
1/31/2016 23:14 – Facebook Post

From Jai Italiaander

9;53 p.m.

This is the Beautiful Truth of Humanity..

This “Ba”- Unique Individual Personality which made me fight
and fight for.

The beauty is not only in this beautiful you lady,
( Whose is Clara Star Child Harmony line under cover, the Witches”- really the Seers and Line of Magic…I.Q…Intelligence…)
But her Mother and the response from the Judges and the Audiences…

Each moved by the Truth.. the Sincerity of Expression that every one recognizes…and how we respond?
That is our choice, but some truths expressed so beautifully, such as the Beautiful Warrior age 17 ( Q)…1+7=8..H

Reveal the depth of not only the One thing I chose to Fight for, which I never forgot in this Great War in the Seen and Unseen Dimensions which is that I could never deny-no matter how pissed of I may get, no matter the abominations I witnessed and experienced…

That I could not deny that I had witnessed the Literal X factor,
the Beautiful Truth of the Species..
And when I was called to testify to the Court of the Spirit world and the Alien Council of guardians of the Laws of Cause Effect…
One dimension of E-motion and the other without Emotion..
And all the cards where stacked up against the literal effect of having Humanity come into Existence…
I could not help but remind them ” But what about Humanities Beautiful Truth?”

And then, I was asked to prove it, by experiencing the sum total of the abomination of human consciousness…

Sound like a bed time story, a fairy tale..
No, it is the absolute Truth..

Alexander.. Defender of Man..

But Man as All and their Beautiful Truth
and whatever went so wrong that this beautiful truth of the Species is so easily forgotten, for the song of Hatred and Evil..
Point the Finger…

I chose to fight for what is Right in the World.
the Heroic Nature and Beautiful Truth..
I have done this consciously for 26 years, my entire Youth…

See the movie Youth without Youth” with Tim Roth…

And this is an example of why…

But everything else is a Lie..
Except their Beautiful Truth…

Everything Dies and goes out of Existence
because “They” have decided that It is true
by “They- the Unseen” who set up this play…
on Face Book to see even if unaware people still had the E seed planted in them and how for 3 years and 1O months,
Each new Face Book who chose to send me a request ( I was not allowed to send any request, except if indicated by a source outside of me)
was weaving into Existence the Original play of all the fractals of how Existence and the E line of Expression came into being Existence..

Right to the my 4 95 Face Book Friend… Jai Italiaander…

Recall older face book friends the code name of my Twin line as Father is Jay-Joy…JAI..E…JOI..E

4 95 D..I,E…See Sacred Portal 49..E…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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