
1/30/2019 15:58 – Facebook Post

“They Lived Before Adam”

T.L. ..B A

20 12.. 1 2
32 5..3
5 3

I have spent years decoding and unravelling the Truth of the Origins of the Species, and receiving the Echo Confirmation from the Unseen World and the Universe itself which is a Library of Records which respond to the Truth.
This was done as I walked through a set up of Space and Time

To explain anymore would be redundant as I have explained this all in such details on my page over the last 7 years, while decoding the invisible script.

The past is relevant in that it has to be resolved and aligned before one can go forwards

In the end, through the last play, challenge we have reached the Universe End as represented by travelling through the Universe for 17 years in the U S A simulation set in New York, ending in Connecticut and back to New York.

The Truth is something people will always argue about and that is why my focus was never about convincing anyone to see from my point of view but rather to solve The Source Codes, complete the “Sacred Journey” to make manifest the Truth as Fact.

An exhausting and insane journey to teach the portal rep by Esteban Miguel Filgueira
McKayla Rays and John Mack

Representing the E.M.F .. Age code C D
The Library R M… Room Library -Space age
Age code 19..Letter S

And the Jump Man ..Grace.. J M
Age code 21 U.

And at Last linked to Johnny New Man. 25 code Y. Male Chromosome
( That Creation was manifested by a Male Expression .. Voice Solfeggio
Tree Sage.
Tree of Wisdom.
The Source.
Age code 31.. Ressurection 13/31 ..44..8
8 is Space..
The frequency of Infinity

Infinite L imitlessness
C I.
Consciousness Infinity
I C.. Full Circle.

And that is what M.H switching to H M.
Represented by the arrival of Elham Hailey Milani represents..
The Eternal Harmony Manifested from outside of Time Space.
Expression which manifested all creation cane from outside of Creation and creation is the Reflection of the Source.

T.S E.
T L E..

TT. S O L.. E. E

The completion is that the Universe has been proven to be from the Expression of a Hue Man Being.

The Creator … who exists outside of Time and Space

And he and his line and family are the First Expression source of Infinity Eternity.

2:58 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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