
1-6 – A F. – Its getting closer a

A F.

Its getting closer and closer…

The proof yesterday that Nothing is wrong with me.

The Spasms- literally like I am in Guantanamo bay at an Army Facility which I code over and over again while entering the shelter system, then Delta Manor. Delta * instead of Delta H. Sacred Porta; 48.

Being a Channel,
A Medium.

18 years of this non-stop- It is so debilitating that for years when it first started I was sure I would be locked up and experimented upon.

The Horror and Nightmare of this were that no one would listen.

That as a Channel for the sum…
That why I came to Facebook instigated by Evan ALexander Judson and his friend on Dec 21-2011- who urged me to come to Facebook, stated there were these special beings Evolving who were in hiding and others being experimented on.

When I started to Stephen Johnson that we are not equal or that I have endured the Sum Total of Human Suffering past to the present.
To Bellvue Hospital- as in I never went there as its correct code is Belle VUE Harmony H B- * Haris Babic it was the nightmare of being a medium and channel to what was being done to the Evolution Awakening “Off the Radar”

Experiencing it all-knowing it was not really for me- but the actual facts of what was actually being done to the Human Illusions trying to rise to H B
Visions confirmed by Al Sanatana right up to Liberty C Liscomb children but Aurelia had managed to escape.

The Nightmare was not simply enduring it by “Remote Viewing, E SP. Feelings Frequencies and it mirroring here as in Kim Arthur Hinds Jr being discharged from the Armony after what 5, 5 and half years and thus in the mirror I am experiencing in my reality like South Whitney Army.

David Bronw at the Shelter,
Manny Baron William Morris looking for David Brown who was hiding from the C I A in the shelter… through all that I was channeling up to Fritz Venneiq recognizing I am a medium when his dead uncle rose in my body took it over which is perhaps actually affected Fritz the most and his return to Montgo Bay because just as Geoff Lacour who met Fritz, he tested me. They both did.
No, that was not the nightmare, the Nightmare was having to channel this and post it to you and your response.

Despite everything, all the evidence facts
that it is real fact.

and you could read see and know it was a fact that.
It was your response.
Apathy, distance,, cruelty in blocking it out.

I was not for me, I could handle the Horror of feeling it, experiencing and then quickly coding it, solving it and the Dream made real for the people being put through this as we speak them and the …

1:10 am

Anyway, what’s the point of explaining.


Now you understand our.. and m absolute contempt for Humanity.

It was never about me, it was about why I was used as a Channel Transfomer Medium. The S O S that was real from the Youth and Children here present right to the past.

You knew.

1:13 pm.

And I witnessed your response.

All about you.

1:14 pm

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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