
1/28/2016 1:34 – Facebook Post

1/28/2016 1:34 – Facebook Post

1O;27 p.m


J.B.G…/ Blue Green 5th the 4th Realms or Dimensions as Frequency Color Identifying Rays I.D in Balance…

Alpha Omega 5th Dimension Evolution is Grace of the 4th Dimension the Heart..

We are currently at 494 Face Book friend D.I.D…

Meaning I DID…
4th Dimensions I.D is the First Note…
Do Rey Mi Fa,So…
but the Silence as Color came before Sound…

Which means to say that the power of Existence is the true power and the Father Source of Sound..
Made obvious by this Face book play where no one apart from Jonn Blackwell and Donna O’Sullivan see me or hear me…
I appear as just symbols on a computer screen,
Posting, Writing on the Wall..

Yes people are just reading the Writing on the Wall.. my Wall..
Out of over 1 Billion user of Face Book (1,OOO.OOO.OOO- 9 O)
Only on my page can you hear this Unique Expression of an expression not determined by anyone acknowledging, but Self Determined, with an aim and a purpose- publicly to bear witness to the literal play of the Evolution Awakening.
An F.M band in Space of Everywhere,accessible to any alien consciousness of Extra Terrestrial Beings existing unseen or undercover..
As long as the person has an access to a radio…
they can pick up this one lone frequency out of 1 Billion, and a 7.8 Billion population currently estimated in the World…

Which perfectly and in complete perfection of symmetry is the embodiment of exactly what this expression is saying…

Even to the literal figurative demonstration of How the E rose out of over 1 Billion possibilities of Expression one of these possibilities attracted some potential to become Face Book Friends, mimicking the exact recounting of how Existence Rose in the First Eternal Beginning then went back into his reflections to bring forth from One, E, the 3 EEE and thus A.B.C..the many…

Right down to how out of over 1 billion Face book users, 494 people found their way to becoming my Face Book Friends..
And my introductions, signifying that I know you all, and the each one of you was expected, because inside you are carrying a code, a treasure, a Beautiful Truth and Possibility of an Original Expression, expressed in a divergent yet still Harmonious Expression of the Original Code…C-Ode..

The Source came back to Harvest those as He, the I.E, Individuals, they self Created not dependent on idea such as God, but in the knowing an recognizing that the writing on the way is a frequency which recalls to some of them, even in this consciousness, something you recognize, something familiar in my expression..
Investigate Curiosity..I.C
Cool Intel…C.I.

Then they Merge I O I…Into a course of Miracles but with out the fanfare, spectacle..
University Lecturer, addressing a Human Dimension about the Dimension called the realm of E..
Original Home of Man…

And even proving to the public His Cee…
So others could Cee, that the E line is the dimension of All Truths…
Giving each a chance to come Home with I.E,
whose portal is about how you See and perceive,
Express and recognize, that which is familiar and respond to it without Fear.

An Ambassador and A.M..BASE A DOOR..R.O.G.E.R..Doore-mi…

A mission..

And in private, a personally yearning to simply be home.

But only after I have completed that which I must stream,
which manifest to the Truth and Fact of the E line as the Sources of All Expression, able to move through Time and space in an Instance because once again, they are the literal sources of Expression..
Beautiful Beyond Belief…

This play DI.D…Represents a Full Circle ‘D.I…I.D..D-I.D..D.I D..
But the most simple D-I.D…
4th Dimension I.D.
Donna knows my I.D… revealed to her through an equation done completly apart from and when I became Face Book Friends with Inmaculada Ayecaba Masa
Code I.A.M..

Di in O.INri Igbo means IS…I.D is Identity…
D is the fourth Dimension… Color Green note of Fa…G.F..
Grace Favor – “H-Anna-H”
76..sacred portal Awakening..

Andromeda Milky Way..
And Rome D.A..(4-1..5 is 1..51/15..6….66 12 .3 9)
C.I Milky Way…
Echo affirmation

493 Face Book Friend..D..I.C…(U)..

492 Face Book Friend D.B.I..I.B.D…See sacred portal 92…
Brother Sister E.T…

Represented by face book friend Ikhlas Shah….
IKhlas means “Frankness, Honesty Sincerity. Purity…Pure..Expression”

Shah, though associated with the Persian Shah of Iran, thought to mean “Emperor, King,” it actually means “Frank, Good, Honest..a Gentleman”…

“About the Shah surname
Indian (Gujarat, Rajasthan, MP, UP): Hindu (Bania, Vania) and Jain name, from Gujarati sah ‘merchant’ (from Sanskrit sadhu ‘honest’, ‘good’). This name was originally Sah; it appears to have been altered under the influence of the Persian word for ‘king’.
Sometimes it is mistakenly thought that it is derived from the Persian “Shah” meaning “King”. Actually it is of Indian origin[1]. It is derived from Sanskrit Sadhu (meaning gentleman) and Prakrit Sahu, while the actual spelling “Shah” in Western culture was popularized by the title of the former Persian King.”

First name and Last same almost exact same meaning…
Full Circle… Initial I.S… IS.. D.I…I.D..

4 I.B..IB is the Egyptian Ka code of the Heart…I.B…4th Chakra..

My 493 Face Book Fey Mirach..

F.M Band…

Fey means Fairy, Fair as Beautiful, and sometimes Faith..
And Beech Tree.. B.T.. Beautiful Truth..

“Ruling Planet is Saturn (Chronos)
Gaelic/Irish name: Phagos

Beech is linked with time, wisdom and knowledge but especially written wisdom, as the Beech was used in thin slices to write upon and form the very first books. This is corroborated by the fact that Beeches were called ‘Boc’ by the Anglo-Saxons, which later became book. Even today the Swedish word ‘Bok’ means both book and beech and in German ‘Buch’ means book and ‘Buche’ means Beech.

Whatever material words were inscribed, took on the power and magic of the gods which is why the Beech tree was held in such awe. Writing made knowledge manifest into the physical world and therefore allowed that wisdom to be passed on to future generations. Beech can help us make wishes, by scratching your wish upon a piece of Beech and then burying it. Say a simple spell or prayer as you are giving it back to the earth and then it will begin to manifest in your life.”

Quote from Tree Lore..

Face Book…
Writing on the Wall…

The Name Mirach…

Lets simply lift from Wipedia…:)

*I am knackered…

“Beta Andromedae is a red giant with a stellar classification of M0 III.[4] Since 1943, the spectrum of this star has served as one of the stable anchor points by which other stars are classified.[14] It is suspected of being a semiregular variable star whose apparent visual magnitude varies from +2.01 to +2.10.[3] At this stage of the star’s evolution, the outer envelope has expanded to around 100 times the size of the Sun.[10] It is radiating 1995[10] times the luminosity of the Sun at an effective temperature of 3842 K.[11]

Naming and etymology[edit]

The name Mirach, and its variations, such as Mirac, Mirar, Mirath, Mirax, etc. (the name is spelled Merach in Burritt’s The Geography of the Heavens)[15] come from the star’s description in the Alfonsine Tables of 1521 as super mizar.[12] Here, mirat is a corruption of the Arabic ???? m?zar “girdle”, which appeared in a Latin translation of the Almagest.[12] This word refers to Mirach’s position at the left hip of the princess Andromeda.[16]

Medieval astronomers writing in Arabic called ? Andromedae Janb al-Musalsalah (English: The Side of the Chained (Lady)); it was part of the 26th manzil (Arabian lunar mansion) Ba?n al-??t, the Belly of the Fish, or Qalb al-??t, the Heart of the Fish.[12][17] The star has also been called Cingulum and Ventrale.[12] This al-??t was an indigenous Arabic constellation, not the Western “Northern Fish” part of the constellation Pisces.[17] These names are not from the Arabic mar?qq, loins, because it was never called al-Mar?qq in Arabian astronomy.[17] Al Rish?’, the Cord (of the well-bucket), on al-S?f?’s star map. It is origin of the proper name Alrescha for Alpha Piscium.[12][18][19]
In Chinese, ?? (Kuí Sù), meaning Legs (asterism), refers to an asterism consisting of ? Andromedae, ? Andromedae, 65 Piscium, ? Andromedae, ? Andromedae, ? Andromedae, ? Andromedae, ? Andromedae, ? Andromedae, ? Piscium, ? Piscium, 91 Piscium, ? Piscium, ? Piscium, ? Piscium and ?¹ Piscium. Consequently, ? Andromedae itself is known as ??? (Kuí Sù ji?, English: the Ninth Star of Legs.)[20]
The people of Micronesia named this star as Kyyw “The Porpoise”, and become once of Micronesian month name.[21]
Mirach is listed in MUL.APIN as KA.MUSH.I.KU.E, meaning “the Deleter” (the alternative star is ? Cas).[22]”

Attached to the Hip..? Please see sacred Portal 39..C.I…
But really both are attached to H.I..P…89..16..7…H.I…P.G..
Harmony Infinity Page… Grace… My Frequency one out of 1 billion 000.000,000..versus I.O.B…The One Balance who is the One Full Circle in Being.. The Circle which in perfect symmetry aligns all Expression back to their Original Meaning, Inside, Outside, Naturally…I.O.N..To E..

11:35 p.m.

9th Star…of Legs…

Risha… Reza.. INK Heart Ink Death… Cornelia Funke…
The Chord…

Girdle…26 “Manzil” Arabian Lunar..

Side of a Lady.. Left Hip…

Andromeda Milky Way…A.M..W..VV…

I can go on linking

I.C..C.I…Andromeda Milky Way (A Consciousness which manifested these Parallel Universes of “I”..

I O I..
II…*Which is the equation which I am currently doing…”

And II=I…
They Two of them Merge as One Individual -Infinity…Eternity…

12:OO p.m

And Mânâ Protanthropos… M.P…4 94 Face Book Friend…

Mana is a Persian (Iranian) Hawaiian Japanese and Hindi name..

Meaning ‘E-Spirit..Super Natural Power, Physic Powers” in Hawaiian…And Supernatural Mind”

Truth and Nara.. Nara meaning “Man” and “Happiness”..

First Man..F.M…

*Code Fey Mirach…

Creation of Adam, Byzantine mosaic in Monreale
The Naassenes so far agreed with other Ophites that they gave to the first principle the names First Man and Son of Man, calling him in their hymns Adamas:

The First Man (Protanthropos, Adamas); the fundamental being before its differentiation into individuals (cf. Adam Kadmon).
The Son of Man; the same being after it has been individualized into existing things and thus sunk into matter.
Instead, however, of retaining the female principle of the Syrian Ophites, they represented their “Man” as androgynous; and hence one of their hymns runs “From thee, father, through thee, mother, the two immortal names.” They declared that “the beginning of Perfection is the gnosis of Man, but the gnosis of God is perfected Perfection.”[4]

Code new Face book Friend.. 3…

Manifest Plan-E.T…


A Supernatural Power is the Espirit of Truth..
The First Man… a Happy Man
Protan-thropos Adamus

Silver Surfer Space man and the Red Brown Earth Man
..From Beyond…

Source of Mind..

E-spirit, Truth, of the First Man F.M.M.P../ P.M.M.F..S.I..


12:29 p.m

L. B..I…
I.B. l C

12 3O-12;33 p.m


12:34 p.m L.C.D..


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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