
1/28/2015 16:16 – Facebook Post

2:14 P.M.



Beautiful Harmony A H!!!!!

It is with great pleasure that I write this posts today because it aligns in perfection with what my understanding of B.H represents in this new Facebook Friend.

Harmonious Being.

This should make him my 243 Facebook Friend..

I knew who this persons was, and who he represented in this play.
Literally the Consciousness which represented the true nature of humanity as the building blocks for Hue Manity.

He was linked to me by Nikoma Rios, who represented the consciousness in my research of the Supernaturals…
And thus, Supernatural linked to the Naturals.

Of course, it was a represent I
Each person representing a play which reflected not only in my two brothers Nnamdi and Boom Boom but in the two other aspects of that which make up the O.N E…

Oboom as the O, the full Circle
Nnamdi as Nature
Emeka as Energy.

Of course, all three are O.NE . E…
Energy which is of course, Expression.

Today is the 28 and the one being who came to 4th Street out of all the players to investigate what he had heard about me from Nikoma Rios whose sight is beyond doubt, reflective of the human consciousness evolved to see beyond sight.
Who saw as I what this New Facebook friend represented without even being aware that I had already used human reason to figure it out.

Nikoma’s ease in being able to see and read and affirm was always a stamp of approval but it also disturbed me that it was not earned ( not personally to Nikoma) but that to have such gifts without having understood why you have them and the purpose it serves, and the responsibility which comes from it…
Especially if the very steps of Evolution to that point are not understood… I have witnessed thus creates chaos…not Harmony.
Jealousy, a sense of inadequacy as to why one person has such gifts ” Naturally bestowed on them” and the others not.

And more importantly, why with all great “Gifts” there us great responsibility.

David Philipe Gil was my Facebook Friend before and arrived immediately after Edward Eceinco
who had a Pivotal role in this play.
See back posts…
During our interaction words would just pop into his head which was his Espirit recognizing me.
Once the play had arrived at Edwardo, I was sure the play was over..
Not so, David arrived…
And a play began
He came to visit me here at Generation X Garden wearing a Dragon T shirt.
We sat on stage.

I brought up Nikomas who I have known for over 12 years and his seeing me transform.through His third eye into three Beings…
A Gorilla which I literal morphed I to when I found this venue called Generation X Gardens 4th Street.

A Blue E.T…which Tom Truman (*Who Nikoma met saw me after taking the ritual medicine Aruhyuska as one of the Color Creator Gods sprinkling Energy onto this dimension)

And finally, the 19 year old Beautiful Youth…

Nikoma could see me as no one else had except perhaps Joseph Carey And Geoff Lacour who had both once seen me as a Ball of Glowing Light..
Joe Outside on the streets and
Geoff within my being which he later filled a book with all that he saw and knew of my true I.D and how I had been betrayed because of that light in me. Then presented it to me as a gift…
Which helped me so much.

David Phillip Gill did not have the Gifts Nikoma possessed he had to work hard.
Earning the process step by step..
I.had had both.
But had come into this play of this World to break down the steps of Evolution from A-Z.
Thereby giving everyone a chance and choice to rise to E line..

The Supernatural line had become “Gaitee” arrogant even if it was not always intentional they felt superior to humanity because they had this “Gift” of knowing without having earned it.
It became thier impediment to Evolution and it is these forces which became the great Evil unseen.
Those who possessed such power of the Ether Elemental Nature of Existence without understanding the source who manifested that gift earned it.

And so you have the play of the Human Being chosen as the Anchors..The real Chosen Ones because if they could reach E…
Energetic Evolution through Natural Expression and then in Hindsight, able to peer into thier reflections, link the dots with epiphanies of how while in the dark (of what the hell is going on?” As I have succinctly 🙂 expressed through out while knowing exactly what is going on, while murmuring that this can not be this way..through unseen pain and suffering.
This was not the way I recalled the way home to E. After all, I was there in that Begining as my Being and Harmony has proven…and linked.)
…And consequently, explain how they arrived at the point of E.

Then they would have enacted out the play which the very first Being enacted which brought him into being, whole a complete as a 19 yr old Youth representing not really the number but the code

*See my comments today on Angela Marie Alexander share to me.

David and I played out the play of my being affirmed as a 19 yrs old.

Nikoma had asked which one is the True me.

I had responded that I am the 19 year old Youth.
All is I, but my true Being is the 19 year.

Nikoma saw me as the Blue E T.

And in this dimension I was seen as King King Kunta Kente of Roots because I am 6:4, muscular lean and Brown skinned with Afro features defined… And as such was seen as Strength….
So strong that my entire Existence was based on my being given impossible loads to carry and it taken for granted.

But David and I were in a set up where that Truth was being set up to be established.
Which was I.
The 19 Year old.
Code 19=S…
X2 38…+x 11..1…24..X..1O.
The end play brought out that Truth..
*See the play at The Bean 3rd and 2nd,
The Bean 1st and 9th (19= S. Or A I)
See the play Star Bucks Broadway and Union.

See the play on 17 street where David Transformed into David Nicholas Nnamdi…
Boom Nnamdi and now in perfect Harmony Bright Joyous on the 28..
After leaving Facebook and linking me to “Seen Is” an Icelandic Forum..
Seen IS…
S I…*see the play with Carlito Giancarlo Thiago
Where he invited me to link with him.

Even after a horrendous but beautiful play and battle in which he still looked after my bags and gave financial support along with Nikoma in a set up where he worked hard to build the steps to that which came to Nikoma Naturally and to me easily because I had learnt to read and broke down the entire process into steps which should have made my life easy because it is a great pleasure to share what I had broken down through Devotion of a life time, was instead turned into a living hell because of two forces which were 69 at logger heads with each other..
The Easy way and the Hard way.

There is no easy way nor a Hard way..
Just the Harmonious way,
Which Davids name today, I could not get out of my.mind all day as well as waking up from bed with the word “The Circle!!” In my head; and was about to find a way to contact with has proven my faith in the Harmonious Beauty in Human Beings was not Blind Faith..

I knew.


1-28-8. David Phillip Gill
Meaning the Beloved Friend of Horses the Bright joyous and beautiful gill of the Fisher king who breathes underwater and now on Land.

Emeka Kolo
11-28-66- 1..23


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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