
1/27/2018 22:43 – Facebook Post

9:08 p.m.

I.H… Infinite Harmony.




I had a long text play with Jean… Amoza Born..
I call her Lady J… because that is who she is and who she represents.

She made some startling accurate statements…

“This is about Beauty Truth and Love”

This was in response to my expression that this Script has for 16.8833 years has created the illusion that it is all about Money…
Or the expression behind money.

She also said that “Everything is perfect”

It is… but only in the True Dimension of the play…
The true Cee..
But in the See and Cee through the lenses of my Experience and so many of those who went through such Mental and Emotional.. as well as physical torment because they could see that everything is Perfect.. but had been created manifested as the most awful experience of being in Existence…

I am aligned with the Beauty Love Truth…Equation.

B.L…T… E…

Beauty Being Victorious as T L… E… 20 12… 32… Consciousness Beauty… E… Eternal rep by me in this play as Emeka….
*My name in itself a code..”Praise Appreciation Well Done!”

C B… / B C… Was missing in the Equation… Consciousness Beauty.. ( Symmetrical Perfection)
B.C…Before Christ….? There were They Lived Before Adam…”
(T.L.B…A…T L C B…E A… C E was missing…)
Adam means the “Red” Line.. The First Wave Length to manifest from the Light.. True Light…
Meaning that before there was Light.. Truth.. Consciousness Beauty.. there was E… Energy Expression Eternity… and yes…
E M E K A….

Cleveland and Blair.. both who were aligned and in position of a sequence of 1234.. A B C D… As represented by Kemi Sara code she sent with 22…V.. 5= E…
B.L..A I R… E…
See meaning of both Cleveland and Blair…
“Cliff Landing… Land… and Field.. Plain.. Battlefield..” which each have literally aligned to and embodied, experienced…

I made a quiet vow to myself that I would receive one last money code and forever turn my focus away from this Script Play…

I find that by being focused on solving it, and placing my attention on it, that it is nothing to do with Beauty Truth or Love… Nor the perfection of everything which I have proven over and over exists only in and through the C.E.. Consciousness Eternal..
Creations Energy… 3 5… 8… Infinite Harmony.

It has been about Battle war, cruelty. hatred selfishness and the power it has over everything… So much so that it has manifested this horror… This Script to challenge beauty’s truth, and to be honest Beauty has been made to seem like a Weak thing which Everything can walk all over, take advantage of and escape consequences…
A Constant sacrificial lamb to an audience who simply do not see the evidence of why they should pay attention to a Man a person proving Evolution Awakening Manifesting it into Existence right here and now….

Blair called me “Beloved” in a text yesterday… “David means “Beloved”… And so D came to E to Arouse and Awaken Him from the most Terrible Dream…”

Solaris… SOL LA R I S E….

I recognize this as Evil… its definition… Negation Selfishness.. Inconsiderate.. lack of manners…

I really do not want anything more to do with it…
I have solved the Equation…

And endured a Script and a Betrayal that I keep saying is impossible.. but I accept that it is real.. I lived it.. even infront of an entire world…
A Script which demanded this…

This is not of Existence.. not of Life…
I do not recognize it except as what some call Evil.. but this Evil is beyond that definition because it negates… and was given a power to negate it own truth and to create such a Script and make Me Walk it betraying everything that is the Truth every step of the way…

9:42 p.m.

I do not have words for this.. but it is not the Truth…

9:43 p.m

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