
1/4/2019 20:12 – Facebook Post

From Akil Apollo Davis.

And a hearty congratulations to his mother Dr. Rosie Philip Davis.. R P D.
D R P.


1 6 1.

True Psychology is Magical Thinking to understand the links which create and connect Human Nature to Human Behavioral Sciences..
While Social Science is the understanding the interactions

5:10 p.m.

When defined correctly, one can describe my work as that.

5:11 p.m.


Of Harmony
Defining Science
As Philo Sophistry

Understanding how to communicate to produce a Harmonious Result

Social Science

Human Nature
Human Being

The Study of Naturalness and how it Moves Evolves, naturally through understand how to BE.
I A.M.

That is the structure which I have been building and expressing to you all.

New Arts and Science recognized by the World.

Stephen Filgueira is building a template very similar to this..
But it is not my template or vision it is his.
And thus, I can only express that which links in what he has created and point out how I can see the Equation of how his wish cab manifest.

5:18 p.m
* Date of the Birth of ChristopherFilgueira s daughter Isabel.
Link Isabelle Ilic to Stephen Popiotek then to Kim ( Tree Sage) to Christoper to Isabelle and Cecilia their grandmother’s to Isabelle his 4.8 month old daughter.

I can not impose my Will or perspective on him or anyone, of how I know and recognize how this structure or skeleton is meant to work.

Each, decides as to which way they will choose to manifest their dream, and have determined they stance through enactment as to the acceptance, rejection .. questioning the Truth facts they received and validated, and then act in a way to question that which they already know…
And chosen to forget.

Stephen and I are in Harmony of Heart and in the understanding in money…
But not on Mind..
But I am aware that I and we are in a Script of Cause and Effect..
And that I am holding a space here at the Whitney House linked to Estaban, and that all this can change in a moment despite how it is playing out now

But this is what telling the Truth Looks like.

It’s is so linked to understanding Human Nature and that it is Naturalness and Naturalness does not require Physcologists or Social Scientists, that manifested as a Science to understand the illusion. Called the Gap
And Sisterly Love…
How to reach Harmonious interaction with an infinite number of Individuals with minds and Ideas of their own

I solved that riddle over and over again since O was 25.

Please see the age of John Newmoney who lives in the 2nd Floor.
And then observe the poster of Tree Sage art show yesterday ..

Look at the code and first letter of the Subway line poster..

Same Sosa. ( Susa)

S S.



Stephen Sage
Stephen Sarah.

K E.. 11 New York, 5th State Connecticut
11 5… 16 …P

SS.. 1919. 38. C H.. Hartford Connecticut.
( Link code challenge placed on my computer 2016..
2016 links to Christopher Filgueira.. C F 3 6. O
Person code
Kasien Thompson 11 29 1963 Age code
D M I C K T/P 115 A G E.. 54 .. yr .. 63 F C ..
From.the messenger through the Dream and Death..
Anamla Qayin. A Q. 1 17/
71 1.. 711. Seven Eleven
Seven Boreman
Savant… as McKayla Rays and Johnny MacDonald keep quoting as their reference to my work.

7:00-7:01 a.m.

* went to see Kim ‘ Tree this morning – he opened a book Arabic translates called The Tablet.. he opened it to page 808..809..
88 89.. 16. P. 17 Q.
His page was open to a woman who was called the Twin of Cain spelt Qayin.
It stated that she is Cains, Twin Sister…and her names means ” Beautiful)
Daughter of Eve.

The play?

Do The Right Thing.

D T R.T.
Delta 4..Stage Mars..
T R T. 2018 20..
38. 20..
11 20.. T.K. / Kings Temple.
11 2O.. 31.
Christopher age 31…
Kim age 31..
31 is California the Golden State.

31 31.. 62 F.B… 8.
31 4. 31. 4

Msckayla showed me the number 4:04 and told me how she has been seeing it everywhere for the past 3 days
Kim and Chris.
K C and the Sunshine Band
Chukwuemeka Kolo.
Conscious Dopplegabgers
Chiefy and Chris…

7:06 p.m.

44 4 O 4… Hotel Red Roof Plus.
44 sacred portal Goddess Bliss.
44. 8.. 16.
8 16 birthday date Stephen .
So Stephen rises last..
The First is the Last making a Full Circle
16 …P .. rep of 8 16 is me.
24..One Day Has Come.

11 20..
2 20
B B. O..6. F..
B B 6.
222 which was once linked to Aaron is now linked back to the E. Sources of 6th Sense
22 O
Victorious 6th Sense in Harmony
68 was also on Tree Post..
222 was seen also my Rays..

7:11 p.m

Always Open
Dopplegabgers of 11..
C K.

Then P.
Then Stephen Sarah ..
P S..
Then me
P S E.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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