
1/4/2018 19:33 – Facebook Post

I noticed that I am Allen Murray’s 4th Face Book friend… He has 4.. Code.. Delta means 4… We are at Delta Manor…
He is my 1017 Facebook Friends…
I showed him my loki Fenri page and he immediately spoke of his 17 year old Grandson who would love and grasp this…. 17 is Letter Q… Q had been identified as Quantum and not Quintin in bed 4-006 46… which means 5.. By a play which took place when I realized that I was back down to 1016 Face Book friends instead of 1017 which is where I was last night…
He was not 17… The Line of Allen M… Reflects that truth…
His 17 Year old son is named Lawrence…
Lawrence Station…
Taylor Av… Where I pause each day…
Recall that I directed Allen to Lawrence Av Station… 6:33 p.m..


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