
1/31/2015 0:40 – Facebook Post

1O:22-3 P.M.



Denial and Lies.

To Deny the Truth of Existence made self Evident with Evidence is to deny your Existence itself.


I had an Epiphany today, just now in fact, of this arduous 33 year and 33 month long saga to bring forth the Truth.

The first question one might ask, is in a “Seen” physical manifested world (derived from what was reputed to be an “Unseen” source) why on Earth should anyone have to fight so terribly for the Truth.

Is the Truth not self Evident?
Does not Truth always manifest.
A person knowing the “Signs” that it is going to rain, simply announces it ” Its going to rain” Abd prepares to take shelter

He or she does not argue or debate to prove that Truth because..
It does rain.
And thus, the Truth becomes self evident.

But what happened here.

People deny the Truth.
Our Governments deny the Truth.
Truths so relevant and of such importance in making decisions concerning our very Existences itself.

People lie.
Governments lie.
Families lie.
The very essences of our social interactions ate based on lies.

A person devotes his life to the pursuit of the Truth and Justice.
But the liars and deniars scoff and distort the very truth.
“What are you going to do about it?” They laugh.

A man cheats on his wife…
And brings such pain and suffering by simply refusing to tell the Truth.
People have mental break downs
People turn into psychopaths
Killers, murders, enraged beasts,
Homicidal tendencies all based on that arrogant statement…

“What are you going to do about it?”

The only power of the Truth seems to be witnesses.
And the Witnesses can be bought, influenced,
Extorted, swayed, manipulated.

Our legal system is founded on only one foundation witnesses, who link the facts.
But what if, as is so horribly reflected in all human history, the tampering, and distortion of the facts..the evidence which reveals the Truth

And why is finding out the Truth so important?

What makes grown men and a women devote life times, walk to places so far out of thier comfort zones, face terrible risks..just to unviel the Truth

Funny thing is that the Truth is usually known.
But in the face of a consciousness in humanity so abominable, so well versed in deceptions and lies that it has finally become more acceptable to express and exist in the most damaging lie of Existence rather than live in the truth…

The Truth is called a pussy.
It only manifest sporadically.
It does not protect us from the liars..
Deny! Deny! Deny!

What ya gonna do about it?

Wait for the Truth to eventually come out …

But meanwhile, have you seen or witnessed the power of destruction a lie can do.
And have you witnessed the consciousness of a denial and deniars to the very end..
That suddenly all hope in the human Espirit and in the order of the Cosmos fades.

Have you ever been Falsely accused.
Have you ever witnessed the power of destruction of falsified evidence.
Of the Distortion of things you know you said in truth, turned and used against you to destroy your credubiity. .
To damage your very essence.
Your Espirit

And yet, there are people, generations upon generations who devote thier entire existences in finding out the Truth..
From us there a God to who murdered my brother to who stole my life savings… To who stole my last cookie from the fridge or my lunch…

Why must we know.
What is it about the Truth, feeble, unreliable in the face of the Great liars, deceivers deniars arrogant seemingly impregnable stance to dare have the balls to distort manipulate and then sustain a lie with all its irrevocable, irreversible damage which they see they cause…
What makes us still seek out the Truth

Does it bring peace, justice, balance…a reason to believe that there must be more to our Existence than to be controlled by liars deception traitors betrayers…
Is it our perception of Nature and the laws of Arts Science, Existence itself which is based on such perfect laws…A straight line an arrow of Truth.

Why do we search for the Truth, even after the damage has been done..
The Truth which eludes us…
And allows the liars and deniars to make such fools of it…
Who stand with such impertinence…
Lying before our very faces…

And yet are they too not also ruled by the fear of the Truth
That thier deception will be unveiled.
That they will be exposed.
Why do they go to such lengths to hide the Truth..
To make sure that the Truth never surfaces…

Why are they so afraid of the Truth.
When the truth seems a weakling, a lie unto itself by the indifference it has to manifesting in its moment of need.

Is this not how people see God..and his betrayal of Existence (I play Existence in this movie simulation), his betrayal or her betrayal of the people.
Or making the people subservient to it by manifesting in its own time with a big bang and dramatic splash which makes the people who grumbled ready to revolt..
Submissive…”Gods time is the best..
Ogemdinakachukwu Jasper Ahamefula…
My time is in the hands of God…
Fear of God…
Fear of the Truth.

A power of abuse way beyond the power of the lie.
The Lie and deniars Challenge and defy the truth, only because they are aware of its capricious Nature.
They take thier chance..
“It may or may not respond…it might let me get away with it…
The Truth has no moral fiber..
It does as it pleases..
It comes and goes..
Responds or not.
Let’s an innocent man suffer for forty years in prison.
While the guilty party walks free..
Constantly waiting for the truth to surface constantly looking over its shoulder.

When I came into the world and Simulation, I knew something was definetly wrong..
Where is Truth..
Where is Gode…
The whole seeing world manifested from the building blocks of the 99% unseen realm…

Why does the Truth not speak up!

The Energetic Truth…
The Truth which had the power to manifests The Everything..
To maintain balance and Beauty…
What the Devil is going on!

And so the lie grew bolder, the deniars wall higher and Evil flourished even though I knew …but evil can not Exist.
But to my amazement it did here.
In fact, it manifested to a form which could no longer be limited to the term Evil…
Evil is limited by laws of Cause and Effect.
Nature and Natural laws eventually balances and contains evil…
Natural systems and even Natural human systems eventually cut it out.
It is contained.. Limited

But not this.
I experienced it first hand.

I never had any great desire to find or seek the Truth
I am Truth because I am here.
I exist I matter I express and my words move and have an impact on those around me..
I move space..I warp time
I morph being…
I am here and I Exist
That was enough for me.

I fought for my own truth..
I made my truth active alive powerful
My truth is in my being, my stance, my walk, my Beautiful Pride.
I am my Sword I am Truth
Exemplified by my choice in being true to Nature to my nature because quite frankly it was not out of any moral obligation but because it works.
I tried the lues, denial, hurting others as long as I gained..
I just touched those principles and was horrified by the discomfort and the awful.and unnatural Effect on my being
I like being Emeka.
I like being comfortable in my skin.
Being true to my Nature and my Naturalness made me feel Me…
And me was, is Beautiful..
Sexual Erotic dangerous mischevious..
And as I refined my being ..
My oh my I liked being me…
Natural Expression which became refined…

But then this “Mission” began.
There were many things I was afraid of…
Not in fear of, which is different
For fear creates paralysis… Inability to go forward..
What makes me afraid are the very things I walk boldy towards..
Brave…hmm I don’t think so, it is more about being comfortable.
I love luxuriating in my consciousness of Ah…
Bliss Extase… I like being comfortable in my skin.
But One can hardly do or be in that state when constantly being interrupted with by being afraid of something…
No, no being afraid makes me the most brave and courageous of beings..
I am not afraid of being afraid because I do something about it.

If I am afraid of Fighting I learn to fight beautifully by finding the greatest guides to help me learn the Art.
If I was afraid of my fury being so powerful that I was afraid if I ever truly got angry that I would kill a person..
I.learnt to Master anger and not being afraid of killing a man but knowing when that it was deserved and necessary… So I learnt how to be an assassin and kill with a word or a Thought …not reflection.

No, I walked into this simulation in sept 1989 with no fear that the Truth whose principles and foundation I had not only chosen and understood its essence would never, could never not respond to one who had become its embodiment of Truth even if I had a way with the Truth..
As a Lover has a way with that which it knows it can always seduce…
But is able to seduce the other to come, to cum..to climax and Orgasm…
Because I understood its principles, seduced it with my principle..
Beautifully Expressed Truth ….A.B.CD E…F..F-Act.

To tell me that the Truth would not rise with me in a Mission which had nothing to do with me but with its own Supreme Self I came to defend as a fact…
That would not have been my Fear nor would it have paralyzed me…
I would have laughed heartily in your face…


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