
1/29/2017 11:47 – Facebook Post

Instead Of Solving The Riddles of Existence in the 5 th Dimensional Consciousness I represent,
I have been solving someone elses riddles of the Universe….

And the force is coming from within me…

9:14 a.m
9:15 a.m


I O N..


Code of last 3 Face Book Friends names

Hector Herrera
Grace Mitchell
Coco Tanaid

“Restrained and Checked possessed and held fast. by “Hephaestus” the Iron maker, the Maker of the Maze-Matrix-Pans Labyrinth-the Underworld Hades
Who carries the Ions and Spatks of Expression the Black Smiths Hammer. Hammering the PT (Point) home. through the Air and “Eau”. On the Anvil
(Hammer and Anvil Drum in the Human Ear) the Sparks the Fire and Passion Lit up of the Awakening Awareness Alpha Aloha for 28 yrs and 50 Months on F B
Grant a well deserved Thanks “Gracias” to the one who is as God, the Big Vast Infinite Limitlessness of the “Coco Channel”- the Brown Channel..

*(Shannnel Shanon Rob Barr Shannon, Trays mother Channel Shannon)
… the Famed Bright Famous Full Bright, E Bright light and scholarship of the Tan Aid he is the one dwelling at the very bottom of the Ocean Floor, River bed of Human Existence at Delta Manor Beach street…
Mouth of the River…”

See the Song “Hey Delta John whats that flower you got on…?”

They are referring to me…
The Brown Channel
I have been serving as a Channel since Jan 1993 after I came back from the coma where I saw The Orb the Light!
24 years ago!
24 is X!

Without asking my permission!
That is what happened!!
Paris Istanbul New York

It was all set up…

That is why it feels like I am literally possessed because I am!
But by the Truth which is Conscious Intelligent Apart!
T C I .. E
E T C. I E

Good Lord!



9:17 a.m


Well I tried to get out of the country, but instead ended up passing through the portal already indicated through this Script representing My Mother and Brother Friend Cecilia and David both born 11-22 code C.D..
34 was on the money code of the Dollar bill.
Cassandra found a place 22 11

3-4 which aligns to my being moved from room 3A to 4B…
And to 3-4. 7 12. G L (my two phones)
19 84…103 J C… 13 4 M D
Switch /
D M … I C. (Traishon born 93 and sacred portal 93 Alexander Response ” Response to the Defender of the True People 93 is I C as well as my initials Chukwuemeka Ikemefuna…)

T P. (20 16 last year when this message was sent to me by Anamla Qayin given to her by a stranger on the Street who was given this message in his dreams. Traishon and Paul
T P who both accompanied me to receive the code sent by N to I.E “me”

The Equation Pattern formed
E C T. P N

E T C ( Traishon means 3) P I N

See the time of this post..
9 14.. 9 14
3 14 15 Pi

Chike Cyprian Nwosu Ckc Nwankonobi

P and N
Paris New York

Perfection Naturalness….
The I which Links them is 9 – I
Infinity… 3-1 2 3 4 5
33 6 9 12… 15 18 21. Full Circle 21-12
(2 1 2)

Infinity Limitlessness Omnipotent Radiant Universe….U.L. 21 + 12..33. 6.
2 1 2 5

K the 11 Dopplegangers rep Emeka Traishon.. Chukwuemeka Traishon

115 K.E
See sacred portal 115
Breaking down the Wall of the “Truman Show” J C
Jim Carey
Jim Crow
Jesus Christ!

A.G.E… 1-7-5
Paul is 57 yrs old
I gave him 7 68 × 35 c
Code of X factor and Erik Ebright
38-83 69 code I still use on my Computer

The Ten Dollar Bill marked number 37 in pen
And 170 in Pencil
See sacred Portal 37
Transformation Transfiguration
Male to Female Form!

10:28 pm

Reign Santana…

And back…

The Unseen in the 4th Dimension as Nature finally accepting my equation and proof of that Truth!
17O E

P I N. C O D E.
P C To open up the portal to E GA LA XY 1O11 C I
93 39

Galaxy 1101 I

*10:33 am

This is unbelievable
I have been kept waiting at this bloody portal living in Existential Death while Natures Consciousness. Restrained me from leaving while they “Checked” my Equations and Expression I had been
Forced to Hammer over and over..

10:37 am

…. Again and again into their ears!!!

What is on this ten dollar bill

79 The blue Print sacred portal!

All because they could not accept the manner which they came into Existence Creation…??!!

But who are they that their Opinion even counts or that anyone should endure such afflictions and Mental Emotional Spiritual Physical Material Economic torment to get their attention or prove it to them!

Who the ‘Fuck” are they
When they do not even Exist”

As Paul stated to me
“Even while I am asleep and in Forgetfulness this Eternal Spirit is working”
And then he turned to look at me
“Its you.. In you”

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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