
1/5/2017 18:58 – Facebook Post

3:30 p.m


E. AT. Q… E.A…T..Q….E at Quantum…. Ea (Enki…Water) Transforms..is Quantum Transformation… the Real Q of Star Trek.

A-E-..C.G… 37..1O.. A-E-A
Full Circle.

The Proof that God Exists is that I am still here on Face Book…

And that I am not in Control..

Rather that I am being controlled.

And that is what Paul Franklin told me today as we walked to the Western Union to pick up a money code sent me which in itself comes from the literal confirmation of the resurrection of the True Beautiful Past… And Enki and the Nephelim…

Paul Franklin.. P.F…. 16 6..( 22).. Venkat Venkatesan.. Double V..VV….V is 22…He is bed 35…Room 3A… 35 is C.E….3A is 3 1..
31 + 29 ( B.I..A-Z-ABC) Is 31…
John Dudley (J.D..10 4…Jonn Delguidce.. “Jjonn Blackwell..J.B..James Bond…Delguidce means “The Judges Bench..J.B”…Sacred Portal 104 is “Crossing Death..”)
was bed 31…
Dewight Smith was bed 31….Sacred Portal 31.. Is “Resurrection, Rebuilding, Rejuvenation, Regeneration of the World, Nature and Human Society…
Dewight Smith was designated by my Heart, and the “Holy Espirit” H.E…( Hippolytus Ebisike H.E.. Freer of Horses.. “The True Human Spirit” son of Theseus ( My Thesis “Evolution Awakening..E.A)…
As the first person at Delta I was connected to who I knew from B.R.C… Who was linked to Reggie Mansfield… “Around the World in 80 days…Went twice around the world…
Dewight was designated the person who money codes had to come through..
Then it was Chase of bed 36…”360..Degrees” then it was Kerwyn Vincent..K.V… 11 22…Bed 22… K..VV…Double V…
And yesterday I arrived bia two Face Book friends at
H.E..Double V…VV…
Venkat means Self Born… Twice, above and below… it also represents The Holy Hill… Which in O.INri Lore is Enugwu Ukwu, where my Great Grandmother who literally looks like a Beautiful One- Which linguist and language pattern expert the late Professor Catherine Acholonu called them..
Who according to local legend was came from the Shy, and my Mother from the Cee- Sea…Aphrodite-Hephaestus…
And my Grandmother from the border of the Human world and the Spirit World..
Where I symbolically at right now… Star bucks Siren… Metropolitan Woods….

Paul Franklin means the Freedom of the little people…
My great grandmother was Nephfillm… Annunaki…
And this is my Heritage of Enki….in me…
His Consciousness and Legend proven True…
EA..Sacred Portal 51 is “Sex God of Creation”

To the Nephilim…N.E..P….H.I.L.L I.A.M… WILL I AM…
Will Hunnitpercent Real…
Will means “Desire” Sacred Portal 8…

8 45 46…47… Face book Friends…

To the Nephilim, the Human People would appear to them… Who were so tall.. that they children called them Giants..
The same way Jonn Delguidce, Fritz Venneiq saw me rise in their Dream see or with Second sight to enormous proportions..
Having witnessed by Spirit… or the Sum total of who I am…
My Djinn… my Power.. the Sum Total of my Past to Origins…

To US, humanity would be as little people, humble people… little children…

Paul was the one I was directed to use as a portal to access to the money code sent by this person…
Who represents the confirmation that every thing I had posted about Transformation, a place called Existential Death as ..real…

Paul was the last to SEE and Speak… and even Hear what C.Mclean was about to do…. which ended his Life…
Kerwyn Vincent and his room mate Jay was the one to discover his dead body..
Kerywn was born Dead for three Days.. and his grandmother blew Life in him on the 3rd day.. in a house number 302… 32.. The Bed I occupied…
In 3A.. the 3rd Planet from the Sun… S.U…Su… S.U.N..E..
God of the Abyss… Ea…Enil…
Enil../ L.I.N.E…EA/ A.E
LINE “O.F” A.E.. 1 5…Alpha Expression…
The First People who existed in this World…
They Lived Before Adam… by Prof Catherine Acholonu..
Su of the Green House in 2006 sent me to find them stating the Evolution Awakening could not start without them… Su.
Brandon Su.. B.S
Suzi Sue… S.S…

Green House… Green the 4th Color… 11 years I have lived only in places whose names represent 4.. East 4th Street, Forte Green, Green Street, Green Point Avenue, Green Street..
Where I began on Face Book at Akil Davis, Evan ALexander Judson at Times house with his girlfriend Beyond.. being the only one living in the house at the time before the Two Rachel’s moved in..
Rachel Rachael Devon Rios Sessions
Rachel McWilliams Young
and later Savannah Blair.. S.B…

4:16 p.m…

That was 2012…2011-2012…April 5th was the exact day I left…
Nnamdi.. or my Pasts’ Embodied in my immediate younger brother-
His Birthday… Born and passed one full circle and a day to his birth on Easter really meaning Transformation… Spring…
80 Spring Street..Balthazaar…Daniel…
Wilma McDaniels Face Book Friend…

Each where very special people but the initial people living there, their first letters formed a code..
A.T.E… Akil Tim Evan… That is the literal order I met the…

See the code the Date forms today…
E AT Q.. Curve or bend it “Like B.E.C.K.H..A.M”
And it forms Q.E.A.T.Q.E…
Water is that which cleans…

On my way to meet up with Paul to pick up 96.58 U.S.D…
( 96% Dark Matter… Makes up the Entire Universe.. 96/69…Water…)
Water is called “Eau” in French… Enki is called “Ea..’.
The Body holding water, or the Being of Water… The Water Body..
The Universal Body… would called Beau… and as the Highest note in Existence after Breath and Air… the Twins would be their child…Water.. Which if you do not have after 3 days you will Die…
Kerwyn Vincent… 3 Days.. Breath Air.. Air Breath with Heat and Desire Will and Direction Intention forms Moisture called D.E.W.. it forms Water..
Ti is the Highest note..or Doe which is the Full Circle of 1-5.. Or 1-7 colors….
B-eau… TI… Beauty… Beau
But a higher note is the completion of the Circle 1-5=6…
1-7=8.. 6th Sense.. “The Human Spirit… Motion- Momentum Symbolic of Horses ‘Which carried Man Woman Child”
6 8..8 6… 68/86… 14…5….55… 14 14..28… 10….1O.. A O.
Hat..511 O A…

Full Circle of Doe is Doe DOE… DD… Dean D… 44.. Marina Burini…-44…8..H.. H.I… Infinity Harmony Infinity….

The play was so Harmonious how the money was sent then arrived.. to seeing Paul just before he went out to my arriving the moment he stepped off the Train… Solidified to me…
K and P… 11 16.. 27.. A-A… A-Z-A… 27..9…

Are you following..?
Are you seeing the Linking…
4:40 p.m… even to the Time…?
Are you seeing what paying attention is…
Focus to Every detail of each event and the Cause Effect from beginning to end..
Continually linking awareness, adding… and watching the meaning expand…?
Do you see the linking that I have done for 49 months on Face Book… now moving to the 50th…
This is what is Public.. that you have seen witnessed ..
The reason I ask New Face Book friends to go back to understand the play.. go back and read…
Because I am linking the day to day events…
From the moment that Sumler Trahison and I connected in the room..
He looks Sudanese French.. Egyptian…
He can’t really be ignored he has that innocence and directness..
Yesterday he a play took place with Adam giving me a gift, which then manifested where Trai wanted to buy some “Candy”- and the person “Chase of Room 4A..” was not there…
And he was so impatient, I sighed seeing my cue…
I take “Candy” Weed sacred portal 45 as medicine not for pleasure so I take very little of it..
But I knew I had some so said do you wish to buy mine hoping he would say no, but he did.. Giving me 5 usd which I used to buy some coffee which enabled me to come to Star Bucks and post..
Which I had no intention of doing.. and I had no more money to come.. And post..
One of the 5 dollar bills was marked as I knew it was.. since an entire play had been created so that the 5 usd was placed in my hands..
I refused to read it or record it…
And would have said nothing but…

And so as I about to walk down to meet Paul at “Lawrence Station”
Lawerence means “Crowned with Laurels of Victory” and is near the place I Cross the Bridge and Sit… as the literal replication and symbolic gesture of the Crossing Guard which I understood only in Hindsight…
Cross Bronx and Taylor… the only time and place I can be alone and be for a moment myself… C.B.T….
H.E..See sacred Portal 85..”Crowned with Laurels of Victory by Devi Father.. The Guide.. the Wind.. The Sum total of the Past…
Sum Ler Traihison… Traishon…
Sum L..E.R… Treyson means 3… as Thrice…

Sum of the Betrayal of the 3….
Sum may come from the name Sumaira… is “Night time companion in conversation”… And “Successful Princess..” S.P…
A True Conversation between Energy and Ahtom…
2011 completed…

5:08 pm…
58…13… 4… E.H…..13=M…4=D… M.D…
/ At 85 @ Star Bucks…D.M… Delta Manor… 13+4=17…
Q… Bed 4017… David Dawn…
Emeka “Praise” at Bed 4016.. Planet… Plan ET… A.M..D//
Awakened Memory.. Dawn Comprehension.. G-Ode God Expression Graceful is Praise E…Expression…

Paul listened to me as I briefed him as I had briefed all candidates I had to pass through to get access to the money code which allowed me to come to this place post and eat bad Chinese Food instead of Bad Shelter Food…

I told him very little except why I had to act much less than the Manly Warrior and play the boy… I spoke in a logical language much more grounded in this world…
I told him about my not being in control… and how the circumstances of my I.D was stolen and how and why since then I had not been able to get it by one impossible anomaly singular event after the other, which each made sense but when placed together…..
Paul is 56.. 10 10… Mother Ida Ten Kids.. He has Ten kids.. 5 boys 5 girls… 55..
Sarah Nkem Blackstock sent me 55 usd .. 11 for Dewight Smith she suggested… 44 for me…
Which I knew was sending me backwards to 44 instead of going home to 55…
Portal of the Beautiful Past…. and by the sacred portal 11 the She Devils.. S.D… D.S…. Dewight Smith…Santana Dharma…
To the Siren to the Sea.. the Star bucks Dewight had directed me to…

Are you still here,, are you still paying attention… see how I link.. See what I carry… the links of each day for 49-50 months….

And then 15.9 years…
Then back to age 8… When I wrote that book.. age 8..7…6…
And back to 8 p.m… my Birth…
But not in a Hospital in Islington…
I have no memory of that..
Only of being in the Womb.. and my the feeling of my Mother around me and her voice…”Don:t be so eager to be born in this World”

I felt her reason.. my Father.. whose behavior to the 19-20 year old filled her with apprehension… Fear no she was not afraid of him..
He frightened her because his behavior was so foreign to her Harmonious musical nature and background…
His behavior had no logic to her.. it brought pain and was filled with rage and anger which only created more rage and pain infecting others…..

And I remember the energy of his presence and the color which accompanied it.. I could see the color red moving through the amonial fluids… I would stare at it feeling my mothers tension and discomfort… What is this, what are you?

I understood her feeling, but and I suppose my journey was also to find out what he was..
By the age of 9 -10 I had understood that he what he was.. he was an illusion…
Nnamdi knew that too…
But we both had to conquer the fear we had of the illusion…
Why did it cause we who were fearless and unafraid of it apprehension…
Well like wild animals you do not know or recognize it Nature, it wildness or wickedness.. you do not know what to expect.. and thus, it shocks you..
Yes, the same way I felt at first for humanity until I was 25…
Which I witnessed again…right to Delta..

It was they who were Afraid…
Who were in Fear..
And the Source of their Fear…
Our Chill.. the way they do not react the same way as we do….
Who Cee.. they are Blind and can not see as we see..
And so they are afraid of us for we do not live in Fear…
Our Emotions do not control us…
We do not live in the Lower regions of Thought..
Dirt, chaos, dust….
We live through the See of our Clear and Transparent Reflections…

He grasped it…. Paul did Paul Franklin…

*There are two guys, who are from the Shelter who just came in, Ashley and Jim both Caucasians…
One works at Macy and worked for the Subway for 15 years..
The other is an aspiring writer…
Jim calls me the English Guy… He looks like Santa Claus or a Children book comic character…
He just starting talking about the The Star Bucks Logo…
and called attention to the fact that the Mermaid Logo has two tales…
They are speaking further away.. and told the story of how he used to work for Starbucks and had pointed this out…
Two Tails… Two Stories…
That one look like legs…a woman having sex and the other a tale..
I mean Tail..
A Tail of Transformation from Age of Pisces to age of Aquarius
The Water Bearer…
Physical Transformation of the Beautiful Ones..
Half Fish and half Human…
Half Horse and half Human..

Paul is 56… See sacred portal 56… 11..1 2

The play from yesterday, to today… the Cause and Effect…

Look.. There is no way I can record what in detail the Cause and Effect each day which brings me here..
And of recent, I no longer even bother.. I just stopped..
Because It is exhausting linking each day and adding all the intel, then the confirmation, and they play and the enactments..

The Endless details, solving linking remembering while battling no response except those adding more intel without even realizing…
Exhausting alerting people seeing their responses, reading their energy, containing the anger, the righteous anger, then recalling the true play and what has become… the Insult, the role one is being forced to play, the implications,the everything…
5:58 p.m.

That it can go this far…


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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