
1/3/2018 2:22 – Facebook Post

1/3/2018 2:22 – Facebook Post

12;21 a.m.

One should not write or post when One is Angry…

And I will admit, that after holding back and in my anger of this Script and swallowing so much crap and expression from People I can see rigght through, yet I had to interact with them knowing exactly how tey would respond…

De Ja Vu…

Yes Chris Franco called it out first…

But, I saw what took place today on my return, the person in bed 4-013 who was in front of me as I passed the Metal Detector and then was passed through while he was delayed.
And then the seat I am currently in… which was occupied by bed 4014…
( i had actualy decided to use Raheem seat who was seated besides him, but he called me over to take the seat next to him when he noticed the guy vacated..
The level of my disinterest and contempt for this Script shows by my not even interested in noting their names…)

I do not believe I have ever felt the kind of anger I feel now, for this Script…
I am willing to destroy It all.. every part of it All…
Everyting and return alone to the Nothing…

Existence is a Piece of Fecal Shit and Its Process is worthy of Contempt and Disgust…

I Curse it with every part of my Soul and Being for allowing such a Script and Play to be made possible…

Let it all go to Hell and burn as far as I am concerned..
Awakening Evolution Boides Beings… All..

I say this without Emotion but having endured so much and for so long, and observed an abuse of Power which renders Existence Unsafe, Unfair and Ridiculously absurd that such a Script is the Script of Evilution Awakening… of the All brought into One…



My Eternal Comtempt…

Destory it all… That is my Final World.

Bed 4-001 to 13… to 14….
D O O A… To D O M…E… To D O N E…

I woke up 7: 26. p.m… G.Z… God is Z…
G.. God the Dog… G and Devil.. the Twins.. 11….
They do not exist…
7 4… 4 7… 11 11… 28 28.. 4 ( 1) 56…. 11…
11 1 3…. 3(1).. X2 . 11 1 11 1… 6 (1) All 1.

O.. Is the one Constant… 15 Letter… 1+5= 6…
111111 is 6….

You can not create anything from this Igbo Africa play of Deception and Coercion Force…

I kept wondering where this was leading to….
I am seated besides Igbo Anthony …
E.A.. is the code he knows nothing about this nor does anyone else really apart from what I have explained and demonstrated.

I have carried this alone for a life time, and I have people claiming to be my brother my equal who left me here.. on the streets… in hells for 6 years…
while I proved and proved evidence which they waited to see if it was going anywhere, and they have the arrogance to claim me?

This entire play script set up is Evil… Manipulation…
I have known this from the moment I became aware…
I came this far to understand why and how this could go so far.. and what was its point…
Self Entitlement… making claims you have no right to…
Letting one person carry all the wieight of th world, the play alone and in the end you come along and say O.K.. Yes…

The absurdity…

I am making rise the E and destroying this World People this Earth.. al bad copies gone to such rot that the stench is over powering…
And the blame was not others.. out there.. pointing fingers…
It was always All of you who did not do something nor recognize the Truth..
And even whenyou did, you did nothing but wait as I slogged through it waiting for me to prove it and then you awaken evolve… and have Joy Bliss Extase…

I made a vow in 1994 when I understand the Truth and Mentality of Human Nature… Carry no one on your back…
And in 1989 I learnt never trust a word they saw, write or post which was confirmed in 1992…
Watch what they Do and see of their Do and Their Being….

The day started with that unbelievable scene of the play of my having to act out sacred portal 86.. To 97…
I see this now more as the current expression of the Internet Youth…
Such as 22 Year old Paul Logan… P.L.. Posting a Body who had comitted suicide….
I do not know why so much back lash- he is a perfect mirror of the World….
But I find it interesting how the World, like “A Portrait of Dorain Grey” dislike, seeing their True Reflection on the mirror…

He is 22 years old who makes his money making Video’s which has earned him wealth to buy a 6.5 million dollar home.

Yes my code coffee today..
First 68… then 629 and finally 650..
Play Of 22.
P.L…A… N.E.T.
T E N. A. L P…
The Elegant Nomad Album Loves Praise
E A R T H. E
From stupid pranks… while the world endures suffering misery and hoplelessness…
And when you show the Truth.. the cost of adopting this Virtual Reality of Escapism… bringing peope face to face with reality…
Everybody suddenly grows a conscience…

Me who is posting soving the riddles of existence to an mainly indifferent Population of Voyeurs…
I died here somany times…
The last time I got 53 likes…
E C…
Elizabeth Clarizio…
More more Clarity… Logan and others get millions of likes..
Despite my stating that your Extinction is based on your response….
Enough Hypocrisy…

Paul Logan… age 22…
P.L.. V…
Planet L..V… But no O.E….
P=16… 1016 Facebook friends…
7:26 AM

Gods Gift was what I was shown I am at
Chase Bank…. ( recall Paulie F Agola and his application through me for a credit card… The code was 104…
S.P.. Com pass Me… Terrible Death… Yes it is me…
I passed your tests, passed through all your hearts, all your demands…
But you forgot one thing…
Now you must pass through mine….)

Chase Bank… Metropolitan Ave.
11 Hugh Grant Circle… H G..C… 8 7 3… E T…

Goodness Sampson….

Labonte Family History. French: nickname for a wealthy man, from la ‘the’ bonté ‘goodness’, ‘wealth’. This is a frequent secondary surname in Canada.
The name Sampson is a Hebrew baby name. In Hebrew the meaning of the name Sampson is: Sun child; bright sun.

From the Hebrew name ?????????? (Shimshon) which meant “sun”. Samson was an Old Testament hero granted exceptional strength by God. His mistress Delilah betrayed him and cut his hair, stripping him of his power. Thus he was captured by the Philistines, blinded, and brought to their temple. However, in a final act of strength, he pulled down the pillars of the temple upon himself and his captors.
This name was known among the Normans due to the Welsh bishop Saint Samson, who founded monasteries in Brittany and Normandy in the 6th century. In his case, the name may have been a translation of his true Celtic name. As an English name, Samson was common during the Middle Ages, having been introduced by the Normans”

Sacred Portal 115…

1:18 am.

There is no one… none but the line of P.N.. C.O…
My Uncle and my Mother line who can pass through my portal.. of my heart…
Now turned into something Harder than A Diamond and colder than I.C.E SUB ZERO….

No one but these two… and the N .E.T.

No Hate…

Just no.

Thought thatit might me nice for all of you to get another point of view apart from yours,…
One you did not consider relevant…

1:22 p.m.


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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