
1/6/2016 20:14 – Facebook Post

4:17 p.m

Code Play (Of the Cold Play.. C.P Central Park)…4:17p.m

M.D..Q…13= 1+3=4…( 1:43 Refers to Yesterdays post @ 1:43 Portal True Life)
13+4=17..Q..Quantum Quintessential Leap…

D.A.T.E…/ E.T.A.D
6-1-9… F-A-I…( Vaihere Cardonnet..V.A.I..”Water of Love”
6-19..F.S…F.S Feeling Sensational/Sensation-Fact.

1-6-9…A.F.I..A Fact I…/ I.FA…Oracle…
16 9..P.I..

Ian Plant- Donna O’Sullivan
Ian Anderson….- Jonn Blackwell Took part today a Harmonious Play with a person named I.A today…

Code Name Axel Anderson code name Axel Love…
A.L..268 East 4th Street.
Axels Highest Self or Truest Self T.S became my guide, whom I met in 2OO5 at the Bean Cafe
He is Originally Swedish…Viking…
Ian Anderson mentioned to Jonn that he is Viking..
Vincent Conquering…Stagnation…
Vahalla Freya..

Ifunanya Anya Wu – I.A came through Jonn being moved to engage this person,meaning that he is aligned to the Beyond..I.A.

We did those codes over the course of the last week all over again…
It represents the I..

Today with Donna O’Sullivan shares I found myself solving the codes of the I.P.Mann and the People as the Children of the World Evolving trough “Zorro”
Affirmed through Gay-Marie Bradshaw directing me to David Arro Racz, my new Face Book Friend Line of the Divine Metatron. Vaihere Cardonnet, and Ron Kaussner..R.K…where I finally found what I was not fully awake as to what I was looking for but recognized it by the codes of the Name Zoro, Z and Hancock..Signature and Ha-n-Cock.. Penis Phallus Hall of C-Men, Cock of the Awakening of Dawn…
Code Dawn Marie..
Since we have already completed the equation of Han Cock..Chinese Dynasty and the Cock as the Penis..

We can conclude through the “Anchors and codes” that its we just completed Zoro-Zeina…Signature of the Man in Back and the Identity of the Masked man
*See sacred portal 19.. All uploaded in my Albums…It shows Eyes on the Wings of the Man representing Eleuthera- Elysian Fields of Forever…

The Signature of The Beautiful One, Zeina! Beautiful Harmony Grace…
The Author of this Story…Beautiful Transformation Death…

S.E.W..(A Fashion Designer..A.F.D…1 6 4../ 4 6 1… * Please note the number of Face Book Friends I started the day with..461…)

Sew..a Needle Pulling Thread..Sol is the 5th Note..
Code.. Luna-Soul Maia..Aryana Luna Leone…L.S.M (Sophie Maverides Donnas Daughter..Mai.A 5th Month)
A.LL..”Noble Leonine Roaring Chill Big Cool Cats..The Ones…
representing the Full Moon Artemis Diana- Apollo David..
Awareness Divine.. Adem Dursun Amit Dhawan…
Aria D.N.E

A Wind a Song Operatic of the highest note “Solfeggio”- (Sol Fact E, 77-I.O)
Ti! Violet…T.V..

Truth Vai-Here Cardonet…

Eliot Sumner…”Jehovah Is God the Summoner..
Nnamdi- “My Father Is Present!”
T.V.C…Loving Water crowned with Love…

The Face behind the Mask?
Zeina Zorro?
The Beautiful Eternal Hero of the Golden Dawn…G.D..74..11 28..

Expression Melchidezek Metatron Epression,,
MM=13 13=26…Z..H
5 8 5.. 18..9…45..9…

A brief pause..

Jonn Blackwell brought up the Gun Laws, equation up today and has brought it up, on two other occasions of recent…
So I wish to quickly address this..

The greatest fear of Guns is not the Guns themselves,
but the people who wield them
The problem then is not the Machines or tools but the consciousness and reason they represent… Fear.. Protection…Hunting…

This play is an activation of a Wave, sort o like building a Universal Expression Current on a Switch Board.. Creating a Giant Fan and Generator..
being activated by combining the sum total of Human Expression of Beautiful Truth, represented through Samples of Face Book Friends and their posts, which when switched on..
Which is where we are currently AT..
Creates the same kind of movement as Breathing and going to the bathroom..

It creates an evacuation of Consciousness- people attached to ways of being and doing and acting which has been investigated full circle as being destructive and not of Universe and Nature..
Those holding onto such frequencies are moved to Extermination Camps by the S.S.. meaning they find themselves going out of Existence..
Nothing they do works, everything of Nature Universe and Existence takes back what is theirs…
The Originators of all things, the inventors who “hold the patent” Authority for all things, Money, structure, finance take everything back because you are not aligned to the true vibration or wave Reason why those things came into Existence..
Everything is taken away, eventually your Body the your Life not just in the physical realm but the Energetic realm.. Everything you ever expressed is wiped away because it is not of Truth or True Nature..

A Might Wind and Wave which will raise you up to the heights of access of Being Extase Bliss First Contact Evolution…
To Extinction, Evaporation..

Too many warnings have been created to alert Humanity,
there is no excuse..

Guns then will be accessible to anyone but there will be Trust because there will be no fear because Harmony- Nature, G-Ode- that which moves and pervades through everything, will move only those meant to have guns to have guns, and those who can not will not be allowed to have them, and reasons will be shown why… And if they persists, cause and effect will respond.

There is no way to solve the Worlds problems.. not even through an infinite numbers of life times if Man. 3D man, no matter his or her good intentions do not move to the Root of Humanities Problem..
And to the Source…Which in this equations points to my conscious journey and intention set at age 23 and achieved in Paris at age 25-6.. 3 years to Cee the Source.. Evanescent Light..
And 23 years to W..Double V..
To complete the E-Mission I’m Possible 5
Tom Cruise
Twin Cruise Missiles..
Mot/ Cruise..
Evolution- Extinction..

Zorro Zeina…
ZZ..Sleep or Ascend
And Flow…E.F
Advance Recede E… A.R.E.. Era…
Of the Eternal Hero-Heroes..
5 8..

David Arro Racz…. We Know means
“Beloved”… I noticed that I have Eight Face Book Friends with the name David…

Arrow we know means Arrow…From a Bow..
The Sagittarian, Cup-ID…
A River, a Line.. Quivering through the Air
Apollo Artemis Diana…. code Apollo Akil Davis
Did you know that Apollo is the only God of the Greek who retained the name Apollo in the transition from Greek to Roman…

Meaning of Apollo..
To Destroy…
The Greeks later associated Apollo’s name with the Greek verb ???????? (apollymi) meaning “to destroy”. In Greek mythology Apollo was the son of Zeus and Leto and the twin of Artemis. He was the god of prophecy, medicine, music, art, law, beauty, and wisdom.
He was the God of Light..

Apollo also means Manly Beauty after the Great Beautiful Apollos…

The Beautiful Destroyer the same two parallel universes..
Greek Roman…Classical West..World foundation…
R=18 letter….A.H…1-8…Solfeggio…Do re me Do..ROYGBIVR..RR. 18×2=36..9
7-9…16..7…63..F.C…463 Face Book Friend .arriving..now..
See sacred portals 79 Blue Print of Existence Donna O’Sullivan License plate…E,H.F..79..Mercedes Benz.. M.B
Sacred Portal 97 Light of the World.. Achilles Heel, Alexander Hamilton.. A.H..18…
99..See Sacred Portal 99..”Victory over the Obscence Filthy Conscious Expression of Humanity worthy of Contempt..
18..See sacred Portal Queen linked to Donna..
Code Peace Bee…
See Sacred Portal 9 “Fair-Oh and his Brother Son.. and the 9 Elemental Goddesses… And The One..1O…9 Is 6…inversed… Imagination reveres to its origin 6= Sixth Sense affirmed as FACT…
See the discovery recently of 2 then 4, Total of 6, 6 new Super Elements S,E..
E,S…7th row from the Periodic Table
E.S.P.. 6th Sense…9 I Fact…
E Sacred Portals…
Extraordinary Sensory Perception…

And Rocz… Roc-Z… The Solid Rock of Beauty Signed the “Marker, the Tomb. Stone R.ID G-E.. AT 18 MT..Mountain View Stone Ride…

Roczen..”Brother, The Dominant Strong Ruler of the Beautiful Havens”
(R= B.T.D.S.R..O.T.B.H.. it all links.. R.B… Rob Barr…B.T.(Beauty Truth)
.T.D (Tod) D.S Donna O’Sullivan..S.R Stone Ridge, R- Robert- O Roberto Todaro (1.8.O…Aho Orien Laplante), O.T Truth Todaro..T.B..Tom Benzian…B.O.= B.O.B…Bob Bert Hans
Robert meaning Famous Bright Shinning-Light…

And then I saw that I had a New Face Book Friend 462..D.F.B…
Divine 4th Dimension Face Book
Sacred Portal ..46.. First Drop Be!…See sacred portal 62…8…

Welcome David and Sheila Marcia…S.M..
Code Sophie Mavirides….Wisdom Mavi (Blue) Rides Daughter and twin link Mother Daughter Donna O’Sullivan D,S.M Sophies M…D,M

David Sheila…Rocz Marcia…
D.S..R.M….Divine Wisdom Room…(Universe World is the Expression in which Existence Play is staged.. A Room.. Not a House…)

D.R..S.M/ M.S..R.D
DR 8 26 8 RD
DR Zeina Hanna RD
DR Zorro Hancock RD
DR 88 -2(8) RD
4+18= 22 Letter V
V.H.,H V..

The name Sheila is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Sheila is: From the Latin Caelia, which is a feminine form of the Roman clan name Caelius, meaning heavenly, or of the heavens. Also a variant or dimintitive of Cecilia.


Marcia… Meaning Proud Strong Martial Sensie” also meaning “Dedicated to Aries Mars- God of War, the 4th Planet from the Sun
Earth Mars..3-4/ 4-3….7 12 19 84.. 1O3..J.C.. 13 M..D..

Now We are at 17=Q…Again…
The Quantum Change D.N.A – D,N.E…
transformation of the physical body after completion of its Expression Energetic Exlanation EEE..555.. 15… O..6..OF E.S,P…E.SS.P..
E 8.P..

What links and bridges the E.P..
Expression to the Physical?
The Individual…

Apollo A.D…
A is Constant as the number letter I or 1…
in the Mirror.. As Life and Death.. the one constant in both universes..
7-18…(Area Code Brooklyn…:) the Main Land… M.L…B.E..)
“Last Exist from Brroklyn.. July 19 left Green Point Brooklyn for 18 Mountain View..
completed 7+18=25 Y.B.E…
And 1+8-9.. 1989…
and 79-97…

Beloved Arrow- Line of E Harmony Grace…The Rock and Foundation of Existence the Brother, the Elder Twin the Dominant Gene, the Strong powerful Ruler, the Heavenly Divine, Strong Proud (S,P Sacred Portal) Martial Sensie.. Martial Arts- dedicated to Aries Mars… A.M..
The War to bring forth the Ascension Rising E Harmony Consciousness…”

6:58 p.m

And I have a New Face Book friend…
Sheila Marcia came and went today. and is now here..
so I knew that I was to take note of her…

But we have reached another Face Book friend who has been “Waiting in the Wings”

Sandra Dewi…S.D…S
D.R…S.M…S.D….Full Circle Mother Daughter.. or Simple Supreme Manifestation of Supremacy Divine..

462 Is D.F.B…
Sacred Portal 46 “First Drop” Bee..

Affirmed through a private text play with Moira Judith Mann…
J=1O…Which is the Balance of M M… 26..+1O= 36… 27O..9 I
Circle Filled…
Manifest Manifest
Above as Below.. AB BA…Father
Inside Out Side… I.O- O.I…II..I .E.N.S A,O A..S
As Supreme…

7:12 p.m… (Edited 7:21 pm)


19 84 1O 3… M/D…

7:13 p.m

7:14 pm
Sacred portal 147 Emmy

Edited 7:22 p.m..

G.V…Grace Victorious..
GB.B…Golden Blue Being…
7:23 p.m..

Grace Beautiful Expression
Grace Double VV
7:24 p.m

Grace Be Jonathan David Frechette

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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