
1/29/2014 16:55 – Facebook Post

Dear Face Book friends…
and anyone who has been following this long, long saga of my informing and hopefully inspiring work and findings on Face Book.

I truly believe that I have come to the end of these mission, test and extraordinarily bizzare way of fullfilling a task which I truly believe I was put here to do.

One may wonder why anyone would sacrifice so much to make available information to the public at large.
But I really feel I had no choice and could only pursue and present these findings to the channel which was provided to me.

I of course would have loved to have been supported or felt the protected embrace of some structure…but such was not the case.

My physical body has been undergoing a slow and gradual transformation.
Morphing painfully.
It has happened before, but usually it is swift and natural.
But this time it has been a long uncomfortable process.

Yet the very reality of it, they very truth of a body having a will of its own, voices rising from within. The non stop balletic movements and courtly gestures not my own is an experience and Truth which I can not deny.
Which one must literally experience to appreciate how incredible and deeply disturbing, intriguing such an “Out of this world” experience this is.

No one I have met has ever seen such a condition before. And I niether.
Though to my amazement, everyone I meet seems to take this constantly preforming and active condition in their stride.

Each telling me that it is not threatening…but beautiful and graceful, and the voices which spill out of my mouth, sometimes gluttural or melodic…comical.
Many tell me that my face morph and changes often into a youth, or a otherwordly being…but always they still see Emeka there
I seriously believed that my condition would garner international attention.
And actually was nervous about it.
But Zip Nada Nothing…and to be honest this deafening quiet actually began to concern me more than the condition itself.

As if some invisible forcefield of collective acceptance had been cloaked around me, around it…As it was not even there. Accepting that which I found to be totally unacceptable. Unacceptable to my own rational mind and unacceptable behaviour of both these “presences” transmitting and rising through me as, if Emeka Kolo did not even exist
(Don’t mind me, I just happen to own this body, this house, this viehicle).
And I also found the publics behaviour and easy acceptance deeply disturbing and in a strange way, offensive.
As if they too were negating my very Existence my experience and my extraordinary discomfort.
The Giant Elephant in the room which nearly everyone seemed to tactfully and politely ignore.
When this is something one should not ignore…
Just as one should not ignore a U.F.O.
Just because it is handled gracefully and elegantly does not mean we should ignore it.

Not take some sort of responsibility or responsible action for it…because what if it began to happen to all of you?
Sigh…but it isn’t is it?
Its is happening to me so it is my responsibility.

It is my Singular experience
of being or experiencing a Singularity.

On only one occassion did anyone look at me with true compassion and a gentle horror.
It was a lady who observed me as I was speaking to a group of people.

“That must be exhausting” she murmured to me,
“just observing you makes me feel tired…how long has this been going on like this?”

“12 years” I said. “24/7 even when I sleep I have to move until rocking myself to sleep”

She just looked at me stunned with a gentle horror and tears welled in her eyes.

And Yonathan.

I did not require pity, compassion was nice but I really just wanted help in understanding what was happening to me…
I mean is this meant to be impossible?

Possession by Beauty?
Is that why it was so easily accepted. Because it is beautiful…Made even more so by my own will to contain it.
If I had been like the Excorsist would it have garnred greater interest?

There is no doubt that when these consciousnesses rise in me, I feel thier beauty.
The gestures of my body involuntarily act out are recognizable. Courtly, chivalrous, majestic confident, exotic…but also alien.

And yet, when they do not rise, I feel them sitting uncomfortably within my body. The awareness of a presence or many of them.
Or one with many traits…All beautiful, even the furious and angry ones…are extraordinarily beautiful.
And yet, it is disquieting to feel that constant awareness of something alien and foriegn occupying the space of where only Emeka born in this world in London England to Maurice I.K. and Cecilia Okolo-Umeano should be.
Each time aware that at any given moment they could rise up in embarrassing moments with alacrity…ignoring my discomfort of peoples responses which have never…I mean never negative..and I have lived and been put in every circumstance possible. From high society to murderers and rude boy gangsters…
Why was no one peturbed but I?

There are members of my mothers family, my grandmothers kids who exhibited such traits. But nowhere near as intense, nor dramatic and as theatrical as mine. But not one survived the experience. One going “insane” and the other taken away by death.

One relative remarked that the spirit world where struggling for thier spirits.

I have been away from my family for over 25 years, but there is an awareness of this condition which no one seems to want to come clean about.
I have heard many vieled expressions about me, a secret prophecy, mystical stuff. The Golden Child, and myths about a youth who comes.
Yet it is only of recent did my Uncle give me a message from a young aunt I had been very close to…That we did not come from this world.
And my last remaining Uncles ability to see through his dreams and “second” sight. My mother only recently testifying to her “gift” of Harmony and seeing things before they happen.
My cousins in america where most of my mothers family live, have these gifts which they are not encouraged to investigate but rather to fight to ignore…
Perhaps because they might end up like me..perhaps.
Gives credence to these assertions though my two remaining siblings have yet to inform of sharing these traits.
Except my sister briefly mentioning what she sees and experiences which no one would understand but I.

But strangely estranged for over two decades for the oddest reason…point of view of one defining experience which literaly catapulted me on this journey from her apartment in Queens.
In fact, my journey in New York Begining in Flushing Queens, in 2001 and culminating in Queens K.E.W Gardens where I which for one year for the first time in this Odyssey I was given the luxury of one year to focus on my weaving to you all on Face Book in material comfort before once more being confronted with the equation of Money pounding on my door at every given opportunity.
As a constant deterrent and detractor of the value of this contribution to Human Existence.
Though the plight of man has been my “soft spot” my loyalty to woman though tested was found unquestionable.
But then I have had no real true control of my Existence (only of myself-my reactions and responses to this role and script) Since I lost full ownership rights over my body and being.

Infact, I miss having control over my motor skills and the lightness I used to feel before this presence was raised in me that I look longingly at people, even the handicapped who at least have full control of thier bodies. And those who are disabled or crippled at least do not have some alien or E.T consciousness directing every moment of thier Energetic Spiritual Emotional and Physical being and Pysche.

But I too spent the first part of my life fighting these “Gifts” my ability to “see” to “travel” outside and within time and space bewildered and frightened me when I was growing up.
Especially when it was affirmed by others that they were not flights of fancy…
That the places I travelled to were not only real but others had experienced them and even more alarming, others knew where I had gone.

And the ability of people to “recognize” me in Nigeria, Spain, Paris made me so uncomfortable that I fought tooth and nail to suppress my abilities and these gifts so as to me normal.

And yet no matter where I ran to I recieved the constant reminder by others that I was anything but “normal”.
I tried studying people to be like them but my disguises fooled no one.
And worse was the constant people under cover people I encountered from all over the world who seemed to know me and would literally whisper and murmer in my ears, out of ear shot “Finish the mission”.

When I first arrived in my hosts house he and his ex girfriend and some of his friends would chant around me Witch doctor! Witch Doctor..Dibia!..which is a medicene man much like (but still different) from a Shaman.
It bewildered me alittle, as if they knew something about me which they chose to keep to themselves.

How this frustrsted me, filling me with often helpless rage.
It was as if I were in a movie, or being spirited away in brief moments to dimensions I secertly recognized.
And these people, beautiful, mysterious were energies I somehow knew, whose presences would literally make my heart lurch in recognition.
Their eyes so compassionate but thier words so seemingly devoid of it.
It was as if I were being tailed by a secret police, a secret order or society but obviously not from this realm of human consciousness.
And each time I would find some excuse or way to convince myself that said encounter had been a product of my imagination, as if hearing, me they would appear again…then dissapear.

Until after 2005-6 when I reached my current hosts dimension…these messengers stopped appearing completly, the same with the direct conversations with the Beautiful Ones.
It was as if I had entered a black hole…an abyss.
Infact, that is what the partially Clairivoyant first girlfriend of my host calmly told me…That I represented the Black Hole…
The beautiful one I quietly corrected her…the mouth of Creation. But perhaps she was correct afterall, that I am also representing the black hole of Destruction annihilation.
For in truth I feel the power of the two now residing comfortably within me.

It was all so damn mysterious and confusing that I could not truly believe this was happening to me
but it was, and the worst part of it all deep down…I understood why.
But how could I admit such a truth to myself.
There was no one in the planet I could talk to about it.
I knew people would think me arrogant and concieted beyond words.
If I told them the truth.

So I kept what I really knew a secret. All the memories, all the experiences of being all alone in Existence, all the people who I could see and often hear their thoughts…I kept to myself.
I felt I would rather die rather than reveal what I really knew.
And that deep within me I knew why these strange beautiful people called me by certain names and called to another deep secret hidden part of me.
I suppressed the Truth until my very body and spirit rose up against me and fought me and exposed me and my most secret truth to all of you.

It really began in 2004 and 2005 from living with Joe Michelle an 80% Deaf girl on 33rd street and Geoff (A light being) a journey from what I called the VI King brothers Isaac and Torre. Then Agusta Georgia and then on the day of the Death of Pope John Paul April 2, 2005…
17th Street then onto Hells Kitchen.

Currently my Hosts is rennovating and transforming his Kitchen which seven years previously had been my living hell for four years as my mind body soul and being was spirited away into realms and dimensions in every realm of Existence.
Each dimension right to my hosts physically present were in a rage and terrible anger at what man had done to Truth and Beautiful Expression.
To Nature and True human nature.
My torment was so great,I the lover of Life sought to leave my body. Not to seek oblivion but rather to confront the Energy Spirits who had taken advantage and betrayed me by my being born of a woman and taking on human form.

I am Hue man from the true present future.
My race is Hue Man not human.
My line came down back in time to rescue and harvest the Beaitiful line of E undercover in human hosts who had helped move the human “experiment” through the cycles since the very begining..
We are Living memory as Energy which never forgets life time after life time the mission. Simply being born again and again and picking up where we left off…till we reached the end.

Yes We came before Adam as Prof Catherine Achulonu’s book states.
But we came as Energy Consciousness, the Light as Harmony Creators of Existence.
My memory of this “mission” was not to explain the Awakening and Evolution of Humanity.
It was to rescue my family and allow humanity to fade out of Existence.

But I as Emeka in the present saw through my experience of being an ordinary human being, things my Spirit Big E could not see or understand of the human experience

It is true the law of cause and Effect demanded the extinction of the Human species. Which is not done by my family as Energy Truth.
But is done by our no longer coming under cover in human vessels and Consciousness as story tellers and innovators to pull humanity through the ages.
The release of the Atomic Bomb in Hiroshima and the last expression of the sixties and the Biafran genoicide to the children while the world watched. And world powers favored Nigerian oil over the children of Biafra was the final blow.

Even in the book I wrote of the memory of my mission when I was 8 -9 years old it involved the destruction of humanity..except for very very few.

But some how my Father Son and Mother Daughter wished me to experience simply being human. And in doing so I understood the mission, the true mission was to understand rather than destroy.
To see rather than not see, too chose Love over Right action.
It really was about Evolution through Truth and Love.
Not simply the law of cause and effect.

I later understood that I as Emeka had to prove to the Powerful Emeka within that there was a Truth to this species despite the horrors they had committed.
That there was a meaning and reasoning to this mad insane species.
A reason why they were allowed to come into Existence after Existence Creation was already complete with the Hue man Beings already made.
Why did the Beings of Light and Hue have to come back in non existent time to understand the Humans called potential.
What could be learnt from illusions yet to even earn the right to exist.

Many of the E.T felt this whole trip into a non existent past a waste of time.

But I understood.

I understood the lesson I had to give the E within me who is always right.
I had to teach him, go beyond he…as an ordinary human -my E as Hue man was stripped from me in order to prove the truth of humanity..by experiencing the whole truth and experience of being human…And that is why I was really given the Full spectre of the human experrience; from royalty to middle class…to the poor and even to sleeping on the streets, living in a dangerous shelter in Atlantic Avenue, sleeping on the subway and hospital Emergency rooms.
And fullfilling diverse occupations from Lecturer, C.E.O, Priest, designer, scientist Artist, conductor, singer, dancer cocktail bar man, night club impressario, Creative Director Preformer, Marketing Director, Model Agency owner, Training by Martial artists, Yogi’s Brazilians, Hindu, American Indians, Africans, Europeans, Australians, street histlers Gangsters Drug Barons, I was the Conceptualist..the List goes on. So much so that one of the Rothchilds I met at age 33 told me that many would be hard pressed to believe my Curriculum Vitae (Resume).
But it was all true…I had no reason to lie.
For I have had no life…My whole life was simply a training for my work on Consciousness in New York.

But there was nothing which could have prepared me for the challenge which began from Hells Kitchen till this present day.
Nor the worst of all, worse than sleeping on the streets. Financial depency or the Spiritual Energetic Healing work with shelter and feeding your only reward. And staying in this state and place for an equation which said this is the one last thing demanded of you before Evolution Awakening can occur-knowledge affirmed only to me.

I was Challenged by E All to prove and provide evidence of the worthiness of the human race despite they themselves not believing it and becoming thier own worst enemy to their own Evolutionary process and progession.

To be able to see and even go beyond my own mighty Spirit E, the will and law keeper of Existence whose Beauty and Glamour even intimidated me but which filled me with such admiration that I wished to be as he.

But not anymore…For I have experienced the treasure of the truth of humanity and guarded it as a treasure despite all Existence and humanities caught in illusion rising up against me.
And I can will not deny the truth that though my family of E.T light and H.u.es are the meaning of the word Beautiful.
It is from my experience of living with such ultimate imperfection called humanity- most who are not even real, that I have understood the true meaning of what love is.

The Experience of living in a realm of where the lie reigns supreme has refined me personally to a diamond clarity understanding and hearing..That I can see who I am clearly for truly the first time.
Solid as the toughest Rock but which can melt into the most beautiful reflective pool of light and read reddish brown Earth beneath my feet, the Royal Blue and white skies above.
The transparent Air and Breath of my own beautiful Expression…And see the dancing heavens all alight in the depths of my eyes.

And the Truth of what is truly beautiful…which is to love not foolishly..but beautifully.

And so I realize much as I love Big E and E within me.
Its is Emeka Kolo I love most of all.
The One in the present, in A.E home, tired with broken teeth and deformed body.
He is the Emeka I love most of all.

For I know the truth of me, my house my temple in the present, and the worthiness of my song.
And most of all the true new nature of me…that I would never subject anyone no matter what they might have done, to the challenge Big E and little E, the Seed within me put me through to prove the truth of the Human Species while defending the Nature of G-ODD..Planet Earth.

The Ear

This is what has been happening to me.

This is the experience which has shaped me.

And it is the foremost reason which began my research.
And this is my conclusion.

The Body Present is the True Seat Throne Staff House Palace of the One True Universal Energy of GoDDE.
Its Truth Embodied in the Present.
As the Gift of Love.

I fun nnanya.


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