
1/6/2017 14:43 – Facebook Post


Every film has its back story..

This is from From Face Book memories two years ago to the day.

Once more perfectly aligned to the moment.

I was residing at 268 East 4th Street.

Eshe Chuki Asale E.S.A.
Had just become my 4 23 Face Book Friend.
She lives in London England
Queens Park..
Where I had lived in my sisters apartment having just arrived in London after graduating from University in Enugu.

You will notice how from Ikem Patrick Okolo, whom I met embodied, and in person whom I knew 28 years ago, and who went to the same University and Boarding School.
Which opened the portal to Dean Dunkwu and Chike Cyprian Nwosu and the code 33.
I have not seen them since class of 82″

Then from the portal opened by M.D Patrick bringing M.D Bruce Okoye of one year our junior, he graduated in 83.

We went backwards to ppl I met Jan 1978
(MW 87) and 1979…
It was 2016 when that play took place
“T P”

38 years ago
37 years ago

But now completed Jan 2017
When I arrived late in the school year.


I C. /C.I.
C.H…/ H.C. Hilary Clinton

Only 39 proved True
Hilary was not Elected.

But Galaxy 1101 I.C. is Truth
And E G A. LA! (6th Note) XY (24 25th Letter 49…Nome Alaska 49th State..
And 4+9 =13. Letter M…. D Delta
Room 4B
Bed DO 16.. P Praise -Paul… PP
( Prince Pan-The-R)
16 16. 32..5
E the Letter Emeka Praise
5 I gave to Paul who always gives Praise..

Letter Aware-Word With Meaning Energized Expression
His Age 56
Mine in Illusion 51 in Past Truth 50
At he moment 49 48
See Sacred Portals
I am at 8 48 Face Book Friends
49 is completed 49 moved to 94
Revealed Recovered Recollected
Mine and yours

10..1 O… 1.

2017.. 37… Sacred Portal 37
“Lady Sophia E”
10..1 O.. 1


Sumler Traihison is I just discovered

My “Age” in 1989… When I moved from Queens Park to Marylebone-
Symbolizing my last link to my past- in this world reality, and the entrance back into my world my truest Awakened Memories and the hunt for the E Family and entrance into this “Mission”

23 are the M.J sneakers I am wearing bought from Paul…
10 siblings 10 children
Patrick Okolo
10 pm
10 am
6:31 am

Code of 10 10 completed

And so has 6th Sense
The Awakening Manifest.

Recall in the Back of the 4 man Room
It represents the Past…
Bed 4018 4019
40 40 11 89….
1989 is 27 28 years ago
Beds 18- R (Robert)
occupied by Frances Frik
FF 66. 12. 3. 6/6 =1
3 1.. Caucasian

Patrick Ikem Okolo
Jan 1978- 1988-2016… To present @ Delta Manor… 38… 39 years…
See I
Staten Island

Doctor Professor.
DO 16
My Bed number 4016…
Add 56…
Paul is 56…
Sacred Portal 56
Hear the Revelations of Nenad M. Djurdjevic
The Witness -A New Witness
No longer the Revelations of John
The Bible-Not a Book of “The Grace of the Creators Expression…
A perverted gossip ridden venomous and contradictory document..
With no reasoning
“God can never be known”
A Mess of Ages
Not a Message Blue Print
Instruction Manual From God
Gods Book?
This is what you truly expect a Divine Beings Book to Look Like?
Hod God whose name is Truth?
Beauty Light?
Poor G ode
What an insult…

Bed 19 occupied by Sumler T
19 20… 39. C.I. Chukwuemeka O Kolo.
E Galaxy 1O 11

And the person sleeping right besides me and closest to the Door is David Dawn but he is called Chuki…everyone calls him

Do you know what
E SHE means..”Echo….” Beauty
And Chuki…. Born of Conflict and Strife!

And Asla..means “Speak!” in Swahili.

Positions in the room
David 1st
Frances. (Yes my case worker at B.R C Green Point)
Traihison – Sumler

D.E. F. T

D.E. F. S.

OF (De in French)
FF Truth Supreme

True Facts E is David
Dawn DD 44. 8. 16..
Chuki also the name of Albert’ brother same building Flat 5C
Chuki “Born of Conflict and Strife”
That was the illusion of my past..

My True Past is Present with me
On my Feet Feat
23 from bed 32..
23-32… 55… 10. 1O. 1

23 23 46. 1
32 32. 64…1

And from Room 5A bed 5019…5 O 19
E.S… Hippolytus Ebisike
Money Code
to Room 3A
Bed 32….(5)
Where I found a Light Blue Magnet letter P

1:11 pm

56- 11. 1

And carried the Letter P
Literally Planet Paul Frankine
“The little people Humans” Franklin to Freedom

Room 4B
Bed 4016… D O. P….

Embodied Symbolized Harmoniously Expressed in David Frances Trahe
( Yes Michael Michaël Trahé)

16 16 16… 48
At 8 48 Face Book Friends

Emeka Erik Patrick Steven…. John Paul

E. E.S.P… J P….Pope 10 16 26 Z.

J P Morgan….
J. .P.M. 10 29….39 C.I.
& Stanley “Stonley Okung”
S -19…
39+19= 58


And P is for Planet
Past and x3 ..
48 carrying the Sum Total of the Past
Milky Way
Planets Galaxy
Space Expression Nature


Aylin Sendemir Urkmez

A.S. U

The lady called herself in this post

I called it Nnem-Erike

United 5O States

… So I wondered why she seemed to delight in a name with no deeds to merited earned of its Meaning and Worth.

1:43 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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