
1/3/2014 0:38 – Facebook Post

Alarm Bells.

My host and I were conversing on the effect of sound vibrations used by bosses to control workers and other everyday life situations…and the extraordinary damage done on the human body and nervous system.

I also remarked that the cause of the condition which led me to deaths door was the then, newly diagnosed condition “Fright and Flight”

But to me literally became
“Fight or Flight”.
I was diagnosed with that condition in 1989 while still living in Queens London.

A condition, a real cool lady doctor had explained and described in detail.
About how a person can be put in condition of high state of anxiety, that the shock sends adrenalin rushing up your body eventually leading to a shut down of ones nervous system.

Human consciousness had been so alien to my natural state of conscious that even as a child, and a childhood which later shocked many ppl including my publishers in France, had not really been as traumatic as ppl might assumed. What I had considered to be truly shocking and dramatic about my child hood and later growing years was more the sheer shock of ppls consciousness and the way they dealt with reality.

And added to that was my constantly moving first as
a child- London Canada a brief stop in the states, Nigeria boarding school, by the age of 11.Then university then back to England, then the country side, then Barcelona then the Country side, then France living in nearly all the arrondissements in Paris within a year, then moving to the country side.

Listening to ppl speak about reality and then experiencing the world of Paris Haute Couture Dance Modelling and the Arts.

I went into those worlds bc of my naive assumption that it would be a world full of beautiful consciousnesses and the best place to begin the search for my family.

I was 22-4…And I was shocked by the reality to the point Death.
Literally Didier Francois a F.B friend who was witness to my first encounter with a consciousness in the city of beauty whose ugliness I encountered non stop finally caused my body to shut down.

The Doctor in England discretely suggested that I speak to a friend or some family member.
Which is how I began my conversation and my writing in my Journals: Talking to the Silence.
I chose to speak to.my Best Friend..Spirit E…
The Silence.

And when my body began to shut down after such an inrense bout with reality in Paris.
(I moved over 25 times in one year meeting ppl from all aspects of the Arts from Haute Couture Dance the Opera including Roman Polanski, literature Art critics, painters sculptors writers poets jazz stars sports stars..Night club world Regine, cafe Vogue, Follies Pigale, Bain-douche, Les Palace Cafe Banana. I worked in so many.fields meeting From Karl Lagerfeld to Hurbert Givenchy…I had no problem meeting all levels of ppl from successful to the ones just starting off…

(The same intensity also manifested in Instanbul Turkey starting with a front page cover story on Hurryiette…)

And I had agents, managers convinced I would one day be a star or famous bc they thought I was strange…
(A play which I would not participate in to thier intense dissapiontment and often anger)
But it was the shock of everyone seeming so unhappy and shocked at my Sunny consciousness which eventually took its toll.

And so, one day hurriedly seeking to finish my dialogues with the Silence, who I felt had imposed such a whirlwind lessons of life on me for a reason, which I searched despratelty to find through dialoguing with it in my journals “as it is”
Not believing that this was it- born for just these dialogues with the Silence…
This could not be why I had been born but as the months passed and I grew weaker I began to prepare myself.
Until one day triumphantly finsihing the third and second Volumes that of the Paris journey and my childhood, which I would never have written if I had not believed that I was not coming back-
I collapsed at the Cafe Beaubourg in les Halles where I had written the last two volumes to the Silence, before preparing to answer the summons of my brother Silence Lord Death.

The Shock to my system was Fright or Flight…
My Kidneys shut down and I could no longer walk.
Rather than go to a hospital whose energy I had experienced:and intensely disliked bc it lacked dignity and smelt like dis respect
I reluctantly prepared to go home.

Reluctantly bc I was sure I was born to Boogie.

And that is how I met the Light 21 years.ago.

The sound of Human Consciousness and Expression affected my body to a point that it shut down.

My host showed me videos of the new police Sirens and all the new military weaponry being used which is based on sound vibration which literaly can effect ones D.NA…
by arresting development.

Fright or Flight?

I came back.

Fight or Flight.

I went to Death on Christmas day summoned by my twin spirit housed in my brother Nnamdi who was born on Easter April 5..Yes the 4th the 5th and who left on Easter Day 1982.
Ten years later I answered the summons and returned to this world almost to the day with my Twin aspect self…
My I.D…and my power.
I kemefuna my.middle name means my strength never left me but I went to get my.power…my.other Name.

I came back to Fight.

I stood my ground for 21 yrs to the very end despite the agony this consciousness and mad scientists have done to my body our bodies and beings..natural consciousness.
Because I was never alone even though made to feel as if I was the only one in Existence.
But in me was is the light which is the sum total and the truth of all I am and all of us in the very begining.
The Beauty along with the Truth that all Energy all Expression all Existence and Creation came from that Harmonious Energy called Beautiful Expression…

Nor did I turn back to run in flight of such fright.
Despite not remembering or knowing where I was going or why the path was so hideous but secretly knowing that I had to get to the end.

And so I came back from Death from Paris via Istanbul to New York, turning Silence into a Sound.

Use a bell like Pavlov to control Human Consciousness and Existence?

Existence responds with
A Horn…
A Bull Horn
the Horn of Africa…
And The Blow Horn of Existence Supreme.

Lets see which sound is that of Creation and who can blow who out of Existence.

And who has the power and who can really bring A Fright, which sends these dark scientists and ppl lurking behind the shadows, using sound of creation us to bend us to their will…Out of Existence…painfully so.

I came back with the sum total of Light of Energy of the Ancestors of the Collective Truth and Nature.

I came back to fight
And Energy Ifunnanya Anyawu: stood back as I was assaulted for 21 years to Face all the dimensions 99 of them then 65 more of them alone, as I travelled backwards and forewards through the lie and the Truths of Time and space while I walked the streets and hearts of minds of thousands of people and places in this illusiin of Existence.
Where they left me to fight for our truth alone.
To prove my worth to them..our truth…Human Truth, and the truth of our species.
That I will never abandon our truth, my truth, your truth that we were created from Beautiful Expression which created first Light..
-Ifunnaya -Annyawu
Meaning “I see you Bright Eyes..E Bright”

Consciosness is to see the twinkle in the eye that we mean you no harm..
Unless you fuck with me and challenge the truth source of power..E.T.
We will respond
We will fight back

Fight Back!

And this is why and how
Mba Afor Ocha…
Became a Sound.


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