
1/28/2017 1:03 – Facebook Post

11:45 pm

K D… E. Yes the One Dollar Bill marked with number 34

I have a New Face Book Friend

Hector Herrera H H. 88

And he is my 880 Face Book Friend.

See Sacred Portal 95
*Scroll Down See what is in her hand 88

My bed number is 40 16. 88

Born 11:28

And I am the one 16 years proving the alignment of the planets 12-21-2012
Is really aligning Humanity from
Age 1 of Human Story to Age of 9-I Consciousness Infinity..

And I am the one 27 years later who ends up in a Mental Health Shelter in the Bronx
Living on nothing to prove this Truth of Evolution Awakening as real.

And the Existence of the E Family…

For a Live Audience made to be stripped naked and fight..

In a Mental Health Housing Shelter..
Pre set up to prove this to Who for What

And then you claim yourselves Equals…

27 yrs!
My entire youth and life..

My body evolving
Wracked with agony at not being allowed to rise in order to prove to you so you would not go into Fear…

Oh yes….
I am angry
Really really really

I warned them..

What if you put me through all this and you end up being wrong

That I told the Truth?

What will you do then

Because you all know through these 50 months
I have given my Response
Woven and Programmed right to Existential Death

12:00 am

I do not Forgive
Such sentiments are hypocritical
Clean up or make amends

But yesterday I was still cleaning even in this room someone else shit which messe d up the Bathroom

Who did this?

No one responded

Is this not the way of this World?

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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