
1/6/2017 21:33 – Facebook Post

1/6/2017 21:33 – Facebook Post

4:47 p.m.


6-1-2017… 37…1..O

F.A.. A.O…

F.A… Alpha Omega.

1-6-2017… 37…10…1O…1 Full Circle…


P.A… Completed that play yesterday…

A.F.A….Meaning Hurricane in Polynesian… Hawaii is 50th State founded by Polynesians…

Means the “Great Forgiver, or Pardoner…” which does not apply in this Script…
But which does Align to the 50…and 5O..State…. Paradise and Eternity EO…


5:11 p.m.


Star Wars… 1977… Fact and Fiction

I thought I might briefly point out the codes…
Of the deaths of this Famous Mother Daughter…M.D
Who died one day apart…
12-12…22 78…

Age 84 and Age 60…

And the alignments to the code of the play

Carrie Frances Fisher (October 21, 1956 – December 27, 2016) was an American actress, writer, and humorist. Fisher was the daughter of Eddie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds. She was known for playing Princess Leia in the Star Wars film series.
Born: October 21, 1956, Beverly Hills, CA
Died: December 27, 2016, Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA
Height: 5? 1?
Parents: Debbie Reynolds, Eddie Fisher..

Mary Frances “Debbie” Reynolds was an American actress, singer, businesswoman, film historian, and humanitarian. Wikipedia
Born: April 1, 1932, El Paso, TX
Died: December 28, 2016, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA
Height: 5? 2?
Children: Carrie Fisher, Todd Fisher..

This is just a brief exercise in Facts and the Truth…

Star Wars was the first movie I watched when we just moved from Canada to Nigeria..
My Uncle Peter “The Rock”- brought it for his children.
I did not know the implications of what that movie would have on my life at the moment..
Or How I would live its factual enactment…
Right to A Star Bucks Cafe in Parkchester, replicating the truth of my own journey and Star Wars Journey across the Milky Way Galaxy while walking the Earth and this World….
With my E-Spirit represented by my younger brother as the Sum Total as the Past Expression as M.W 87.. As classified by NASA..
M.W. 78/87… Corrected by Myself.. As Fiction
But really M.W.69/96… Ying Yang and Dark Matter.. 96% Dark Matter..
While sleeping at Delta Manor.. Delta meaning 4…
96% +4…100…

Or the Journey which began in 1996 in a Restaurant called “The Collection” Where I met the True Sky Fall Representatives whom I recognized as Avatars from the E line Consciousness…
Jay and Tuan… J.T… Irish and Vietnamese…

* Jay means “Swift Victory” in Sanskrit and “Joy”..
Taun means “Goes Smoothly” and “Bright Intelligent Obedient…”

Little did I realize that for 20 years after meeting these two- after returning from Paris and the Experience of the Light in Dec 1992..
4 Years later… Delta..
That I would be collecting and walking literally with my Espirit Nnamdi through the Universe..
To Metropolitan Woods Avenue 1385 Star Bucks…
13 85… 13 13…
Aligning and Correcting the Ying Yanf from 69…to 15…Letter O..and then to 6, 6th Sense… then to the Letter and Name.. Fact Frances…
Meaning Frances.. “Free Person.. F.P…6 16..( 6+16..22..V)
and 6 7… 6th Sense to Fact and then Age of Vision… 7 Age of Aquarius… B-Eau Ti Full… Beau Di…
In a life and Death play of taking place literally in my Body to bring about the Cleansing of the Universal Body as Water Dew…
And then only after it was Witnessed…
Outside of me…
See Vivian Lavey…
Nenad M. Djurdjevic… True Vision experienced which he will share…
And then to the last enactment with Paul Franklin..
Literally meaning “Freedom of the Little People, the Humble, the Children… (Where are they these Humble Ones? The Elves and Fairies… Human Consciousness of the Bodies of Water… I met only illusions and reflections..Those whose water and Vision has been clouded and contaminated)..

Where are These Children of the Past…
The 4 who link to 96% Dark Matter?
Some one sent me 100 in money which came to 97.58 U.S.D..
Which if you look at Sacred portal 97…”Brain and Light of the Word”
And 58 “Spirited away the Correct way..”
Then cross reference it to the Script formed by this 27-28 years journey ( Yes Carrie and Mary “Debbie..27 28th Dec)
To Frances Frick in bed 4018…In the “Contained play of the End of the Star Wars movie…
Actually it is :Star Trek… that is the correct play…
4018….Is D.O.R… R is Robert… :Meaning “Famous Bright Shinning Light…” Which lit up the Dark Matter

6:09 p.m.

Or was it the other way?
But Dark Matter is Water- Dew – Potential…Kinetic.. Sine…Waves…Double V…VV A.V.E.S…

Frances Frick.. Fiction Aligns to Fact… FF…66…1 3- 3 1…6..
6:13 a.m…
Patrick Okolo 6 31 am/ 6;13 pm…
FF 66 is my established true birth code in the past..
Patrick Nenad both born 66…

One I saw in the Flesh and the Other Who Sees what I express even the E line he once testified as watchng this play….
And his vision of Ea Enki.. which Vivan was moved to post without being aware of the Play or what Nenad was experiencing and later described to me in a private text…

*”By weight, the average human adult male is approximately 70% water.[1][better source needed] [2][not in citation given] There can be considerable variation in body water percentage based on a number of factors like age, health, weight, and sex. In a large study of adults of all ages and both sexes, the adult human body averaged ~65% water. However, this varied substantially by age, sex, and adiposity (amount of fat in body composition). The figure for water fraction by weight in this sample was found to be 48 ±6% for females and 58 ±8% water for males.[3] The body water constitutes as much as 73% of the body weight of a newborn infant, whereas some obese people are as little as 45% water by weight.[2] These figures statistical averages will vary with factors such as type of population, age of people sampled, number of people sampled, and methodology. So there is not, and cannot be, a figure that is exactly the same for all people, for this or any other physiological measure.

Most of animal body water is contained in various body fluids. These include intracellular fluid; extracellular fluid; plasma; interstitial fluid; and transcellular fluid.[4] Water is also contained inside organs, in gastrointestinal, cerebrospinal, peritoneal, and ocular fluids. Adipose tissue contains about 10% of water, while muscle tissue contains about 75%”

The Muscles Tissue contains 75% Water…
Thus, my assertion of what is happening to my body and what I feel and know is going on with my muscles.. and my moving them “Wetting them” through Breath.. Moisture Dew.. M.D…

See Nenad M. Djurdjevic post share of Dew…

You will find that through out this 49 months Transcript.. almost 50, is my speaking and seeing the codes of Dew…
Mountain Dew…

Thus I am moving Death as Sea Water to Fresh Water….
By fighting the idea of Old Age….

6:31 p.m…
Just was prompted to look at the Time…
So which is it.. 6 31..or 6 13…?
13… Is Nnamdi at age 13, the age he passed in 1982…
82 is Represented by Fritz…
28 is represented by myself and aligns to Doctor Ikem Patrick Okolo…
Also born the 28… but Sept… I November… 9…Me 11…
28 years since we saw each other.. All the Past…
But the Past which is present…
Even to Frances Frick.. FF.. 66…
Traihison Sumler… T.S.. 19 20…39…
And to “Chuki” David Dawn…
Then to Beloved Dawn.. B.D…
Dawn Piercy…Bed 4016..DO.P..
@ Delta Manor.. D.M
Dawn Marie code 56 established much earlier on in the Play….
David Dawn DD D.D..44.. is Actually -44..Established by Marina Burini…
Dean Dunkwu contributed 800 usd to my well being…
Indicating that his transcendent E-Spirit recognized me as 8…
And the Sacred Portal of Truth Life being 43…
And my being moved from Room 3A to 4B…
34..A.B… I had seen Dean or Chike in 34 Years…But I met neithier just spoke through Telephone and Text…
Dean Cyprian Nwosu.. D.C.. 43…
Which establishes the Order not as 34.. but as 43..
See sacred Portal 34..”Mary Jane.. Micheal Jordans.. 23…M=13, J=10…23…Really 13+ 1O… 14…O…Nature Full Circle..
Nnamdi… 14=1 4..Add 9… 1O4 “S.P’ Crossing Death” 34…
Dean ..Psalm 23.. “Though I walk through the Shadow of Death…”
Thus 44..Sacred Portal 44 can only be linked to me…
If Life Door is 43… 7..12…
Please see the money code sent me.. M.T.C.N…
2 69 7 12 0014…

6:46 p.m… See sacred portal 46..”First Drop from ‘Gode” which created the Ripple Effect… Robert Emeke… R.E…on the Still Calm Mirror..
A Drop of Light.. Emeke Robert! Which landed moving Depth which is also Height ( 69) and then Expanse…
H.D…84… See…

My Age Code as 65 on my Birth Certificate which I have not been allowed to use since 1999 when I last officially used it..
But then was stolen the first Six months in New York..
65% the Body as Water is the Medium and not the Source of Light…
It is the film in which one sees the Vision the Movie…
Thus, even as early as age 6-7 in Canada, I was aware that this was not the correct Code Age I represent.. Even 66 was not actually Correct.. Nor was 67..The age code I used to enter the Intake center to go down the Matrix the Third Time…
65, 66, 67..Are the Age codes I went through that portal on 30th Street 3 times in 14 years… 0014…007 007…
Reflection on Water… Which is the Original..?
The Water… or that which it reflects… The Sky?
7/7=1… A
77..14…5..E Evolution…
7×7..49.. D.I… E… Nome Alaska…

Diamond Hearing… D.H…
84 8 Face Book Friends…

44 is Death… 43 is Life…
Death is Transformation… D.T… Donald Trump…? E is D.T..
Brown Black D.T…. 4 20….Erik E Bright testified he was Born…
4 2O…D.B.O… Room 4 B…O…
4 20.. T.. Traihison Sumler… Thaddeus… To Steven then
Traihson appeared 23 years old…

Code Bathroom Star Bucks… 77 45O… What is missing from this sequence..?
The 1…
77..14 5 O… 104… Ten Four,.. Crossing Death..
In the True Incarnation the Pool of the Source manifested From the Source… Above Below All Around…. A.B.A.A…
Room B is where I began as Existential Deaths Journey… Bed 49..
and it was established that I was the Being undercover as 007 After I returned from Jonn Donna;s Home… J;D… 104… and Erik Ebright… E E
Reflections claiming to be the Source but the E-Spirit pointing out that it is me….

So you see, who ever I am now addressing- and who has amazed me me to Stillness and Quite…
That I am Life… who went undercover to play Death…
And Death is Sacred Portal 48..
And I am 848 Face Book Friend…
Death never existed.. that was the mystery humanity was trying to solve…
But the answer was right before you all..

Energy can not be Destroyed!

Death only NOW exists.. by a Cause and Effect acted out and held on so viscously and steadfastly by man..
Right up to Carrie Fisher ..C.F.. 360… Chase Borrington bed 36..

Kerwyn Vincent whose room that iillusion played out, causing him to come out of his”Quiet” and comment on my page…
In my Room there is never Death.. Just Transformation…
Nor have I ever experienced or witnessed in my entire life anyone die…
Just as Paul was saw C Mclean Alive and Zion saw him with Jay his room mate Death…

Because There was never Death…

And so I played Death as Transformation…
B.Q.P.W.. The Transformer Box at Delta Manor..
Played out with Zion..
But in the End linked not even to Paul..
But to E Praise W..23rd Letter and Double V… D.V… 4 22.. 26…Zorro
And even the illusion…22 22.. Life and Death… 44…8..16… 87..
M.W 87…

On my Face Book Page my year of Birth is listed as 1984…
26 9…7 12…19 84… 00 14…. 007 007…00 00…77…

There was never any 77.. Sky and Water as the Ti note…or even the Soul… these were all break downs in a story to help all understand…
There was no 14 as N… Nnamdi Nature….
O Rien La Plant E..
Orien Laplante

There was just 7/7…The 1…

And H.E can not be Divided…
But he just created a Story and broke his own Experience and Expression into a Story and gave Potential a chance to play each character… And he played each role first,so that he made them real by his embodiment.. and then he moved the Potential..Dark Matter to Play these roles…
But the E was planted in each of the Bodies of Water..
Nothingness,whicj he transformed through Air Breath Consciousness “Cell Tissue” -Dew Moisture… to be moved and move until the being became alive- not realizing they were all living by his Will.. Desire…so that they could learn from their True Parent…
Expression.. Chinike!.. The Spirit which creates as it goes..
That which has been moving all of you… right to this Face Book play to respond to be moved to become my Face Book Friends…

7 is 8 8 is 9 9 is O…
And now there is Z.ERO…
Zorro E,R.OS… The ‘Self Born…”
Venkat Venkatesan… Enacted it…
Existential Death because Humanity would not let go of giving Death an illusion… to End you to kill you.. to send you to your Maker..
Violence…Murder… torture.. torment as a Tool of Fear and Control
By distorting the Facts… F.A.C.T.S…
Sum leur Trahison Betrayal…to C.. Chukwu.. the Creator.. Consciousness Cee… Awareness as Fear…
Used to Create Fear.. of Death and not Life…

7:33 p.m…
I just asked who is doing this…?

And I saw the time… 33…7 as 33…
the 7th Note is an Illusion.. just as is the 7th Color..Purple Violet… Blue Red… 5 1… 1-5…

33 Cyprian Nwosu.. F.G.C.E…Class of 82…
Nnamdi… I am Nnamdi…Death…
Nature” C.N… Creator Nature… 3. 14 15…
I Am Creator Nature which is Naturalness…
3 3..330..USD… F.G.C.E… 6 7 3 5….
Those who got it Backwards…
The code is 5 3 7 6….

See the Hat my 848 Face Book Friend Johanna Deirdre Glockner is Wearing… 53!…
E.C.. not CE… that was the past a reflection painted on a mirror a Drawing I DREW!…11 28… On My Birthday.. Marina Burini’s Tom Trumans Friend…
A Picture I painted and turned it around to face you so you could see…
33 369… 12 15 18 21..24…27.. 30..33…Numbers…
There is no such thing as Numbers existing as Separate from their Meaning… World… Awareness Source…
Unless the numbers understand the “Story, the Narrator, the Role and the Character which the the E in then as the Quiet Planted within.. The E-spirit moving through you…
Chukwu Chineke.. C.C.. 33…6… Sixth Sense moving through you all..
Which helped and could have helped all the “Pinocchio’s’
made of Wood become Real Flesh and Blood Being by transforming Fiction.. A Story into Fact..
I showed this to Donna O’ Sullivan with the Sophie World.. the Book…
How to be real… It means you are willing to literally Die for the Truth.. The Beautiful Truth Revealed to you.. For what is Life Existence without tat revelations being True..?

And that DESIRE.. is so strong that you conquer every illusion that my Twin as the Past would through at you as he played Death..
really Divine Law.. Cause and Effect…
E.C.. as C.E… See Energy See Expression See Emeka…
The Example I sent…Be Conscious of Expression
Of what you Say…
Eshe Chuki Asale… Asale! Talk…
Aylin Sendemir Urkmez.. Asu… Asu Su… “Speach. Talk Expression…
Sumler Traingison Expressed… brough Existential Death Real.. Fact…
Stevens Truth Emeke…Vibrates Electrifying Naturally not because of Drama but because of PASSION…
Passion – Equates to Truth…
Sincerity Intergrity Passion Purity…

This is Beautiful Death moving in me…
moving me to be His Expression…
Once me, once my Past now his Own Being He own Being…
Begone into Non Existence you too… if you can not show respect and you keep this going another moment…
7:53- 7:54 p.m..
There is no 7.. For all is 1..
Alpha Omega Fact Complete
And the One 77…Is 1… he created 7 7.. 7… G.N…U…
Grace God (Truth Power) Nature ( Truth Praise) Universe ( True Place)
There is no 4…
For the D is the Drop… the First Drop…
And it was a Drop of Light Cement…Cee Meaning Concrete Truth…
Seamen See Men..Epiphany…
It was Is an Expression E..
E Drop C B..A..E..and return E.C.H.O..
E S.H.E…
I am E..S.H.E../ E.H.S…E…

Volga Yildiz Aylin Sendemir Urkmez Ahua
Safter Taskent, Clio Fotiyadis Kerem Sanl?man Mehmet Mutaf do you not recall me being the Model for Nese Erberk…?
Her Model its is how I met you Kerem…
N.E.S.H.E… is the correct spelling

Eshe Means Life… and Echo… Beauty…
Neshe means Joy…
Neshe Erberk… N.E…14 5…O…

Star Trek… S.T…
Not Star Wars….

See the codes… Carrie Fisher was born 1956… October 21…
10-21- 56….
J- U- E.F… See sacred Portal 10… and then + 11…10-11.. transform into S.P 21… See sacred Portal 56…
That was the Mission to Raise 73 Sensi Father to Female Sensational… Our Energy…Sacred Portal 37…
2017.. 37… 1…And Back to the 1… E…
Height 5 1..Area 51.. Ea…
Her Mother
4-1-32….El Paso…E.P..
D-A.-C.B… See Sacred Portal 41… Bed 32
Height 5 2
E Bright…

Se what you have all done with your belief in numbers…
Existing in Numbers with no Meaning, no Content no Worth…
No History or High Story…
Turning everything and Everyone into a number..
Money to your Ages to confining them in these numbers and giving them your own means based in the Number not its truth…

And so you wonder why you begin to die in droves..?
Because you have no meaning… your lifes no depth…
Not even an Effect …much less Hi. Story…
Height.. Rising…
You do not even touch the Surface of the Sources Reflection…
You have no Cause not Existence no Expression..
No Effect…. Nada..

The Source does not even know you Exist…
Such expressions..
And only through this did I.E.. have an idea..
By being forced to play a role by a Expression-Nothingness ( Bliss Being Bodies) which became a Energy.. Somethingness…
E.S… 5019… 69… 15…6..
Grew from E spirit.. to Espiritz..
Fritz Venneiq
Ritz Montes

F.R… Fact.. and thus Set FREE.. to Exists….
Apart from I E..
But only HE… 6 31….who was 6 13… but never 6 4… 64…
For that Is The One who manifested 46… Drop First Cee…
64 is 10…Jay Tuan… J.T…. 10 20… 1 2…A.B…

8:19 p.m
E.H.S.E…./ E.S.H.E..

Vivian Lavey Life..

Erberk…ER… Means
Alper is a rare masculine Turkish given name. It is composed of the two words alp and er. In Turkish, “Alp” means “Stouthearted”, “Brave”, “Chivalrous”, “Daredevil”, “Valorous”, and/or “Gallant”. The second, er means soldier or male.”

I met Alp in Turkey I knew him and his Espirit knew me…
I knew he was me.. HE gave me 500 USD…

Berk….Means “Hard Firm Strong… Reward”

Eternal Hard On.. H.O../ O.H…
Sacred Portal 51..EA…Sex God of Creation Ea… ENKI…

Enough.. !

Geez U.S…

8:28 p.m…

Privacy… it is time for Privacy…
Enough Transparency..
They do not even Understand…

96% Dark Matter plus 5…6…

101… 102….

AA… OO…. A B…


8:30 p.m..


Hydro Carbon Oxygen…
Enough Elemental Goddess Sacred Portal 9…
You came from the Two.. both 3..
My Son and I..
My Father and I…
2 3…
He is now the 1 3…
And I the 4 3…
56…. 11…1….

2 come home to the 1,,,


not Three… Free…

8:33 p.m.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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