
1/7/2016 15:42 – Facebook Post

From Yeshua Sananda Daitenku

Yes Yo Da Man..

And believe me he is serious…
I went through that training..literally…

…forced to.
..though I put up a hell of a fight..
I like my creature comforts..
but yes, I had to battle and clean up my Ego..
not that it was ever false, it just had to grow up
from a shadow, to transparency, to a river and finally,
a reflective mind peering at the full circle- pool of my Expression and reflections..until slowly I could see my self true..
And then suddenly an Epiphany,
an Evanescent Light
Reflected on the Sum Total of my Pool- now an Ocean of Reflection and a Ring of Solid Truth as Land, to frame it…

…My true face reflecting back at me
then It..(I..?), rose from that pool..
stood in front of me and said
“Brother…Beloved, we are now one”

And from that pool one after the other
a line of them emerged Beautiful, beautiful beings- all from the stream purified, which created this Pool, now a Vast ocean of my reflections..
Fresh Clean transparent..Beautiful, Beautiful Solid Bodies and Beings…
Each saying “Brother, Beloved…We are the now one”

And Yoda came out last…
Completely transformed, into Beautiful Youth a Lady and a Gentle Man..
My Sensie, my E-spirit, my Self Mastery Character and personality had now become a literal Being of Two.. who had been one..

Who grinned wickedly at me…
Smiling his greeting “Yo Da Man..”
I am the Beautiful Truth manifested in physical form..
Lucifer Lucy..
your I.D.

2:42 p.m.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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