But last night, because where we were in the play, I looked over to where he slept…
And looked at him..
I gasped and quickly looked away… He was beautiful…
It was not the same face as the man I would hardly even acknowledge and body because it lacked beauty and because he had let it go so much…

But there it was.. My mouth dropped open.. It was not Devi which came to my mind. or even David Roman.. but David Dawn is underneath it a physically beautiful man..
I saw what he looked like as a Boy and a Youth…
I was stunned…

I then woke up today, we have had no problems but the person who the outside covering has a venomous gossiping mouth and very sly…
But even this I could see through..
I heard him talk to his mother… everyday and his little granddaughter… He speaks like a boy and with a giant heart…

So when he speaks of the cruelties he has done, or punching people in the face, pistol whipping them..
Or saying what he said to me today after our little play spat…
“I will Shoot you Dead”..
To which I replied, with irony and satire…”Yes here everyone has a gun”- alluding to how each use these kind of words to intimidate and bully those who fall prey to their fear of these Cowardly Bullies who really are simply afraid and do not wish to be disrespected in this place…

I had no intention really of working and since I had noticed the pattern of each time I had a new Face Book friend, so elaborate play ensued which ended up with me back here on Face Book..
Activating the Portal in a play I had long since stopped taking seriously…
Not because it was not real or true.. but it used Evil…
Which I suppose they got me to transform into the D-Evil..
At Delta Manor.. then to L.IV.E.D… the Past..
The Dead…
“Energy can not be Destroyed… Thus Dead and Death of this realities understanding had to be conquired…”

And then to L.I.V.E…

Vivian Lavey
Eshe Chuki Asale.. V.E…L.O..V.E… E V O L V E…

In my locker is the letter Sky Blue Letter P magnet
which I have found in Locker 3002… 32…Yes Arrival New York 3-20-2001…
But I arrived really 12-23-24-1999… With Jon..

So When I saw the locker two days ago and saw what my Natural Art Installation had created using Beauty, Spatial management, Time, Colors had formed…
I did not even bother to read it I could see it showed two Dimension Three…
And the Last Dimension is Headed with the Letter P.. E.P..
And then one before it with N… E.N…Devi…Clara… E.N.D…C…
E..N.G… (England where I was Born)..E Is N.G…147 Sacred Portal AB…”Emmy”. My Past… since then I moved to 14+7= 21…
Arrival 3-20-2001…21… But for a play called Nicholas…
“Nicholas means “Victory of the People”
And the “People” Required a Champion a Representative which I would not ever volunteer for…
But could be tricked into because I loathe Injustice and Bullies…
Especially Energetic of Spirit ones…. Who take others Energy and destroy peoples spirits…
Even with my body in chaos I do not back down..

And I trained my body so that if I absolutely have to, I could confront the physical bullies…
The I.P man is really in me..
Supreme Sensie… But he has not merged with me ..yet… along with all his abilities… mine actually of not only this life time but all life times right to the black panther Death who I saw emerge two nights ago…
The true meaning of Danger.. the True Beautiful Devil who smiles laughs while stalking his prey who has no clue that he or she is about to face true true destruction…
But that is because they were and are too stupid to ignore the warning sighs.. signs.. or when I begin to start singing and humming..
I always give transparent clues…

6:08 p.m.

But people have this ridiculous notion that they call the shots…
That if you do not come out to fight them, which most do not do do… they just stand there hurtling insults at each other afraid to strike the first blow because they loose their beds…
They are trying to set you up to loose your bed…
But.. it is so ridiculous and petty..
They use cunning.. malice Gossip…
But they do not call the shoots..

And only if you rise to that bait… because you are concerned about what the men… the Homeless men who are being treated like Mentally deficient babies.. grown men in their 30-50’s…

No, I saw the real Emeka two nights ago and understood as I stood outside, only Chase (White) and Emmanuel outside…
I saw it appear in me and outside of me in my third eye..
And I understood how he and I were one in intimate detail..
How we hunted, stalked and set up our prey and then..
Appeared as Fury so Quite so Chillingly Beautiful in its righteous Anger…

It is Existential Death Alive….

And so, I saw no face book friend requests and looked out at the snow storm.. and saw the state of my bodies tiredness and decided to sleep..
Then I saw Nicholas Petcher message and asked him not to post on my page without my permission..
And then heard him speak about Apollo…
Apollo Perez.. A.P… 1 16… I smiled…
And Apollo responded… to my expression about what protects him..
To which he replied “I thought only God Protects people”

To which I had responded have you ever met God, and if you have not, what if he is undercover right in front of you and has come to check your Truth.. Because Gods name is Truth, and what if he sees the Truth of the betrayal of his Word to you for Money..
His Revelations which he revealed to you which you betrayed…
Edward Eceinco delivered the message of his revelations..
So did Anamla Quayin,
So did Ana Leonardo Caixas,
So did Vivian Lavey…
Orien Laplante..
Lord Li..
Sarah Nkem Blackstock
Ikhlas Shah
Angela Marie Alexander
Johnny Larkin…
( Sarah Lagrange.. where is Johnny…? )
Fritz Venneiq
Ezeufonna Ifennanna Nnaemeka
Nenad M. Djurdjevic…
Kerwyn Vincent testified…
Dewight Smith came and “Wowed”
Jon Blackwell..

While others played it safe…
And told me privately….
But denied publicly by their complicit silence….

No, I told him that if I were God and I had set him up transparently.. Told him the Truth but he decides not to believe that that Force Nnamdi God.. 7th Note and the 1st…
1-7-1 is speaking through me Literally and pissing me the Hell off using my body talk to Its Past….
And you use his page instead to search for money..
On the page of someone who is living in the “Richest” country in the World…or so it is claimed..
Where all other immigrants or people come to make money..
Come to the greatest city in the World to make money and not be a well qualified man who follows that Path of Truth, to a Homeless Shelter…
Despite the ridicule and mockery and the abandonment of Family Friends and all those he met and delivered the message he placed in that role to deliver the message to….
Despite his public outrage of such a role .. in this DAY AND Age…
Then presents Evidence Facts.. Works so hard to explain and deliver the message while at the same time, indifferent to thier disbelief.. knowing it advance.. their denial and betrayal..
Because after all he is the ultimate Awareness.. Seer…
and his Twin aspects are Devi and Clara… The Sum Total of the “D.E..A.D” Who are now transformed stripped of bodies.. and are now Truth…
And She is the Dawn Piercy.. The Clarity of Dawn that pierces through all Dark Matters..
Dark thoughts…

I felt no Malice with David Dawn…

He spoke three time loudly on the phone…
He normally does not do this..
He is actually sweet and funny underneath all the Gangsta I talk.. no that is real.. but that was not the intention…
There was no rage in any of us…
He told me “Do not start you Shenanigans again…

*secret or dishonest activity or maneuvering.
“widespread financial shenanigans had ruined the fortunes of many”
silly or high-spirited behavior; mischief”

Who uses that word…

Then he indicated that which I already was sensitive too, was that I was polite to Frances Frick, whom he had threatened to punch in the face…
And since he was now in the minority with the arrival of Sumler whom he refused to talk to..
And whom I like..who is a Pot head but thats it.. and 23 years old!
I understood…
But I just burst out laughing…

He called us Drug Dealers…

It was his fears and he was calling out racial fears.. first to the Caucasian then to me, and him because of Fear…
That was the play..
And when it escalated to his leaving the room but vocalizing it to the Security and loudly so that all could hear…
And his threats… I came outside and saw…
His play…
Poisoning the Air…


He must think everyone is a fool here.. and perhaps plenty of them act that way.. but when I see people leave here.. I do not see any of them calling or coming back to visit…

Everyone here is an Individual…
One thing is what they say aloud…
obeying gangsta laws…
But there is another thing about what is inside..

I saw Davids Roman Nicholas avatar of Devi “Jay” Nnamdi.. Nicholas…
I had a friend called Nicky who father was a chief Justice who had been so terrified of being found out as being gay ( it was pretty obvious) that he used me to deflect the rumors…
And the name Nicky has followed me like a Shadow especially how I got to New York… Two 500 usd gifts 55 twice given to me to come to New York…
Nicky Levine…And I spoke with David Campilio atfor the first time through Nickys portal Restaraunt…

To bring the End…
The End is not my Mother…Cecilia… that is the beginning when man was blind and had to feel his way through… touch things to recognize things.. Animals with Supernatural Gifts.. Sixth Sense…
That was and Is the Begining how Clarity Light C.. Sight Arose from Sixth Sense Recognizing objects in its Environments..
There was no Darkness.. or Blackness.. or literal physical blindness..
It was the beginning of Existence in Creation….
Recognition brings Identification Awareness… Consciousness
aligned to Being and Doing… Expression to Embodiment – Fact…Consciousness Full Circle First Contact…
F.C.. 3 6… Chase B.. 3 2…
The Bed I occuppied for Nnamdi Noni… David Clara..
Kerwyn Vincent K.V…11 22 Was born in house number 302… 32…

This was not my story.. nor my role..
But there logic was since I am born into this world..
“Their Play” that i was of the people and thus, recruited- drafted


7:01 p.m

Army of Angels…

A messenger of Light… Clarity.. yes.. that is what I was used for in the most private and deep deep deep undercover role.. J.B.. James Bond 007… Twice… 007..007… and thrice… for N..14… N..Nnamdi…
Nature… 0014… 7+7+14…28…H.B…The Human Body…
The Body is Truth, it reveals all.. including who is really afraid of who…

Only Cowards would take advantage of a person who has a serious body condition and then who says he does not go out into the Street to Fight on your terms.. Knowing that the person is aware of this and thus, believe they can take liberties and bully…
All the while manuvering the person out because they are afraid of them…
7:06 p.m

Which is how Co-operate America and the Industrialized world works…

He, said I should go back to the third World…
And other expressions…

All the while, I was observing a play set up by Devi Death… Dead And Death… in which the Vessel was insignificant…
He was simply a tool to get me to get out of the room and activate this…

As I went down the steps, I saw him coming up. he had that David Cheeky Smile on his Face….

There was no iota of disturbance in me…
Not through all the confrontations, which told me that it was a play.. because if not there would be some Anger some passion something..
But I had felt nothing only a quiet fright at the play being allowed to go this far…

And so when I saw the Black Panther crawling around my consciousness…
My true Rage that had first manifested when I had found the Truth I rose with Distorted and as I transformed it… I became the Ultimate Blue… the Black… the Water of Life taken form..
Awareness Supreme…
First Angel of Death…. F.A..O.D…
The one who can make you F.A.D.E….Out of Existence…
Fade slowly… so you can have time to see the reason why the pain the horror is so terrible, the way you are being taken out..
So you can see the reason the balance the justice the cause and effect and at the last moment transform into understand that first
Light you once were and all that Beauty comes to you..
Everything you really are.. could have been..
The Regret the Desire… D.R…R.D

And at that moment you cease to Exist…

See no mess…

No need for an Existential Portal of Death…
This was established in the very beginning of Existence Creation..

This process and way was not necessary…

7:16 p.m.

But this was not my play…
This was the Play of Devi Devoted and Lady Clara Star Child….C.S.C….

The Supremes…

Yes Neil P of bed 19 Room A…B.R.C….

Neil means “Cloud.. Champion…Passionate”

See the Share of the Book… With Star Dust…

See the Share from Micheal Epps… M.E..

“Love Comes Naturally…
Hatred is Learned…”

It shows two kids.. One Blond and one Brown…Black…
Caucasian Afro… C.A.. Room 3 A…
Who love each each other Naturally…

Now imagine these two being the Two Divine examples of both Species…
Who have devoted so much time to Hating Each other…
Their Symbol of Man hood all the Best in their Species..
Their Champions…

Who become Lovers…

And The Men… but then the Rage of Women at what they think is their rejection by these two who do not choose one of them but each other..

This was Davids Fear when I met him in 2002..
The Worlds Response…
Which I thought first of all ridiculous…
( They all desire to explore that.. I checked men.. and women its just they thought that they were not worthy of a love like that and this might have reinforced it.. if it were not the Literal Awakening…
Coming back to yours Senses…and Sensies)

But I also knew that not only was it non of their God Damn Business..
But our Lady would be arriving also….

And that this would happen not just for us…
But for all our Family.. All the New Species…

It happens Naturally…
Evolution of Consciousness.. Being…

And everything and everyone one else becomes extinct….

7:31 p.m.

All this was a product of Assuming what people are projecting outside..
But that is not who they are…
It is what is Inside which used to count…

But now, no. what you are inside must be aligned with what is inside…
E.E.. Expression Quiet and Expression Vocal…
Must be one…
This way no doubt…
Silence becomes Sound…
And the S.S… Merge & forming a Link.. and an 8…Link…
19 19… 38-83…. 11…1…2…1…Its all 1.. Expression…
E.. There is no D… No 4.. Not Heart Chakra..

All is 1…E…
One Expression…

Art Satire Book..

Awareness Supreme Being…

Alexander Steven Beauty….

7:37 p.m.

Who cares what Illusions Think…?

But only what your Truth reflects on U.S…
That projection we Respond to…

And like the Tall Big Cool Black Cat…

We set you up in the way you think you were so masterful in setting us up…
And we show you a lesson about Supremacy of Truth…


of G.O.D….Response….


Boom E Rang…

7:40 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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