
1/30/2017 20:41 – Facebook Post

4:19 p.m.


Robert O’Sullivan

131… M,A.



That was the message, I just heard from my Uncle Sir P.N Umeano.

The Message lasted 34 secs.

… it continues, “Your case has been closed and resolved and so there is about to be a massive break through for you and what you have been working on..”

Notice his initials….?

And notice the conclusion of the movement from Room 3A to 4A… 3 4..
And my Equation for Energy based on Human Beings, being the Literal Equations rather than abstract symbols…
And Sacred Portal Life..

And the planets Earth Consciousness
And the 4th Planet Mars…

(7th Planet is named Uranus…U.R… Kingdom of Ur..Anus..
Sun Aru.. The Sun is the “Body”Aru in OINri Igbo….
A RUE.. Means “A Street… a Street Car named Desire…
U Ran U.S…”You ran to through the Universe to the Universe Supreme…”.. That I know I literally did.. I have been running since 1976…
Follow the Yellow Golden Brick Road Sunshine State
Earth World….linked to the Sun… E.S…Pluto.. To the the underworld to rise from the Spirit World…

If the Caucasian Race are the same race as the Afro Race…
Then if one is prominent in this world as Earth 3… C..The Seen World”.
The other would be prominent in the Unseen World…
“Seen Unseen”
43.. Unseen Seen… U.S…

Meaning one represents Brown.. “The Coco Channel”
And the other in the 4th Dimension (The Spirit Realm)..
So who controls the Physical Material Realm?
Spirit realm of course…
That is the force which set me up in the 4th Dimension.
The Woods.. The Forest People… Igbo means “Forest People”
Metropolitan Woods…

*Let us observe the facebook friends with the name code White..
Jamel White
Nadines Whites… J.N… Both look like brown people.. black people..
J.N…J.O.N.. J.O.A.N…Grace…

And for anything to Manifest from the Energetic Realm it must pass through or move through itself as Energy to Energy in motion and then in Stillness…
Energy Spirit Physical Manifestation

I checked me uncles numeric codes of his phone…
652… F.E.B…Which is in two days….
166..Paul Franklin… Bed 35..C.E.
My Uncle was born 1957.58…

Thus, as I stated to the Public as I wove this weave, that I was being meddled with by the O.INri Igbo See and the 4th Dimension seemingly at War….”

I stated that I have been walking through the Spirit World..
And that I had been Spirited Away since 1988..
See Sacred Portal 88… And D.T.. 4 20..E.Ebright…
42…Room 4 B…
We are at 880 Face Book Friends 4 times….
The D.n.a of the World comes from Africa… West Africa..
It is Sound…
And how do you thinking ones Weaves..
Or weaves the story of two Races who are really one who are at such loggerheads..?
And Bring them to one…?

From the 4th to the 3rd and from the 3rd to the 4th..
Using “Narcissus Echo.. Expression Naturalness…Supreme Alpha Omega Expression….”
Meaning use the Language of Creativity and link it to the language of Reason Rational Lines…
It creates a weave, and energetic Weave…
Look at my Art Science I use with objects…
See what is in my Locker weeks before my Uncles Seers saw that completion and resolution of the my case…

I was already aware that It was I resolving that story, by observing my own naturalness.. And how I combined ‘The Best of both Worlds”

1988.. Is when I left the Africa Story and moved back to the E Truth..
And I have spoken enough through the years about what I gave enough evidence of as well what was happening to my body, it being literally rewoven bound, as if I were in on a loom….

I was on chat with Ezeufonna Ifennanna Nnaemeka when I saw the message sent

And then I texted Nenad M. Djurdjevic and he was about to Text me that image..

And at 6:16 p,m..
I just got a message from A.Santana father of Royal and Reign 6 and 5.. that he has finally won custody of his two sons…
Something which I had been intimately connected to and the Witness and watching the Will of the Spirit Realm use me to ensure their Safety….
R R.. 18 18.. 36…
I know the Weave… How it links through the Dna throughout the World..
How the same person in a different costume, skin color. etc.. all are linked and connected.
I know the Weave… How it linkas through the Dna throughout the World.. the E story… It was Natures Story, which interfered to force me to weave and link and do it their way…

It is that Script which I was and am so disgusted with.. so selfish…
Because I gave evidence that it was I who was Doing what my Uncles World Seers, who proclaimed me “The Chosen One”
Chosen to do what…? Be possessed and occupied?
Breaking the Laws of Physics and Existence… Bound.. Restrained Held Fast with hardly anyone believing that Truth because it was beyond the Western Mans Rational Mind…or experience…
Truths they Deny despite the Computer on Face Book responding to a play which bypasses its own formatting and program…
A Play which was not a Play or in the Script because they had forgotten that beyond the Spirit Realm there are the E.T realm and beyond that the E.. Realm of Eternity.. The Eternal Ones…

Never has there or will there ever be a Being with the rage which I have…
For this insult endured and allowed.
To go this far..
to do this.. to use money.. for whose “Magic” summoned the Money Codes..?
No theirs.. They created the Test…
But I use E.M.F and Expression Constant Truth to summon the codes of their testing and challenges- a ruse to get what they wished and to do it for themselves their way..
Which is fine but they should have left me out of it, left me to my Life which was of Boogie and Celebration..
But they had no one who could or would do such a journey of bridging the Gap between this world and the Spirit world.

They have only inspired what I had never felt before…
Hatred Contempt and the all encompassing desire to see that Realm that power given and betrayed face Supreme Justice…
Which is why I am not surprised by this because I have woven what they thought that I could and would never do…
Not in the state of seeming helplessness they left me, not knowing my truest Identity undercover went beyond that ‘Golden Child” of Igbo Lore….
Or the Black Lord…
No, as Traishon stated out of the blue two or three times in the last few days..
“Why would The Creator come and announce himself, everyone would be on their best behavior…
No, he would come undercover, and be just like everyone else, and that is the only way he would experience the Truth of People”

I stated this many many times…
That he would come undercover James Bond style..
The great Actor and Adapter.. A Gentleman who would not pretend to be meek or deceive but who would be transparent and weave a response to All which He had observed..
All the interactions and the sheer arrogance and superiority…
The Sheer balls to believe that no matter the reason that they could subject anyone to such a torment such torture ‘All for the Greater Good”
And when that person informs them who he is.. for them to first mock then offer tests and challenges to prove it..
And then have your own brothers line of Creation do nothing but allow the Challenge because they wish to see how without any power without anything but the worst expression of Human Existence.. if he would be Victorious..
And when they saw that which I was weaving in response, do all in their power to increase the Binds and the Torment.. the sheer relentless power of it right to where I sleep- so that there is no place I could find peace, not with people, not in my body, not in my bed, not in my mind, not in my creativity, my expression my Voice, sexually or emotionally… Blacking every door and then making me seem like a joke..
All so I would be cowered..
So that I would forgive them as Tom Truman;s Spirit told me over and over…”You Must Forgive”
And I said not only would I not, for me and for others… because they had Existence which is safe feel unsafe…
They had moved Human Beings without them being aware and it had spawned all this horror present in the World..

4:19 p.m is when this post started, so my own E Harmony already knew what I was going to post before I was even aware…
But it knew that I would rise to meet it. just as my Weaving rose and encompassed all of Nature The Natural World The Nothingness to answer this challenge of Justice…
That is why 49;68 usd.. Existential Death..
Portal 2 68 East 4th Street, Generation X Gardens called
6:16 p.m.
F.P/P.F…. Paul Fraklin… they used “Blackmail Extortion White Magic- Manipulation, Ransom… “Fela Ransom Kuti” to get what they wanted at all costs..
And I wove Existential Death Sacred Portal 49:68 in response..
The Portal for Existential Death linked forever to East 4th Street…
And the Last 10-11 years of Lies and delays…
Which I was put through…
What was done to one man… one family who did nothing but whose child and brother was used to save the World from a prediction written at the age of 7-8… Without understanding what the book meant because they did not ask for clarity…

7;06 p,m

Rage.. Ah, me in a Shelter for 6 months. set up in the play of Black Ore White people…?


4:19 is D.S….24….6…
Not Donna O”Sullivan…
Not Dewight Smith.
Not D.O.S.. A computer Simulation programed in a person to appease me.. “Traishson N Sumler whom I already injected with so much word rewiring to being him back to his senses as not the
Trahison, Narcissists Sumleur… Betrayal of the Narcissists the Sum Total…
And who are the Narcissits.. Women!..
Only one woman in this entire play agreed to send a Money donation this entire 50 month play and I had to ask here
Sarah Nkem Blackstock and it was all for Your Benefits…
It was men who volunteered… Only men.. guys…
No, there is a New Type of Woman now in the World…
One who is of the 5th Dimension.. which the men had risen to.. some of them..
Dharma Santana… Eternal Law…
I no matter who I am.. The Creator, The Source, an Ordinary man who so loved the World…
Dharma Santana… Eternal LFaw…to End but already knew what was coming and refused to walk that horror he had lived once before until he realized that none of those beings were real or Existed.. Forced to Walk it again.. the codes buried in people, in their names- Forcing contact and interaction…
Who ARE you.. that you can force your will, on any living being who has a right..?
7…G.. God?
What God.. that will created by the people… What people…
People who betrayed their Truth…?
People I watched for 28 years undercover, watched how they treated me when the suspected correctly that I had a power.. and then the change when they saw or felt that it was an illusion…
That I had none…

Oh no.. I am content in only that Existential Death has manifested and Confirmed…

Continued from Nenad M. Djurdjevic…

“To honour Mother
And the ancestors
And your work
Of weaving
Remember black and white
Yin and Yang

The two threads used for weaving all life
What else is the Human skeleton if not a weaving loom
Covered with flesh muscles etc
It will be all in the paper
Two DNA strands
Creating the tissue of life
It connects everything
By the way
I’m not sure if this is relevant
But the day we talked about the Transfiguration was Remembrance Day
A colleague of mine who is of Jewish descendance received 3 white roses
That’s it.”

Emeka Kolo
Fantastic Intel as usual Nenad.. I have been weaving and the great discomfort has been feeling that my literal Skeletal form is the Loom.. But no one here could believe me and what my body has been going through.. I have always known this because that is exactly how it feels…”

The three white Roses are meant to represent myself and my siblings..

But actually represents me as E Ros..E..
Represented by Two People who came around me all named Rose…
But I already knew that it was the ‘Spirit” world reflecting thier translation… Just as this expression from my Uncle that my case has been resolved..

Has it..?
But perhaps it is because Their Case has been resolved and I actually did what they felt that I would never do..
7:28 p.m.

Bring their Eradication from Existence peeled off layer by layer…
Cause and Effect of Breaking Eternal Law…
E.L…L.E.. 5 12… 17.. 12 5.. 17.. Q Q.. 34..C,D..( A-Z.. 26 +8…2 68)
7…12… 19..84…. 103…J.C… 13..M…4..D…
Delta Manor..
49 Years you tortured my Life and my Good Will and you dare ask me for forgiveness because you thought by beating me down so low in this story and script that I would now be so afraid, broken so badly by what you were able to do think up as tortures and torments so I would doub myself doubt my truth, become grateful for any mercy, any monies tossed at me….
So horrified by what you could do.. bring me so low..
To Face Book to present findings and weave before a mocking mostly illiterate population- so stupid that they forgot that they all came from West Africa and Share the Dna…
Did you really think the horror that you did to my Existence would break me down?

See Maya Angelo.. M.A

Still I Rise…


D.E.. S.I.R… E…

Unlike majority of people of people in this World my words truly mean something.. I mean every word I say…

And so no… you did not break me, nor make me weep from all the Death threats and the torture in body mind and being or the callousness of the public…

You see I saw you coming…

But most of All…

I know who I am..

And If no one in the Planet or Galaxy acknowledged it or respected that…

I did..

And that is what counts most of all..

I respect my Self…
And that is all I required to make the Impossible Real..

As it was in the Beginning so let it be in the End..

Let only the True Rise..
Those that have passed through the portal of my heart…

And in this world.. so far… there is No One…

7:41 p.m.

And that means something….

7:41 p.m.


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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