
1/6/2021 23:55 – Facebook Post

5:22 pm.

A-F-T B A.


Harmony proven brings manifestation.

Truth brings manifestation, and this is where we are.

I am aware that many people, especially those on the highest frequencies are going through really tough times: I know this because the moment E M F stopped financing myself as well as helping Kim- well I said no more because his expression made me so no, but it was in harmony with the play, and so when I came here, the first thing I told Kim, was that we are now in the last aspect of the play of Being Lack- Black.

Meaning that I was aware that this last play would be the play of creating Beings and Bodies of Lack. Which had to be equated and recalibrated back to B LA C.K.. E/ E..KC A. LB Light Bringer.
K C and the Sunshine Band.

This is the Material Realm and it is the realm of Manifestation or the End result of Expression=Energy.

Because this is, and according to this realities lore, the end play would belong to Baphomet or the Beautiful Devil.
And is Money the Source of evil or is it People?
Money as we know it is a medium of exchange and thus a measuring rod of the flow of Energy which is of course derived from Expression.
Thus, EXpression ( symmetrical perfect and beautiful is the true source of money Harmony Infinity .. Fair Exchange)
And we all know what happens even within this History Culture, and current reality, the cause, and effect of not maintaining this balance of fair exchange.
Greed, Selfishness Avarice, imbalance witnessed all over the world right at this moment.
A condition that has plagued humanity throughout time blossoming in that photograph of the starving child and the vulture waiting.
This is not only in Africa but in every country in the world including the USA, and all attempts, no matter how heroic and well-intentioned to address and correct this imbalance has only failed because of this nature of Avarice and greed in humanity has taken precedent of even the good people, who with all their good intentions, especially in the west, meant to be the world leaders. United Nations has failed because of this ( and no it is not innate, it is a choice and a willingly absorbed program).
“Good people as long as they have enough will enjoy playing at being Philanthropists and charitable but the moment they are placed in a position of lack, another more true and honest but hideous nature takes over.

The economic structure of the entire world systems is based now on this hideous nature, which has reached this peak point, so bad, so terrible to witness that many of the clean and true have given into despair.

For there were communities and individuals all over the world and throughout history, fighting to redress this issue, but were overwhelmed by the Greed of the people to have that which they believed they were entitled to, despite being Good when they had little, but the moment that the chance was given to them to have wealth and do as they promised to “God” they gave in to that greed and self-entitlement.
It was not a flaw in the Creators creation, this I was made to prove, and we all know that planet earth has abundant resources to feed the entire planet population but unlike the equation of E= CMe4/3 and the search of an Infinite Energy Source self-regenerating, the earth has to be worked, tilled, and all potential as nature requires an action of man or animal or insect- even micro bacteria and cells. It requires a catalyst.

In this last case, that role was given to Humanity and once he- she was able to organize this by understanding the foundation that and ease and effort of a planet able to always bear fruit and of the understanding of the nature of ecology, purpose, and function, building blacks, supply, and demand, distribution with nature as the teacher, then the species could reach, attain “Noah” Rest and Relaxation by having now attained the understanding and this the equation of Infinite Energy Source ( Beautiful Expression) which would allow the entire species to have infinite more leisure time, to play and focus on other things than food, shelter, etc…

Yes, a Utopia which many great minds and societies, especially the OINri people had understood.

People did try, not the Good people who had good intentions which when put in the spot became a lie even to their own self-disappointment, but the beautiful natural human beings each carrying their own traumas which they transformed into Gold by putting their money where their mouths were and fighting to equal the playing field.
I do not believe in the poor, there is no such thing- see children who have nothing, inventing ways to amuse themselves and celebrate life.
I have met the poor and they are often much much worse than the rich in their resentment and anger and self-entitlement self agrandizment.
No, I encountered the poor in spirit. Miserly Mr and Mrs scrooges and this was in every level of society but more with the ones who felt that they were owed.

No, I read about these heroes and sighed with sadness at their efforts being overshadowed by that Avarice Greed, and no longer could excuse it with the fear of lack.
It was laziness and greed.

Only the transformation of consciousness and weeding out that things called human greed, at the expense of others, the ones who felt superior, invented excuses to justify their greed and right to maintain the constant imbalance at the price and cost of others.
That by the age of 23, I knew was the case.

There was always the problem of human mentality/
The Hypocrisy of saying “I would never do that, become like that… I just want the basics.. but we all know that scenario and how it turns out.
And those few who were actually satisfied, or those who deserved much more for what they contributed to the evolution and refinement of the species…
The injustice and imbalance of which even if they were content, it was not fair, and their children and admirers began to see the truth.
life is not fair.

But true life is… in nature in human bodies there is a balance there is Beauty.
The truth is that it is you who are not fair despite being created that way and it least almost to you before you become… most unfair

Each man or woman, in the end, decides I can not help the world but I can help my family and thus, they learned to put sunglasses on, earplugs on, because there is no solution.

I felt that each person can contribute to something they believed in, something worth while, that would go a long way.

It’s true I do not understand billionaires, most of whom could do so much more and have so much more fun doing it, but I have also witnessed some beautiful ones, not afraid of sharing it all, once they made it.. and their point.
The test and check which goes back historically, everywhere, Christ was a Pauper, and if you recall the fact that he got his disciples from working men, fishermen who gave everything up to follow him.

The Devil and his test with money, this story of the human Ego and money, the fear of being taken care of by Faith trust and knowing versus that fear of not being taken care of, not having enough is in every human story from past to present.

The Materialistic nature, capitalism which has overthrown every other system, because in the end, this is what humanity began to rely on. -Not each other, but on Money as God.

Why is it that people who know how to farm, how to make their food, clothes, everything they have, have been moved, herded into a system of which people are made slaves, servants, serfs, coolies, treated as if they were nothing, their dignity stripped from them violently, raped, and their heroic bid to hold onto it for Dignity is True Life.
Instead, it is taken away, sense of self, everything if they did not have money?

But truly, can anyone really take away your Dignity, and Lord knows you all know that I can say that because Esteban financed me for a year but I have been in the USA for more than 18 years before I met him.
I was never dependent on him, i was dependent on myself and my expression, its value… and a Guide Father who made sure which person, direction, and move I must make to figure out where he had created the opening for where I was to sleep eat rest and do, in order to exist but which of course became an obvious bread crumb trail to solve into existence his desire her desire to bring and prove Harmony of Creation and Existence, it had little to do with you and yet everything.

Why was I brought to the U S A, I who attained the apex and threshold of immense wealth again and again was tested, at those moments when all the comforts, wealth, fame.. all the wonderful things I had intended to do with my wealth, was snatched away when I chose to honor the truth of the E Consciousness and way of being.

I love having the comforts of wealth but my wealth is not measured in making myself less of I am for money, status, prestige.

Jon told me before I came to New York that my journey and last stage would be the journey of walking through poverty, I had no intention of doing so and even saw myself walking the streets of New York, in a vision and I had nothing- nothing – I was not afraid of that, but questioned why I had to go through that, for what purpose, what did it serve?

I the lover of Life, it Joie De Vivre being told I must do a journey of poverty of the Human E-Spirt manifested into an almost 20 years experience of surmounting the people as they themselves te source of Pain misery and suffering?
That was insane.
If they wished to live that way, that was thier choice, and right me? I intented to exist between the lines of this reality and forge a path of Joy no matter what life throws and me… but not a scripted passage of what was the jealous ones.

I knew how to work, how to contribute to society while still upholding the truth of the E Consciousness.
I refused to come to the United States to enter into such a play and script where my wealth and means of living with the security of my own ability to earn my own way would be taken away to prove what?
To prove that one money does not rule me, or us, that there is presence which takes care of us, that we should not fear when we have that knowledge of the presence in us, and our own truth and way of being as Naturals evolving to the E can take care of us?
But why must we endure that to prove what?

19 years, I have lived that nightmare and it was only a nightmare because of how people treated me, were so angry with me, that with all my gifts and talents, I did not have to live that way.
My grandfather was a multi-millionaire and left me an inheritance which I never fought for because of my biological family and the horrors which took place in the family after I left, all because of money.
I took nothing, asked for nothing, not because I disdained money of wealth, but because I knew I could earn my own money myself, and did not wish to be beholden to anyone because they gave me money which I did not really earn.

I do not like this mone play, its use as a test, I understand the anxiety it creates, I understand the requirement for it in the modern world, but not this insanity of what has taken over the modern world.

6:12 pm.
E Arden
Fraternity Lightness

I knew we can trust in ourselves, in our own ingenuity, and in our own bodies and minds able to create. And yes, it is hard, yes, I felt it insane that I was brought to the Materialistic Capital of the world and everything was taken away that first day, and everything else, but I still worked on jobs, even a bicycle messenger at one point while my manager sought to exploit my work and while I worked quietly on the codes and sought the E family… only to discover that I was in a script.
Its is insane to come to a country and be forced to stay here and live without I.D. or a portfolio and believe me, i did everything to not be in that situation, even try to leave the country…
And when my condition no longer allowed me to work, and I had no support network because all the people so sure I would be famous, a Golden boy abandoned me because of this mission script I found myself on, I did not become a different person, money did not define me or this illusion called “lack”.

I never stopped earning my keep, while at the same time dealing with the unbelievable circumstances I found myself in, a script which intentionally had created Lack for me forced me to solve the riddles of human existence and align them to the Beautiful truth of existence, that “Being, having a personality, energy, sunshine state, lrycial conversation, seeing peoples hearts, and beautiful truth despite what the so-called lack of money did to them, the lack of power, self-worth, self-value because they defined themselves by that which society had defined as worth.
But you all know this, and yet why is it that there is hardly anyone I have met but so few, who have not been traumatized by money or lack of it, driving then to a most monstrous and demonic nature, and behaviour?
The threat of its Lack,there not being enough, and a system where you have enough, but which moved people to greed.

It is like this all over the world, but here, is truly a sickness, and that sickness spread throughout the world. And has been in incubation since the beginning of civilization.
But now, it has exploded into a plague…

Through the years, people who I worked with transformed their lives, by working with them when I could no longer work, working with them, on their lives, jobs careers, would turn around after they got what they wanted, or wanted to keep me like their energetic slave, by making sure that I never had enough to be independent of them, would turn around and call me names spread rumors that I am leeching off of them despite each of them knowing the truth, that I did not need them, people even began to comment that they should be paying for me to live with these people.

Esteban’s Miquel Filgerueria expression to me here, in front of John Mack, Mackyala, to Jae Sherman asking if I had every contributed anything monetary to this house, rent etc… and his her reply “He helps me with my mental health”
Is this not the summation, and in perfect harmony of the 19 plus years in New York, 64 portals?
There is no one who did not bring out that card in the end, no one.
At least Esteban in his fury and the true reason he was so angry with me, recalled how much I did and had contributed and what was done to my life working day and night with no relief on solving this riddles and doing my best for everyone brought to me, ( can you do it? Live and do what i did and not have gone mad, insane killed and murdered all these people whom you already knew from the past story that they would betray the very truth which saved thier lives?) and at least Esteban had acknowledged what I had done for him personally to Jae/

I understood him, them Your the Source, so when is your wealth coming when does the good times come.
How many times could I remind them that it was when you were ready that this is not my will or play?
She had said that she did not understand why people would offer things to others from their heart then come back and use it against them… I certainly did.
It was because of the very reason I did not wish to do this journey, it was not because of the so-called poverty. I never ever truly lacked anything, in the last 19 years, but what I resented was that I was being treated like a schoolboy by the universe, given pocket money, just enough to continue the play. In fact Esteban offered me, the only one and once Liberty, th emeans to escape, to have money enough to leave, but its also Covid 19 everywhere, and my body had reached a point of no longer even being able to travel with ease and how would it respond to people rise up and move me and shout “Aya!” and sounds and motions which would cause people now to what…?

And not given fair Value or what I was owed, according to the laws?

I had earned enough to have my own home house, estate, island- A fair Exchange in his realm and or the value of what I had given… And as a businessman even here, I was aware of not only how people short-changed me, ( like this Facebook page shows, knowledge for free, but give nothing in return, because I am the idiot who does not know his worth and how I am ignored for the last 9 years by most, when I call out that I have this condition which is literally evolution awakening and had to endure such hardships and surmount them to prove what people already knew, my worth, and my right to be supported because it was for the benefit of all of you.
I have had to hide my utter contempt and disdain for the public here and this mentality i see on Facebook, with politeness, laughter and smiles because they you would not hear te truth in my post and heart, all ignored.
i still had to focus on your beautiful truth, after all, I would not be in this situation if it was not this script and will, I have had to prove ( incredulously to me at first) that it was all intended for me to endure this, go through this to prove the evolution of consciousness.
No, you did not place me in this situation, another will did, and it did it for you, but also so that I could experience for myself the truth of this current age.

Kill them all!
K T A/ A T E K!

That is my stance,
I made no secret of it and my will intent purpose and reason which all my energy is directed towards as well as the answer as to why. Documenting it through each post portal person set up the situation and the person I was set up to interact with, making it clear as to why ( except for the ones in natural harmony)
That stance will never budge,
“kill them all and let the few naturals evolve” now, only the E K, let that be the bar, the cut off mark be proof of your Eternal Knowing and your judgment be your actions and response and no more cheating by my being forced to come to you, tag you, ask you, remind you.

I have been on this stage for far too long.
Filling the Gap of what was meant to have manifested in 2012.
what use do I have of the 2013 33 6 equation when 5 as E moves Everything and Everything is Sixth sense 5 6. 11 1 11 2

56 +x 11 30… 41 D A … E.
E A D. After Death.

The truth of humanity, the cruelty they have become, the blackness of their hearts, the greed selfishness, and hypocrisy and you all created from Beautiful Expression from out the Blue ( rise Breath.. Umeano.. Wind air Arden, ) which were created beautiful, ( and i have proven in all i was sent to, all i encountred that Beautiful Truth in you is, was still there right to Nancy Ako and the Neil Armstrong post of yesterday.
And that which you transformed into what? Veiled Malice Jealousy; of Greed, need… fear? No not fear, its a sense of self entitlement, laziness… indifference.

We are not Perfect.

But what will you do now, that i have proven through such a script of 32 years, that you are Perfect and that two-line right here present from Arden -Aurelia Kim to Jeron Satya Serenity Stephen Johnson has proven this outside of my assertion.
“Attained Perfection”

Nadee Nandela “He is Authoring Harmony”

Oh, you became impatient?
It’s taking too long?
Did you get bored with my coding all of you?
Welcome, to the Hells Kitchen and nightmare of my existence, night and day in full awareness for 31 years.

Of course it made sense that Father Brother Sum whished me to see and experience this for myself… And what I have experienced witnessed documented while solving His Her Riddles is a poisonus toxic species who betray everything honorable and noble in themselvs in a blink of an eye once money, securty is taken away.

I walked the streets for you, went to a shelter, lived through 64 portals to prove the truth of my “Father Guide…. Emanual Nnamdi…
That he, she was always here present but because of your focus on need, and comparing yourself with others, competing, and a system which capitalized on this mentality and abomination of what the species has become, capitalized on it and created a society of absolute wealth and power, who saw humanity as creatures worse than fecal matter, and who made a plan to enslave humanity and Purge, vaccinate them into extinction or use them as resources seeing them, you as worse than animals…
I had to agree.

I understood their point of view, they had used the survival of the fittest program and done whatever it took to get to the top. Murder kill, maim, manipulate, they used the tools that you the public who elected George Bush, Obama, and Trump- the tools you embraced over your beautiful truth and they emerged the Victors, top of the heap and their conclusion was the same as mine but yes in an alt version.

Kill them all, they are below our contempt, they are the Sheep diseased which we can not even use for food.

The E version is cleaner, clearer, give them a mirror and a choice, and see what they will choose, evolve the true, and exterminate the diseased. And believe me, what I have and had finally agreed to program is a fate and destination far, far worse that you Bill Gates, and all the others who have seen you true and despise humanity secretly, openly as they sit in the halls of power and secret societies.
Izan I Z A N.
Nnamdi Arden Zion & I.
Ignacio Campillo in Spain so so beloved to me who is David Campillios brother.
Ignatio of Betty.
I B AT E 001.

* Nazi
In this sense, the word Nazi was a hypocorism of the German male name Igna(t)z (itself a variation of the name Ignatius)—Igna(t)z being a common name at the time in Bavaria, ”

*Its meaning is sometimes associated with the Basque word izan, meaning “to be”.

*”Izaan is an uncommon Arabic name for boy’s meaning ‘obedience’ and ‘disciplined'”

It is that hauntingly beautiful call to prayer.. and the prayer and the call- Answer the call, that beautiful Expression, voice “To Be, ( T B) -obedience and self-disciplined is required.

And it is the most Beautiful Song, “Songe” Reflection ‘Ballad” Promenade.. Walk Stroll.

Ignacio ( I met and Obinna and Ignacio Choi I C- a Facebook friend at Alberts place and his girlfriends at the time Sandy at 268 East 4th Street.)

Ignacio is a male Spanish and Galician name originating either from the Roman family name Egnatius, meaning born from the fire, of Etruscan origin, or from the Latin name “Ignatius” from the word “Ignis” meaning “fire”.

Tame the Fire of your passion, to become a song-poem Rilke, Gibril, Rumi… Bard .. Poet … that is beautiful pride and the Soldiers of God-Truth.
Imagine Dragons – Lancelot Arthur Merlin Bacchus Beautiful Vivienne – meaning “Life”

Our truth is based on Eternal law and not some idea of Survival of the fittest.
E Law is Fair.
And as I observed day after day the response from this reality this world with Facebook friends from over 100 countries- each brought to my page by a will far greater than theirs, I see the truth glaring at me, the same truth Billy Hung saw, which so shocked him it began to unhinge him because he was a decent human being and the so-called Collective truth he saw and their response shock all his core beliefs of what the American movies seek to idealize of the values of humanity but which is the ultimate lie.

Read the book Enders Game, there are things in it which the film does not state… of course we know why.

No, of course, what else would humanity be tested with, if not Money, to see your truth.
Of course, it is the last stage of this play or graduation.
And the reason why World War Z became the confirmed script of those left behind but no grace was given which had been initially planned.

I am aware of the absolute insult of being placed in such a position by …
7:04 pm
GOD as nature?
And its absolute contempt for what it thought was Man as Creation. ( you have no idea how much this force loathed the Human Species… Nor do I blame it) But i had to prove that this is not humanity, this is not the Creation of my Father Brother Son, that the true Naturals are noble and they do trust in in the truth within them, but the rest… they were never even meant to exist.

No, it makes sense that the last play of the tunnel of Love, Dark Matter, Delta Manor full Circle would use money.

And provide you with Evidence from the 1st age to the Age of Aquarius to Facts Reason LOgic and Common sense and still you In God we Trust would still equate to the lie, the illusion despite everything done to me and my line to bring you back to your senses.

But nothing can aid that which never existed.

Only that which exists can evolve, and that is what true Human Beings do, they recognize the value and supports all those who have those traits.
Unlike most, Kim did not invite me int his home to use me, or for some need, or because he felt i was a wizard who could grant him his wishes, as long as he was nice and polite to me.
No, he invited me here, and I recall his precise words, it is because he knew me watched how people came to me over and over again out of need, he had watched me, endure code, post, and even correct him while explaining that each was in a script of rising to universal sensie and he had watched seen waht was said behind my back, watche as a noble-man was treated, who had never lied.
And he saw how I was treated at 29 Lincoln Street when all these people set me up, afraid that I would not leave Esteban’s grandmother’s house.

But where is he, why does he not call, offer support, rise up and make an action of that Love he was coded to be…?
Ah, where is truth except in being present here and now in actions and deed?
Kim watched Chris Filgeruia and all the ones he saw my work with and their response.
He had experienced being asked to leave and have no place to go, but bags out on the streets.

he had been horrified but not very surprised, that is why Kim had invited me here, and had not realized that the whole time that he felt protective but said little to express what he really was seeing and hearing what he felt was my being too much of a jolly fellow, that I saw it all.
After all, I came to Connecticut as the Black Panther with the intent to destroy.

The only thing which held up this was the original script sought its completion which is the evolution of man to Completion of Wu-man.

I have a forked tongue- it creates two directions.
For far too long you have felt yourselves the Superior species and held onto that notion that how you see things, decide how things are is how it is and must be.
Whom am I to dissuade you from your self-delusions, or persuade you to see the beauty and the ugly truth or by which authority I speak to you all in such a way? or this notion that I post each day for your benefit.

I am the person who was brought to a stage to simply announce the end of the world, and reveal the curtain and walk away- but instead was left on the stage for 8 long long years filling the gap until that Truth appeared on the Screen.

I only came here to Destroy.
Hence, Black Panther, I made that abundantly clear but was left on the world stage because the Manifestation was delayed and so I had to became the entertainment and had to fill the gap and I filled it with the Beautiful Truth and The true facts being as entertaining as a story teller could be, looking to the sidelines wondering why the hold-up, until I realized that was the plan all along, to make me fill the gap of the delay.
The Delay was part of the play.
How I would fill the Gap…
Tell a story, enact it, give depth expanded,d and volume reason as to why this realm is ending and why those who rose, in the beginning, are the exact same ones who rise in the end.

Yes, your willingness to help support the truth was expected that is why the money codes as you may have noticed, were aligned to only very few of you- the ones who were designated.

And the most vile, who send you messages…”We Love you” who you save their existences, and who when asked give nothing in return but the excuse “after my Bills”

Yes, there is a Bill- I have coded that line to pay.

I bet you Everything that my Curse to this realm and the worst to such as they, will manifest.

At 15 37 Facebook Friends.

Yes, see sacred portal 15 and 37.

It’s 7:37 pm. right now.

Ayeni Idowu Muiyiwa.

A I M…. Fire!
Ignacio Campillo. I C! I C E.K
M I A. for those Missing In Action… Who did no action to support the E Consciousness or Evolution Awakening.

*” Mia means “Ocean Goddess” or “Queen”; it can also mean “guardian of justice”.

Yes, Ocean 8 11 12 13…

Ayeni… / IN E YA. / A YE-N. I.

*”According to a user from Georgia, U.S., the name Ayeni is of African origin and means “People that are very accommodated”. A submission from Nigeria says the name Ayeni means “People that very accommodated” and is of African origin.”

Yes, I was forced by Nnamdi evolving to E and Eternal Knowing, to accommodate the people in this play.
Despite being aware that those who rose in the Begining would be full circle the ones to rise in the end, and that these are presented in conclusion by 5 and 3 lines of people as the All.
E A: A E K P E.

*”Ayeni is a Nigerian name, a Yoruba name to be precise. “Ayeni means someone that is ever ready to be there for his friends. He loves to rejoice with people around him”

Idowo I DO WO -MAN.

*Owo means A user from Colorado, U.S. says the name Owo means “A horrible sign”.

Before I complete the name meaning, I feel it is pertinent, considering the prominence of the Ile Ife Ifa oracle, and Voodoo and West Africa as the true power behind this play Nri Igbo and Yoruba that I add this scholarship of Owo.
Recollecting that Voodun was the first religion in the world.
Science of Vibrations.

( Link Nnamdi Azikwe first President of Nigeria and Statesman Chief Obafemi Awolowo)

*”Owo is a Local Government Area in Ondo State, Nigeria. Between 1400 and 1600 AD, it was the capital of a Yoruba city-state.”

*”In their oral tradition, Owo traces its origins back to the ancient city of Ile-Ife, the cradle of Yoruba culture.[1] Oral tradition also claims that the founders were the sons of the Yoruba deity Odudua, who was the first ruler of Ile-Ife. The early art-historical and archaeological records reinforce these strong affiliations with Ife culture.[1] Owo was able to maintain virtual independence from the neighboring kingdom of Benin, but was on occasion required to give tribute.[2] The transmission of courtly culture flowed in both directions between the Benin and the Owo kingdoms. The skill of Owo’s ivory carvers was also appreciated at the court of Benin. During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, Benin’s rulers increasingly utilized insignia made from ivory, and imported Owo’s art objects and recruited its artisans for their own royal workshops.[3]”

Yes, that famous Ivory Mask.
Ivory from Elephant Tusks.
Elephants represent Memory, Donosaurs and “Elephants never forget.”


*”Owo has the largest palace (Aghofen) in Africa which was declared a national monument by the federal government. The Olowo Palace had as many as 100 courtyards (Ugha). Each courtyard had a specific function and was dedicated to a particular deity. The largest, said to have been twice the size of an American football field, was used for public assemblies and festivals. Some courtyards were paved with quartz pebbles or broken pottery. Pillars supporting the veranda roofs were carved with statues of the king mounted on a horse or shown with his senior wife”

And the name Idowo.

Its means “This name derives from the African (Yorùbá) “ido wú”, meaning “born after twins”. The more literal meaning may be “addition” or “increase,” from wú “to increase, to add”

In this script of Two men it would means the One became two, so he is both the 3rd as well as the first.

1 3/ 3 1.

Muyiwa means

“Olumuyiwa is a Nigerian name of Yoruba Origin meaning “God, Lord, or the prominent one brought this”

A.I M.
A.I Manifest.
Alpha Intelligence Man
Eternal Arden I Man/

* I was starring last night at a red-letter M which I had not realized I had cut out from some paper.
I was starring at it until I realized that it was M in red and was Manifestation. M=13. 12 months 13 months full Circle.

Summary, of the message via a name

“Yes the People as the full circle were accommodated, by the one who came after the twins- the 2 -1 of 1-2=3 C.
It is he, the Good Lord, the prominent one who brought this, the Gift of God as well as the Horrible Sign.
And Justice from the Ocean the one first See and Sea which covered the entire earth before Land mass came to be”.

Olukun/ NU-Kolo.

10:52 pm. J:E B.. I
10;54 pm. J E D… I
10;55 pm. J:E E= J A

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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