
1/27/2018 2:15 – Facebook Post

1/27/2018 2:15 – Facebook Post

Creation’s Expression is by Design..

Art & Design… A.D/ D A…

It took a Science to Understand it… S.U/ U.S…
The Science of Awareness Observation Action…. A O A…

New York Times Headlines Today * Yesterday….
Weekend Arts II…

Design For All…. D.F.A…

Attention To Design For All… A.T… D.F…A

Beautiful Brooding….
Identity is not always easy to see….
You need to start acting like yourself
Identity Isn’t Always Easy to See
Stiff Upper Lip? No, just a Smile.
In This Show, Paper plays the Lead Role.

2700 Prize…

773/377… 677/776… Vertical..
Then folded was the numbers
The First row…
This were the numbers I found in my little alcove on Metropolitan Av…
Lucky 7’s… Code 153… O.C..
I am at 1530 Beach Av.

Relevance… I got the number on my coffee from the Arab Bodega as both being the number 47…47+47= 94…

9 4 7…. I.D…G.
76 77 37../ 73 77 67… These are all codes linked to Blair even 77… 33 44.. 77.. Jamel Blair..


27 33 1234… From Kemi Sara

64 86 94 04… from Fritz Venneiq

Recieved while at 1042 Facebook friends…

The number moved only after the Play with Blair and I was completed and the monies recieved.
There was a play with Expression which also took place at the The CVS…
But I can not. nor do I have the energy to explain it..
But Amoza Born returned…
And When I told Blair that the code A.B.. was meant to have linked to him B.A… As well as with me, as the full circle…
He said, “perhaps it is simply A.V”… 1 22..
A… Andrews.. “Man brave courageous” who come down…
And when I went up, I looked at my phone and sure enought. it was 1:22 p.m.

I spent 4.50 usd on Blair.. 1.50 and 3 usd…
paid 7 Usd debt…
And ended up with 3.50 usd left of the 22..
On our return we saw Paul F no longer in the Shelter who occupied bed 3-005.. 35.. C.E…
He greeted Blair and grimaced at me.. calling Blair aside to ask him a favor… !
He did not C.E…
Blair is B C E… My past.. Sacred Portal 147 A B…

So yes, this is speaking about the Evolution Awakening being aligned and ready to manifest.

*”How Many Muscles Are In The Human Body? The number of muscles in our body varies from around 640 to 850. We have 3 types of muscles in our body: skeletal, visceral, and cardiac. The skeletal muscles are voluntary, while the visceral muscles are involuntary.
320 Pairs…”

*”Contraction of the skeletal muscles helps limbs and other body parts move. Most sources state that there are over 650 named skeletal muscles in the human body, although some figures go up to as many as 840. The dissension comes from those that count the muscles within a complex muscle.”

Robert Hobbs…

‘The name Robert is a German baby name. In German the meaning of the name Robert is: Famed, bright; shining.”

An English surname, Hobbs, comes from the Middle English term ‘hobb’ which stood for the name Robert. The spelling variations for Hobbs include Hopps, Hobbes, Hobis, Hoppe and Hobs. In England Hobbs families reside across Wales and England. The greater percentage live in the southern end, especially in Kent, Somerset, Devon, Wiltshire, Hampshire and Dorset”

Thus Robert Hbbs is actually Robert Robert…
Robert and Sun of Robert…
What is the Son of the Famed Bright Shinning Light… like a Star…?
It a Ray… Ray Rubin… R R… 18 18.. 36… 9..I…. 360… O.
Blair Andrews… B A… 2 1… 3.. C… K… 33… E…

R.H… Royal Highness…
Rey.. King..
Ray told me how he was set up to go to the Kiings county mental ward.. and again a few days ago to the KOBE Mental ward…
He talked his way out…
That is what I told you all the David men had to do.. they who were aware and could see multi-dimensionally…

I did that play with him last night in front of Three witnesses.. it just happened, a beautiful scene.. incredible in which we both stepped out of Time and I used Expression and Energy to prove into Existence the Line linked to Jacobs Ladder… J.L..
and the Line on the Ground… The Highest and the Level ( C Leve Land… ) and acted out how the two meet at the POINT Similar to the corner of a Right Angled Triangle.. Pyramid.

R.A.. T.P…..

Jaquai told me today the he got a job… a Janitor…
Rey worked as a Laundary man in prison…

I told them that it was symbolic of their roles they were forced to play as I, which is clean up other peoples mess… shit.. because of that spell of the Jesus Story and the All Are One and connected.
We are but we are also Individuals and we are only connected to the Naturals.. the Expression True… N E T… Constant…
E..N E T .. C… E/
E C T. E N E

J.L… 10 12… 22… V.. Linked to Blair Andrews… who saw his medical record changed from 12-02-73… to 12-22-73…
22 Usd from Kemi Sara…

Highest rep of Human Consciousness aligned to the E…
With Fritz Venneiq Kemi Sara…
To bring David Dawn.. D D.. 44..
Dawn Piercy…. and the 5 Dawns… And Pawan Arora the Sixth.

There is so much more which took place, but I am tired and it is so unfortunate that I had to spend 58.33 years and 16.88 33 years solving riddles instead of Using Art Science to explain my Design…

Instead I was forced to prove defend and as you see, from all the people freed using me as a messenger and slave by taking advantage of humanities evil spin on and twisting of the Truth.. the Stories from Mohammed Buddha, Christ…
And yet the word Hadiha.. means that Gossip is not allowed in the Quaran but the Quaran is as the Bible a mass of contradictions as are so many other sacred books or they can nt be applied in this reality…

But mine can.. does.. is…

1.15 a.m.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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