
1/5/2015 20:46 – Facebook Post

He WHO knows…nose

Se ble W

How strange… meant to be at 231 F.B Friends…

Ha! from my dimension of consciousness this is truly great news…

in 33 months of this play it has never been more.. always less when i check.
as Neel Akash reporting from the symbolic consciousness of North Babylon of New York states, the ‘negative ones N.O” – A much better name than the Dark Ones (D.O) Since they use language words dictionaries, society of letters, etc..these secret societies who use language- just as the corrupted ancient modern cultures us sound to infilitrate the minds of the people..
Using ancients sciences of object placement, even placing objects in space etc.. to move humans to control domination and silly idea of God..
p.s God does chose sides in my experience… He choses the side of that which is the very truth which brought everything real into manifestation…
Everything else he ignores because it does not Exist.

It was the Human responsibility to cut out evil by finding its root.
Then recognizing its cause effects its traits characteristics character…Cure…
Before it became what it is today.

And so it feel to one and who was forced to represent the Full circle and Existence and the I to cut it out by using the correct protocols…
Because it grew so powerful so conscious that it gathered disciples who simply used its attributes. Whether these peoples intentions were good or evil…
It did not matter.
As long as the understanding of Evil its nature and its attributes and branches could no linger be recognized.
The knowledge of its ways and its seedling no longer taught or nipped at the bud.
And even became tolerated as “Bad Behavior” and left to take root as “Ugly Behavioral patterns” then Brilliant Abominations so crafty that when discerned it created such horror in ppl that many willed themselves out of Exisrencd ..
Suicide…on seeing such was allowed even tolerated in the world.

Thus, this tree brain of evil grew unchecked feeding leeching of the shitty expressions.
Common courtesy Good manners once a basic requirement of common sense became a symbol of class, then Royalty then even that was twisted into snobbery.

Evil as Anne Ryand noted was no longer recognized and would not even be recognized as a guest at ppl tables..
While love “I see you” was banished.
Especially for calling out Evil…it still recognized Evil because it is the O the Expression which manifest makes things rise…
So that which makes others fall
(Even they can not see the cause or source of it)
True Love declares at war, it cuts down all that

This is what Love is…Yes Nuno love is Fun EE even when carrying its sword because it knows the true Source of evil is a child allowed to go too too far out of the realm of love to be of Existence.

I went to the source of it calling out all its seeds planted in the human consciousness seen in the play of Facebook.
But it has to want to transform…
But Evil allowed to go this far..
Requires the sword
A whack and
The lesson..
Of those who went to far..
A cautionary tale
No longer a myth a fairy tale or religion.
But a true accounting on these Akashic records
Of those who permitted themselves the impunity of going so far.
The fate that awaits them…
Some of you few
Will visit to testify..
That such a place and fate Exists
Manifested exactly as woven on
My page…

To battle the onslaught …yes including the 9th circle of Hell.. peodphillia to children… see the Church and the destruction at such infancy of the consciousness of Christ= Annointed..A… Alpha circle…

Went to the place beyond Sound and Vibration.. to the stillness. that place which Rachel Rachael Devon Rios Sessions once sang me back to, witnessed by Jofia Ross Evan Alexander Judson and Rachel McWilliams..to my astonishment..
i was transported to my first landing in this real, there was no human, no animals just the birds and Noni promise the Tree and the river… Mother was As natures expression and father as the Joyous wind… at that point… they had not got form but as Being yet… just Consciousness and awareness…C.A 31….but not being…

which is what this play was is all about…

Bodies and Beings aligned to BB=V=5=EEE…

I remember the stream of sparkling water flowing before me where I sat.. a
Another incarnation of Non Promise as the Sprite Water Nymph…
the web which connects- the thread the stream…of purified water which feed the roots of the body…of the tree..
the ritual of purification…
the music within… the body the Earth where i sat and raised the water to the tree trunk- knowledge… which bore fruit… so the beatiful dreamers could understand living outside the Garden of eden G- O.E… in the “Wilderness” Enyiagu Afam Samuel… meaning in the wilderness my name is Samuel- the One who is as god- the wind is god by the way- father joy and living grace…
the eternal dancer..
Mother is the expression of Nature… style..The penmanship.. Notice how Natures expression has such great taste… Yep ENE… They are the two EE’s i am talking about who had to be raised…

I had to go that far back- for a greater reason that the infection of the word, but it was part of the horror of seeing how far the Words Vibration of atomic expression WAVES had been distorted… the ripples of the first drop and the sound moving through the air radar…
only byy going back to E could the OO air and water sum current (CURE RENT..CURRENT ELECTRICITY Electrical impulse and stimuli be corrected back to is..IS..DI)
Which is why I was taken so far beyond human existence known to man… which automatically replicated into the circumstances replicated in the this world physical energetic plan….Awful..
but it was easy to retain the vibration intention of the original O))))))))
it was just the willingness of the Negative ones N.O were willing to go so- gaining their power from human beings so scared of disappointments that they use negativity to expression to shield themselves from disappointment- until it became a trend..
Even manners… either CONCIET overblown self importance Lie or negation- reduction of the truth also a lie..

I am in the Apple Store… 1O3 Prince street… code 1O=J…3=C..
J.C…At 233 F.B Friends…
after 33 months on F.B The first positive increment.

i did the code for Allen Prekebena as 231 but turns out it is 233…
since I can not see from my phone…

Afam Ezema Eddie…My name is EE (E.K) The King Who Knows….Eddie means Riches Happiness Protection…

In the head or Brain illusion I am Sam ue l… S A.M U EL
But sitting in the throne of my heart, myself my body my being, my name is EE//
Eric Eyutchae…Enugu Nigeria E.N (Where I lived for 1O-11yrs)

the Eternal ruler who is fruitful….

Emeka Kolo..

Nuno Ordens Miguel…Nom of the Father Emmanuel…

i am here and here is my E manual- the gift of my Father to the World.




K.E.Y..Yonathan Yohannes Forte Worth…

G.E.E +Z.E+ U.S. .A..Alpha..E

Well Done lady Seble Woubishet

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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