
1/28/2018 22:29 – Facebook Post

1/28/2018 22:29 – Facebook Post

7:33 p.m.

7:50 p.m…

73 44 200 112….
That is the code sent to me by Amoza Born at 2:05 p.m ( 25)

I then code.112… F R B…11-02…2012… 11-2…2012…32… 5… E..
Is coming from Emeka Kolo.. Me.

See the code 73…44.. 200.. ( Which is the number sent)
112.. A A B… K B.

Beauty Love Truth….this is what the play was meant to be about.
But it was really about Rage… A Rage and Hatred that I could not fathom how it gained such power and Momentum.

I always suspected that this was not the correct script, but I was also confident in the Truth, and the Beautiful Truth would conquer it.

But as I moved through the Labyrinth, the Maze, I saw that this was personal, that this entire play had been set up with the sole reason to make me Suffer.. Misery…
I realized so much yesterday, having finally been allowed a moment of respite to sit back and take in all that I had been through.
You have to remember that I was being moved by the Music…God.. Harmony.. that Sacred Thing in the Air…
B.L..AIR… Beauty Love… Awareness Infinity Radiance…
It streamed through me and my body, just as Amoza Born had stated in here comment…
And she even noted that when she sent this Code to me, that she paid a 26 usd fee….

Please see my Sacred Portal 26… “Eros Aphrodite… E.A.. There is something in the Air…”

200 is the code of B.O.O… And 200..T.O…Truth Full Circle….

44 is my bed number… and the age of my youngest brother “Oboom”
born 73… 5-20… E,T…
But this was not about him, but rather the codes he as Descendant Avatar represents…
8:26 p.m.

A-Z… Completion of the Linear Beginning to End .. story of Life and Death…
And the ascension of the A-Z-A.. A-A…B C..D ..E…Fact.. Truth.

Eternal Truth

As you all witnessed Money was used against me, this entire 16.10 months play of “Coming To America” was all pre set up in a Video Game Horror beyond belief…
Terrible Dream.. Nightmare…

Every single person I had to find, all the predesignated people, I had to pass through their homes, hearts. and retrieve the intel…
And after that I had to do the same thing on Face book…
Every person was predesignated. Every story was set up,even the amount of money each was meant to send me was predesignated.
I had to use the Energy and Expression ( not always of my choosing) but rather that which the Script demanded.
Which was often so hideous… so out of my nature, and yet the Script gave reason for that expression coming into Existence and being in the Script…

Please, link the true suffering in the world , of the children, the innocent…
Link what the parents of those 13 children did to their own children.
Link the horrors and abominations committed through out time which became worse and worse and how people grew indifferent.
Acted as if they did not see it… looked the other way as long as the profited.

Please see the Script unraveling in the United States from sexual to abuses of power unheard, of people unqualified in positions of power in which they feed the Hatred, the Divisive tools used by “Evil” from the very beginning..

All these people who say that the world is not so bad, who have been able to hide in a selfishness and a turning away… letting horrors beyond word take place…

Exemplified in my being on Facebook for 70 months in this Script designed to give reason as to why Humans where and are so hated by the Unseen…
The Awareness Observers, that 90% of the Universe which Humans have no clue about. Dark Energy… D.E.. Dark Matter…

Euphemia Dei… E.D… D.E…. And so D came to E…
Ugokwe Valentine… U.V…. Ultra Violet .. Universe Victorious..
Jordyn Ryan J.R… See the play of Ray and Jaquai… Launder Janitor… L.J… 12 10… 22… V… 1O 12… 13… V… M…
M=1000… V=5… 1005… M.E…
The Cleaning Crew… the line of the E.T and Naturals who had to walk through the mess you created.. through expression of which you did not go back and clean, after realizing that your initial expression action “See” conclusion was not correct.

Ah… did you really think that saying
Peace and Love..Forgiveness could wipe away the abominations which I was spirited away to see…
And then experience the wrath of the Energy of Cause and Effect… C.E…
Let’s be realistic, we know that the Forgiveness equation was something which people took advantage of… Saw those who where conned into that Ideology which the People of Zero created themselves, for the Suckers.

I have seen a cruelty acted out by Humanity that… smh… No.
But the rage of the Force which created this play, this path for me to walk on… this Labyrinth….
Guillame De Toro… See Sacred Portal 50… Where I am the Bull of the Wall Street… battle…
See the horror movies he created… which happened to be the closets rep of the Terrible Dream.

Do you know what was done to the Mental Minds of the True.. the Natural, used as rags, while others took advantage and used and benefited from the suffering, the injustices done…

Do you see the World.. the Cause and effect of the Partition of Africa, or Empire Building, of allowing cruelties so beyond comprehension.. And celebrated here..
Cooking people alive in a iron bull..

Then let us take a brief look at what was done to peoples Spirits. their Expressions…Their Minds… The Mental meant to be the MUSIC… Of the Spheres.

Open up the News Paper, and read… Read… See… Cee the truth and look at it through the cause and effect of not following the True Blue Print of Existence- which was to investigate why we are here….

I reached 1046… That was me at the 5th…
And we have reached 1047… Sacred Portal 47… “Entrance in the Abyss.. Consequence.. for Expression refused to be cleaned up..”

Go back to my posts, 70 months, everyday, through a rage stopping me, fighting me at every turn, and a power a force, a music arisen in me ( because I was not allowed to live here but spent my entire life in an invisible prison, a cell in which I had to obey the rules of a play designed to destroy me, if I did not prove that there is a Eternal Harmony here… Which was always present.
I proved it going to where the Music moving through me, refusing me the peace of escape… no escape… nowhere to go where there was not war… rage.. where the Evil Intelligence did not have access except the one place it could not get to, my seat at the Eternal Dimension.. E.D…
E.D…5 +4= 9… I… I D E…
See all the key players left Jamel. Blair Tyrone, Dwayne Samuels they all have beens in the 5th Floor… The 5th Dimension where I was first allocated my bed 5-019…
And then sent down, to climb up in a play in Mental Health Shelter in which “Angels -Messengers” and Demons-Zombies where used as the Portal I had to pass through…

Link my not being allowed to get my I.D or passport no matter how hard I tried, and the Insanity of the Mind that I was being moved to.. Mind Body and Soul to have no one believe that this was happening to you..
Instead choosing to blame you.. and punish you… tell you that you think that you are better than us, forced to call people out to a higher Truth and respond to the cue of a Script which knew that each scene it had set up was a trap, entrapment of malice and hatred which if I did not handle and respond to, and solve the equation based on Its own requirement that I would….

9:19 p.m,

This is it, the play of sixth sense, perfect timing. Harmony…

Let us see what the Script is saying to me in response through Facebook friends…

Euphemia Dei…

“Greek Meaning: The name Euphemia is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Euphemia is: Auspicious speech or good repute. Famous bearer: 4th-century martyr St Euphemia.
Etymology : Means “to speak well”, derived from Greek “good” and (phemi) “to speak”

Dei… D E ..I.
Derived from the old Celtic word dei meaning “to shine”. This name is also used as a Welsh diminutive of DAVID.”
I.E.. David.

Ugo Kwe means that the Eagle is Appeased…Agrees..

Valentine means “Valiant.. Strong and Healthy”

Jordyn Ryan…

From the name of the river which flows between the countries of Jordan and Israel. The river’s name in Hebrew is ??????? (Yarden), and it is derived from ????? (yarad) meaning “descend” or “flow down”.

Origin of the name Ryan: From the Irish surname O’Riain (descendant of Rian). Rian is an ancient Irish name believed to be a diminutive form of rĂ­ (king): hence, “little king.”

Put it all together and you see the meaning…

“Beautiful Speech.. Fair.. you speak well and it creates a Shinning Beloved David… We are appeased the Eagle Eyes of Exisrence, we will allow the Descend Ascension and for the MUSIC to flow through All Being in Existence Creatiion. little king… well done.. Emeka Kolo

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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