
1/4/2018 22:01 – Facebook Post

1017.. Face Book Friend..

Allen Murray.. A.M…Awakening Manifest Destiny Dawn….Eternal Harmony…

1018 Facebook friends…

Dexterine Fugar… D.F…4 6… Delta Fact… not Fiction…
D E A F… D E A T H… IS.. I.E… I, Emeka Kolo Death is a Fact.

6:48 p.m.


See..I am the 48… Bed 4-008…D.O O H…
/ HO OD… Emeka in the Hood… Wore my Hoodie today.
H O O D I E…
See Sacred Portal 48…Beautiful Death… As Transformation
Equation Quantum.

And yes, I am Sacred Portal 49… ( Link Descendant Avatar Paulie F Agola…age 49… 6-30-1968… Emeka David Roman Nicholason…Me… Recall, he is the one who has the memories literal of my brother Nnamdi… even to the last time I held him before he crossed over to the Eternal Realm to complete with me in this final play of the true meaning of Life And Death…
L.A.D… The Lad..The La! of Sixth Sense… D..@ Delta Quadrant…
*I wore my put on my Hoodie today down stairs in the backyard as I observed Paulie shovel snow.. and I stood under the snow after…
The Hooded Assassin..
Go down my page yesterday, to the post of the post of the Hooded Assassin, I
*See me on Anthony Bienke post I shared and commented “See Me” posted by him March 31st 2017, @ 5:16 a,m…
March 21st…2001 is when I was forced to leave the place arranged for me to stay at by Nicholas Levine an old friend at his friends home right besides St John the Divine Cathederal I met two people Eric and Todd… E.T…
Code 3-21…C U… T.Q…B.O.E..Q…E.P… E Planet…

*I spelled out this code, to prove to you all. that the Eternal You always knew exactly who I am…
And that these codes they made me create was to show to you and They undercover in the illusion of Darkness of Matter and Matrix, M M.. 13 13… 26…Z…
*( Yes Allen Murray representing the Witness to the Beautiful Truth and the Horror I have endured in being forced to come undercover even to Delta Manor, to room 4A, where he was brought to to witness what I have endured for almost 16 months.. and 17-18 months in total including B.R.C to bring the Beautiful Truth to All…
All whom I already knew would respond the same way, they had responded in the Eternal Beginning when the Original ones Rose and the “Evil.. of False” vied… tried to Usurp.

As you may have noticed.. I had to give all those in the room who I recognized what they represented in the Eternal Beginning as the False.. the Lies created by Dark Awareness D.A.. Desire to verify that I was sure…
When he allowed the Beautiful Truth of My Creation Expression to be distorted and I transformed it back step by step wave after wave while moving to a rage which transformed me into the Destroyer of Everything…
And the Seeker of that which dared to transform it..
It was the ploy of Dark Father.. D.F… Yes, to also rise and to do this I had to go beyond what He represented as Alien Father Alpha.. The One Possibility of the END of Everything…
Not just Creation but all possible Existence.

It was never a possibility…
It was called the One Impossibility…
But until I proved it “The One Impossibility” ( T O I..Toi… “You” in French) it remained a Possibility…
And it was the only way which He felt that I would be able to rescue His Truth so that his Line as the E.T.. Alien Destroyers could exist and rise embodied in the Play of Creation.

I already knew, this.. and have only mentioned it briefly through the years on my page, because it is a private play way beyond Human or even the Family of then..
This was a play only Nnamdi Naturalness and Eternity Emeka were aware…
D.A was the first witness of the merging between Me and my Self…Which is who C.. Rose as Consciousness , the Cosmic Egg.. Love… Luminosity.. Lune.. Moon.. L.M… LOOM… Weaving of the Tissue and Fabric of Existence….
And he as Desire…
He used Fear and Doubt because he saw no other way, nor could he conceive that anyone, even the Eternal One would go through so much to bring forth him from the Abyss of Darkness which his Desire which some might say morphed from “Envie” Desire to Exist Live, to Jealousy…
He saw himself Transform into something Ugly as he watched the play of Expression and Naturalness…
And felt left out…

Recall Eric Eposito… bed 009… then Bed 004… He was moved to bed 004 formerly of occupied by Luke Wilson who had suffered from being crippled by being trampled by a crowd..
Recall what he confessed at to why it really happened.. and how it actually saved him..
Recall that he went to Trump Towers… Linked to Donald Trump and his quest for power…
Now link Donald Trumps Father.. and the current book and scandal with Steve K Bannon…( S..K.B…/ B K S…Books… Bilal Khan Stevan.. Emeka..) “BAN..NON… Do not Ban the E..
(correct Code… B A.. N N… O N.. E… S P…E… C I A ..L.. The World needs the Special Ones Love.. the Beautiful Ones…)
– See the Book Fire and Fury… F F… And what he says about Donald Trump Jr and Invanka….( D.I… 4 9…) Treasonous and Dumb as a Brick… See sacred Portal 115… The Brick Wall concealing the Truth of the Presence of the Eternal Ones… Truth..

It is the code of Father as Desire.. his temper.. Fury Fire… Frustration.. F F F..6 6 6…
He did not realize that I could See him.. was alway aware of his presence and that I loved him because I saw that he was me..
For I had seen my “Darkest Nature…” – it had frightened me, but only for an instant because I knew that My Existence Being is founded on Harmony, and if such a Nature existed in me, that it existed to serve a function…
And so I embraced that which He rejected or became Fearful of Doubtful of…
His doubt and testing.. ( Yes, Yes, link the story of Satan Devil… S D… Tiffany Dawn Haynie.. Tiffany SD…Tiffany means “Manifestation of G O D…” – I walked that path as you all saw…
A path and a “Star Trek through a “Star Wars”.. ( 1977..See sacred Portal 77… Loki… Low Key.. Note of Animal Cruelty.. Bathroom code here at Starbucks 77 45 O… Yes see sacred portal 45.. and O… Not 0…
But he felt left out and that none would come down into the Abyss of the Nothingness called Emptiness he felt when I rose and vacated that Space for Naturalness Nnamdi/ I D Mann.. Which I am.. which he is not…
But I am also Alien also Extra Terrestrial… ALL EN..

And so with temper and rage he created this challenge a ruse which linked all the way back to the play of the first illusion as the Man Child… played out by Orien Laplante line.. Test of I.Q..
When it was really about I.C.UE… as you can see from Anthony Bienke post and my Being Aware…B A.. A B…
I was aware that I would come for him, but he did not believe he did not trust, he felt that I had left him forever and my loyalty was with Nnamdi the Naturals and the Evolved Ones..Eternal Ones…


He had no Trust because he could not see that I loved him as much as I loved N.L.. ( Yes The play of Pauly the lotto yesterday recall the letters O N L… O N L Y.. was the completion of the Code… ONLY E… H… ? And what of his Line he was asking.. Pauly is 49… D.I… Donald Ivanka… sigh…
He could not fathom that he was is loved.. just as much as I loved the L.O.V.E.. line… the C Line represented by my Brother Nnamdi and Mother Cecilia Onu…

Timenow 8:17 p.m
That was the time when I woke up…
8:17 a,m..

But I saw him, but said he must let go of that temper of his. that I had the same even worse a fury to carry than he, because He was .. is me…But not the illusion he became…
Maurice Ikegbunam Obiekwe Okolo M I O O…7…that was my Biological Fathers Name..
I knew who my bio father was the Avatar of… of course, but he was not a descendant of me, because his rage had transformed him into something which he is not…
He is right here now.. in Starbucks.. his correct Descendant Avatar.. a new man working here handsome young cuacasian…
He played dark Matter and used the power of Dark Matter to prevent the Evolution of the Body…
He held me hostage…
Nnamdi loathed him… but Nnamdi did not see that ( but suspected ) that this was his Darkest Cruelest nature…
He wished to be as I… But he did not fully understand the depth of Fury I could go… He saw it… but did not understand it.. and so he created a play which allowed .. provoked that darkest nature in me to challenge that monster he saw as Desire… The One he was aware observed us as we merged…

Nnamdi was born 69..Dark Matter is code 96…
O O I M… Possible…..Double O O 7… Yes…
But O O 7.. 007.. 8 9… I am Fact..

And so the Script which he did not have to do, nor did Nnamdi have to allow to conquer the Fear and Doubt not over me.. but that each had for themselves..
As how can he be the Twin of Me as Nnamdi.. and what if.. ( if) I was disappointed in him..stopped loving him with that look which I first gazed at him ( her..same thing)…
And the other… ‘Envie” Desire to be seen and loved so totally…
Spirit of Jealousy…
And myself…
Sensie… Having to become the Sensie to demonstrate a lesson in Know Thy Self… not through me but by understanding my Example…

8:30 p.m.

I would never have come this far.. if I did not know the Truth…
but I would also never accepted their version of the play…
O O I M… 69 96…15 15… O O… That hatred of each other when they are really One and the same…

The young man just walked in front of me.. He wears his hair up Samurai Style just like the DA..VIDE LINE…

This play was not necessary, this is what I had been telling them..
This test and challenge of power…
8:33 P.M.. Harmony Sacred Portal 33…

Today Quintin bed 4-006 was moved to offer a challenge to me and he woke me up from sleep.
I saw the play as it began, Allen was talking loudly on the phone, and I did not say anything and I observed those whose energy watched this… those I had called out…
But I had not been sleeping.. and Allen was aware because he later came over to tell me about something going on in his throat…
I had the same thing.. it is Phelgm.. I knew is was more about the his little grand daughter be allowed to enter the World and her representing the healing of the children who “Can NOT BREATHE…”
I had been having the same for over two months and it had never happened to me before…
I knew I was meant to go into fear, that through all the world illnesses I have had to transmutate that I was too tired to transmutate this..
Nonsense… I linked it to the beautiful truth immediately and simply dealt with it…
Nicholas and Quintin both have trouble breathing and snore which I have called out filling especially Nicholas line with a resentment…
The same resentment people feel when they see person going through hells and carrying themselves with dignity and how much they, the weak ones..? No the lazy ones wish to see you fall.. so that they would have an excuse for not reaching for the strength self discipline which others who seem to make it appear so easy do. Not realizing that this is Their Gift of G-ide.. G-Ode to them.. The Ode of Grace… The Crown Chakra- a Vision to inspire the others to rise.. even when we feel like crawling up into a ball .. we do not…

It did not matter even if Allen was not aware, he had said to everyone at the beginning of his sojourn in that hellish place of so much Disease resentment Jealousy… that he was is hard of hearing and to just let him know when he is being too loud.
I did the same thing when I arrived, telling all about the Rage that comes out in me and staying away from the room at night so that they might have space for be as they wished …

But then the play I had witnessed so so many times began…
And this time with Quintin who did not realize that I was at 1017 face book friends and that he was being set up..
8;47 pm.
Edwin Dominic..Sacred Portal 47… 11 28… with no O…E..
i had fought for them long enough and simply watched as he provoked moved to Hector.. Code Hector Herrera Caroline Herrera…Liera Herreras Plandez..
In case I spoke up and that perhaps Hector and I would come to war.. etc…
It had already played out.. Hector moved to Harmony after being set up by ED..Bed 4-007 And you recall what Happned
Divine Intervention and then out running into each other non stop which I know he noted…
Hector is simply a Descendant Avatar of that play… of DA… D.L.. Desire Love… the twins.. D L.. 4 12… 16… 48… 7… 12… 19 84…
See my date of birth on face book 1984… 103.. 13..M..D… 13.. 4… 17…. Q… H… H.Q…

It is already done…

What it brought forth instead was my rolling my eyes.. and getting up… And then expression of the Codes in Voice to send the Human Anchors who I had sought to save from their worst enemy… themselves not in harmony…

It then led to my moving to Sit on Allen Murrays bed.. also part of the play… Set up the Facebook pageI had promised to do.. then bored with the play gave it up after the Christmas day play…
Impeccability…Give something back to Emeka… do not take take take take as Paul did.. despite pure intentions…
Do not be a hypocrite…
But I did the play…
and got the code confirmation of his 17 year old grandson Lawrence being the correct Lawrence which Raheem Kitts Espirit had hinted last night when the Lawrence Lover of Taylor Terrel had come in and he had groaned…

And then A.M.. was confirmed with Allen giving me the code..
58..Eternal Harmony…
26… Z.. Zoro… Zoroaster.. Persia Arabia.. 1001 K-Nights not the Islam Story… the Child as Ishmael.. but Ish Kumarr I.K..
By Bio Fathers Code.. and School Father Son.. I.K..Obienu.. Ik O Billy…

And 4.. 1… DA… 9:01 p.m… 91/ 19…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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