
1/29/2020 0:56 – Facebook Post

7:24 p.m

G: B.D.

1-28 2020 Vision

Awareness Happy Being.

The Thread. TT of 2020 Vision.

E R I. C

Eric Thread of the Eternal Ruler.
E.T. T E. R-R. E.

E TT. E R R E. O!

Chukwu Eri
Eri Chukwu.

C. I R E. L A N D. Ire ( Wrath)

C. I R E.

Add. C L.

C I R C L E.


E L. C R I. C

E L! CRI C! Cried The C.

E. L.O. R D. G… H U E. G.H. H U G. E.


I wish to clarify for you, the implications of todays posting.

And this Insane Story of the Ultimate Underdog.

Insane because I had spoken a great deal about the O.I Nri Igbo Creation Story of First Contact.
And how they had memory of it, through their own stories legends carried down.
But it was a simple, for me a British born, and grew up in Canada and then to complete my growing up in Nigeria and finally moving back to England then Spain and France age 25.
Istanbul Turkey. New York where I reached 32-33.

I N. New York is superimposed for the USA because USA and America does not exists in this play yet..
So it was a play of 50 States.
New York, Connecticut.

E C N E S .F. I. N. C. E. K

Do you see it?
The Full Circle of Pi?

F IN means “The End.” Finish Line. F.L.

E 3 14. E Solid Facts. ( Stephan Filgueria) I.N…

F L… Ferrell Leander.

First Contact has outcomes
One sends you out of Existence.

8:05 p.m


The Story of The D.N.A is something which I had been demonstrating for over 13 years, while observing that I was being used by The Ancestors to prove their Truth.

A Story so clear in the name meanings, ‘Adam named all things clearly”
I.understood this by the names, and through observing and curiosity of my own extended family whom we met first in London twice and once in the USA.
And finally in Nigeria, I began to investigate this family especially my mother’s line and their way of being, legends, and names.

It was so clear, I could see the Language and Vocabulary was also used with their names.
I felt that I had completed my duty to these Ancestors by doing my University thesis



I have written all this before.

Good Night

I am going home.

Which means its your Awakening.

First Contact with our Darkest Nature E.V.E..N

Getting Even.

11:56 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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