
1/3/2017 16:16 – Facebook Post

1:21 pm

It is all about Silence today…

.. So how come I can’t seem to shut up?

I felt today would be the end of talking to the Silence…
Face Book

The Future…
I was looking forwards to going to the immigrations offices…
But it was postponed to the 27th…
Which almost caused me to panic.
My birth certificate from London, as I stated and I spoke with Cassandra- whom I found myself giving her a copy of The Elegant Nomad- not knowing why but knowing if I went deeper I knew why.

Why I was looking forwards to Birth Certificate and the Immigrations office?

Well, according to my reading of the “Universal Script” it would mean that I am there is no Natural Harmony in Existence which takes me home.
Or an Evolution Awakening based on the reading of the Script.

Just this reality and the “normal” system of this reality which rules and governs this World.

I am at the point of absolute indifference to this outcome.
Despite knowing that I read the Universal Script correctly.
And what spurred me on to go this far taking place in my body is real.
Because I live with it everyday.

Birth Certificate B C
Immigrations Office I.O.

2 3 9 0. 9O
5 9 O

I am perfectly aware of the significance but the greatest priority on my mind right now is myself..
To take care of myself, to find rest sleep and income to live with dignity from this moment hence forth.
To get off Face Book forever and leave the memory of this experience behind me forever.
And to leave this place, I allowed myself to come to and stay despite being offered to be transfered from here the first day on realizing that a “mistake” had been made of placing a person in with a physical condition P, in a place where people suffer mental conditions which qualify them for housing.

I did to work gain an income but most of all distract myself from seeing reading so clearly what has been placed so squarely in my line of vision by my own Espirit whom I trusted knew what it was doing when I finally gave up resisting this “Destiny and Mission”
Which as I stated in my Last Post as a Lover of Life, a Bonne Vivant and an Adventurer…. I never believed in and simply wished to enjoy the adventure of my Life.

And It being “Predestined Predetermined… Scripted kinda defeats that truth and logic I was born with.

People assumed as I thought they would that this is all about me…
So absurd.
Why would I care to put myself through all this to prove to THIS World reality so filled with Haters- that I am the First Being, The Source…?

One would think that I never lived in this reality.

No I have been reading a Script and the Script Happens to use my Life and me as an example.
And that is the cruelty I speak about because it is as if the writer of this script was ignorant of the absolute cruelty of such a role and the response it would get.

The only reason why I do not think I was not physically ripped to shreds by people is because of my own awareness of Your Feelings and Point of view… Ego and sense of self..
By my explanation and the ruse of my being so Humble about it all.

And anyway, most of you tore me to shreds in your minds and in the place where a heart normally beats.

Any there is no real big deal about being the First to Rise…
First to Recollect all in the Evolved E line apart from the role and responsibility of what it entails, especially in this realm.

It requires this Experience and the mostly brooding pleasure of the Silence.. The response to such a pronouncement in this world…
No helping hand- no “Brother where Art thou! We are coming..
Just a seething festering…
Lets see then… Lets watch and see you get out of the mess you are in by yourself
Proof it…
Climb down from the Cross..
Forget the evidence, facts truth that
I am Crossing Over
That I am the Crossing Guard

Ulrike Rudyard Pfaff U R P
Ulrik Pedersen. U P

University Place
Rob Barr

No not everyone feels this way
But in their hearts of hearts most do…

No I am in the Role of a Seer Prophet Pope…
Informing people through exemplification made hideously public of something each and everyone of you must eventually do.

Cross over…
In life or in Death.

Which is what happened New Years Eve and Day.

After speaking with Cassandra and seeing the completed understanding in her eyes
(Damn she is a Cool one…)
I really grasped today not just how much she had really listened but completely understood my story but knew recognized it as truth.
And as some of you she expressed her sense of helplessness and candor
You can’t and should not be here..
But there is no where to go, not family not another house of a person after living that way for 15 yrs
“Right now you have no choice but to see this to the end,
This Existential Nightmare.
Every once in a while I see the hint of her eyes welling up with tears not of compassion or pity but True Understanding… But then in an instant it is gone.

I do not wish her to carry this but she keeps assuring me she can
And she can because I watch her do what I do… Distance herself from it all.

Trahi my new room mate seems a reflection of my inner world.
I see it in his quiet his Silence and polite and handsome solitude.
What he is bearing I can not and do not wish to guess…
He sleeps alot is nearly always here as I of recent.
But there was community meeting here
I have never attended but he elected to go.
He came up later to use the bathroom here but it was occupied.
I offered to show him the one downstairs he had not known about- they’re talking about the guy who died.
I mean no disrespect but I had to use the bathroom.
But he did wish to be there so I decided I should at least show some respect.

As I sat Paul then spoke
Paul of bed 35 CE room 3A
And spoke of having had a conversation with the younger man about drugs which is apparently how he died just before..

I listened to Paul and surprised myself by responding.
Paul had made some interesting observations which were almost lost in his delivery of the intelligence.

But what interested me, which I kept to myself was how He Paul was the last to SEE him, truly see him alive and said he offered words of Wisdom to him
Almost a warning.. Caution
And how Kerwyn Vincent bed 22 V
Shared the same room and with Jay a youth, discovered him the next day.

Life passing to Death
Both men Paul and Kerwyn
The only ones left here whom my Espirit linked me to reveal the True play and who each were pivotal and used as messengers to me.
Each have that “Holy Espirit” moving or which I witnessed move in them.

And just like that the Connection on that level was gone.

And I speak to none of them as I did before not by anger or any grudge or anything other an experience and a sense which made the Supreme Espirit simply no longer rises in me in their presence as it did before… Or is it that It does not rise in them which then activated the rise in me.
Perhaps it is bc the Play with them used as tools is complete…

Of course, there much more to this but I find myself no longer willing to explore or post the meaning.

Each to his or her own
Let people do their own Homework
3:03 pm


I am bored with peoples responses
Each should face their own consequences be it a blessing or a Curse or a little bit of Both
I am no longer willing to play the role of Crossing Guard.

“Which is better?”
To be loved or to Love?”
I saw on Amit Dhwans page
under comments

The reply was

“A Bird uses both Wings to Fly…

Harmony Infinity

3:11 pm

There is no True Love here
Only E.C..V

C.E. Victor

Chase Emmanuel the Victorious Invincible Da Vinci

E P W V K..E

3:16 pm

33 11 56

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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