
1/30/2015 1:12 – Facebook Post

1O:52 P.M.


1-9 = 8 Harmony Infinity..

This was played out to such quiet Elegance today with my meeting David Philipe Gil.
It was he who suggested we meet at The Bean
1st and 9th where oh, so quietly we played out the the alignment of out two perceptions and consciousness in Perfection of Harmony to infinity.

129-8. (2O 15 is 2O +15= 35..C.E..3+5=8..H)
Which is today’s date

1st and 9th (The Bean which is representative of the Mitochondrial D.N.A which I have proven is not contained or activated by a physical Gnome sequencing)..in Harmony in the present.
To my proven Awareness through a tunnel portal he represents going right back to Infinity Eternity where there only Existed myself and my Rejection whom is Self Awareness whom I called The Everything or my Twin Nature, Creation
Natural Expression.
T.N…2O 14…(True Nature played out to David mention the Greek schools of Four and Three as the basis for all education in the Ancient world of Greece which came through the Middle East and originated from Africa…NRI.
The relevance…2O +14= 34-43..* which is relevant in the ordering even of his expression which he too was aware of, he s
cited the code with 4 first then three and acknowledged it…
And I was at 2 43 Facebook friends when I met him…
Precy Arizechi..Ancient Ones..

The relevance of that equation is the equation I have cited as the code of Energy is
E=C.M 4/3

Which the true Mitochondria D N.A I have stated is motion embodied in people as living equations and thier interaction..not static equations on a black board representing Atomic Physical sciences…
But rather Energic Ahtomic Awareness Bio Cellular Manifest Expression.

David even gave me a gift of 1O dollars exactly the amount in his wallet.
Thus, both of us seeing the Harmony aligned to 28 (B.H Being Harmonious..and the very day David became once more my Facebook Friend…)
2+8= 1O..X
And 2×8=16…letter P as in David P.
And then 1+6= 7 G which Gill means Joy in Hebrew..Jesus O Yeshua.
And 1X6 (meeting at 6 pm though he came at 5:4O…
*see sacred post 54.

Thus the 7 And the alignment of 6th sense explained through 6 age of Reason (Empirical Observation Experienced Individually created
7+6= 13…
He was born June 13th 1978…
78 of course representing Galaxy 78W-87M…
To Galaxy 6OX. I.C..11O1…
Read as 1O11. C.I X O6…
Which was played out.

David was curious as to how much change in his wallet he had..
The 1O USD was in perfect harmony but just as I would do…he was curious..
He had 68 cents.

David Roman Nicholas the winged incarnation of Nnamdi my brother who woke up as Jesus O Yeshua…is born 11:22 1968..
My mother 11:22
And I had 12 dollars in my pocket..
Thus add 1O..
I had 22
Now it 18.(.A.H)as I headed back to 2 68 4th street.

My three new Facebook friend are perfect reptesents of the Echo response of that play.

Richard Schooping…R S..I.E..RISE.

As my 244 Face Book friend
2+4+4= 1O.

Richard means “Powerful Ruler”
The Bean which represents the Power house of the Human D.N.E.A…is the powerful ruler because it is that T.B…Truth Beautiful
Tao Buddha consciousness of Nature Naturalness (Stillness Motion) aligned as NN..N=14.
28= 1O.
Sacred Portal 1A.

245 Face Book friend aligned to my brother selves birthday, April 5…45..
As well as the age he would be today is aligned through the meaning of his name and Intials…
Clark Narayana….C.N…
Consciousnes Natural
E= C.N.
Which aligns to 33 year old Nnaemeka Chinwuba Ezeufonna whose name contains the complete code and who was stimulated to speak up on Facebook after David saw a code of an upside down pyramid at The Bean 3rd and 2nd/ 2nd and 3rd. (32-23..23 is W..78W…portal David
* Eshe Chuki Asale in Queens Park represents
D O.B July 8 the 1968….
78 1968.

While Nikoma Rios December 27th 1978…

The portal is the Beautifully Present..
With a complete understanding and grounding anchoring of the steps of understanding the consciousness I represent.
Which with David has evolved from my playing a G Guide of Grace to our chatting and conversing in that consciousness..Just as one finally learns to speak fluent French.

Clark means “Scribe ” which I played to the Ancient World…as well as Clerk secretary servant…
And of course Clark Sent..Chukwuemeka Kolo undercover playing Superman…

And this I affirmed by the meaning of Narayana…
Nara being the resting place of Lord Vishnu..
And the Living Entities…
Also Nara means Water..
And the humans body is made up of 9O% Water.
And with the literal Manifestation of what hundreds of people have observed of my being and body suddenly being taken over by what ppl and observers describe as Joyous entities of Beauty and Grace…
And instead of people freaking out or calling the press have accepted this Supernatural nature in me as if it was an everyday thing..
Much to.my indignation and incredulity.

Narayana in Sanskrit means “Path of Man”
Way of Tao Buddha.. T.B…
Beautiful Truth.

33 age 33 months on F B.33 years since I saw Nnamdi “alive” and now Clark N aligned to the 2-45 Facebook friend
April 5..1969…

And my 246 Facebook friend
Neil Furby…

Neil means “Champion and Cloud…
The famous Celtic King..Niel of the 9 Hostages…

Code: Champion of Cloud 9…

Furby means Farmstead or Settlement.

A Powerful Ruler Rises (School Ping! Epiphany in the Universe University Simulation called your Being Minds)..
A Scribe undercover who follows the path of man, the Nature and Naturalness of being the Beautiful Truth. Who is Superman- an Alien et who holds with his literal body Being Akashic
( Neel Akash) the NOM ( Nuno Ordens Miguel) Name and E manual of Vishnu (*Ave Ayat see Edward Eceinco quote which popped into his head..a greetings) all the Supreme Entities within his knowledge Eau De Vivre, from his home consciousness Cloud 9..
Held hostage by the 9 princes of Hell who wished to be as I…Individual but refused to adapt to the way of Evolution…
And so, I.E was sent from Cloud 9 to teach them them destroy these Lords and Ladies of Mara ..A Ram holding up Evolution ..
Because it was really my brother Nnamdi who felt the word needed the Emanual and dedlfied me only to discover they were illusions created by his own first fears he forgot to clean up…


Time 12:12

Welcome my Lords.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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