
1/27/2018 20:22 – Facebook Post

A Play just took place… was sitting between a “White” Dude and Tone and his cousin and
I do not know if his name, nor do I recall Tone’s cousins name, though he introduced us…

But “Tone” short for Anthony, and I form the code E.T…

The play began last night when I could not get the internet access on my phone,
fully aware that Jean ( Amoza Born) was going to contact me.
Then this morning, I could not get on the computer at Delta to check to see if she had messaged me.
I was tired, it has been 16 years, almost 17…
Fighting and navigating the ‘Nebulous Nebula” of a play… frustrating pain and constantly staring into the abyss of the worst of Human Being cause and effect.
And proving that we are in the midst of first contact… in a world so into distraction- leading to Selfishness, ( to a point of disbelief) -Leading to Indifference and the of course Evil…
What is that saying? “All it takes is a few good men to nothing to lead the world to evil..”- which has manifested .. Literally… to a belief that I am finally truly ready to walk away from translating First Contact and navigating the Landing of the Father Mother ship..
17 …25 years of getting .. fighting to get peoples attention to what I am reading…
What lead me to investigate the anomaly which my life became- a series of singularities so out of the norm .. like signals coming from beyond begging one to read it, link it.. “Love Links… and Love is the Ability to See and Cee.. and Read in Clarity… “Allah told Mohammed ( descendant of Ishmael.. Abram…A.B..R…A.M… A B R “F” A.M… Yes Fast Radio Bursts… Awareness Matters.. A.M… A B R … F A M ..I L Y… God Abram Ishmael.. G A I… “Happy”… )
But if you can not read…?
Can not see clearly because you are so distracted by Need.. Fear… Desire of Self Preservation.. that soon no one but the inner voice of your survival. your “problems”- your sense of Aloneness does not allow you to listen.. to pay attention…

I tried to take a nap, but each day I am more and more forcibly reminded that I really am in a Mental Health shelter, that this is the setting of the last of the play, and that all the “Healthy” vessels whose bodies delivered messages from these frequencies.. all leave, and I remain here, with the unhealthy, the polluted, the dirty… literally those who have given up their Humanity and have gone so far and so deep into themselves and their “Trauma’s” that there is no light left in them.. just the selfishness and rage.. quiet, malicious, vindictive.. shadows… black holes of what they once where.

I have a cough, which for 4 months has not left, the germs here, the bad hygiene, the filth others have let themselves degenerate into, even to their lack of grooming, their use of the facilities in which they use and pollute leaving it for the next man to use.. polluted.. uncaring even if you call it out…

I understood just how far, away I had come and been led, pulled and that I no longer followed the signal out of curiosity.. I already knew what the signal is.. I can read…
But I can also read the script and the pathway I had to navigate for 28 years… The cost, the view.. the people who tried to listen hear and follow the signal and what this world did to them..
The Cruelty. the Wickedness.. the Truly truly Evil actions which people so numbed can not even see how far how bad it is.. that they and the system of this world has become…

I finally got up just before 2:00 p.m, to check… Allen Murray had already left and called me, “I can come back if you require when you get the code from Jean… Amoza…”
i could no longer use Blair’s I.D Because he just discovered that his drivers license is lost or stolen… ( Smh) so I asked Jean to link to me through Allen…
I got to the computer, and there she had sent me texts and messages and waiting for me response and some information required…
I sent her messages, but already aware, that it is a play… Harmony means the computer should have been accessible, my phone internet would be on.. there would be no “Hiccups”- but I have lived this 24/7 for almost 17 years…
Refining linking realigning solving the “created” hiccups- used to make me post and explain more…
Money comfort everything my very being held Hostage… a carrot dangled infront of my nose to investigate that which I have long since lost true interest in because I have seen that the pathway to reading this is so Evil, so Vile… a path of impossibility to deter one from translating and navigating it…

I opened my computer and the first thing I saw was sacred portal 50… where I am battling with the Bull.. it symbolizes Money Wall street… the struggle with releasing wealth power…
This entire Script has degenerated into a story of a struggle for POWER.. Control… which went so far.. that all I can feel is smh… no… not worth even the Evolution of Humanity…
If such a Script can be allowed and made manifest, then I wish no part of it… The Evil of it.. which I have experienced daily. the depth of Cruelty… Wickedness, Malice..
I have seen horrors in my life, very early and was trained.. Even my journal garnered attention because of the things I had endured and surmounted which cause Westerners shock and horror…
-But this.. this…

I left the shelter, having not been able to complete the connection with Jean, and knowing that it was again a set up…
I went to the Arab Bodega and bought a coffee on credit… I later saw that the number on it was 50…
I linked it to the sacred portal 50.. E.O..
But the truth is, I really did not care… The Script has been understood as Evil from beginning to end, and there is no agreement in me to do this I am being forced…
And it is Evil…
Nothing else matters really anymore to me, but this conclusive fact…
I am not even curious as to how it is still manifesting, I can read, I solve and I know what It has really done, what it is really saying..
..That this is the Path the Truth … chose to move through…To move some one through…

So when I saw Tone.. E.T… I had no interest in the play or the script, I am only here because Money Health my body etc… has been used against me once more…
All I am aware of is the abuse of power, and that such an abuse of power is not only possible in creation which is meant to be Beauty Harmonious… Even now 25 years later ad after all the effort.
And people still, have no true idea of what is happening,or what I am doing, saying linking.. saying over and over again… 70 months moved within my a wave which occupies my body, causes pain, can give people the wring impression if I did not do exactly what it desired of me.. the break down,explain what is happening to my body in a language of this reality which all can understand….
No consideration for the enormity of such a task to impose and force upon a person, while leaving him a;lone defenseless to the Human Society which he is more familiar with than the E.T or even most humans because of the Intensity, the Training….

A new planet 11 light years away.. yes.. 11 was the source of the conversation… Tone began, I refused to engage…
It orbits Ross 128… ( See my comment to Valentino Rossy Yesterday…)… link Jofia Ross… J.R.
The planet is named Ross 128b…. L.H… A B H… 3 8…
and is now the second closest world to Earth; only Proxima Centauri b ..P.C b… 4.25 light years away… D…Y… Delta Y… D B.E…/ E B…D..
*There is also SETI…( Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence…when earlier this year Ross made headlines because it appeared to be sending out a semi-repeating radio signal..
the article goes on to state that it re-opens the possibility that there is Life in that planet which is possibly like Earth…

This led the man besides him to speak up about the movie Solaris.. which I am familiar with from the moment it came out, but never watched it, despite knowing that it was intel…
“How would an Alien Species connect … communicate with us..” he asked…” how would even know”

After which I felt they were waiting for me to link… but I stayed quiet….

I am on Facebook, they Alien Intelligence is Superior to Human Intelligence and thus will easily find a bridge language… ABC.. 123 Elementary School… Children.. how do you speak to Children…?
This is what I have done but you can not get them to pay attention… especially with a play a script as stupid as this…
Which competley disregards the mentality of the people that it is dealing with or the being which It is using to reach them and bridge the gap… which is so ineffective it is simply a celebration of futility and impossible which I did make possible… but which the Script itself Sabotages It self by not taking into consideration that though Humans have become Cruel Evil… and their World- that they did not start out this way, and on observing me “journey” would never concieve of such a fate given to a person to bear as real… except for and by seeing it as a story of their own differentiated extraction and translation…
-there is not even the imagination or the attention to read the script or imagine…
They all left at the same time…
Then Another Anthony came and sat where Tone had vacated,, he was wearing a cap with the name Andrews on it..
It linked of course, to Blair Andrews…. code B.A….
He spoke about how he left and had to come back because he left his headphones and on doing so discovered a phone someone had left behind-which he mused..
“What if I had not come in… and yet I did… and then I found the phone.. Everything is connected”. he mused.. “It is all connected…”

“How does it feel to be manipulated?” i asked…
I explained the way I saw it… your headphones..you left them, then you remembered them because you wanted to use them…
You come in… and take a different seat after retrieving your headphones…you find a phone.. there which you return…
( I did not mention that he had taken Tone.. Antony’s seat.. and that he was is Anthony… T. A… A A…. A T.. A A… A-A… A-Z+A… 26+1=27…
Todays Date… 27TH…. Time 6:43 p.m…
Kemi Sara code of money 22 usd.. 27 33 1234… 128a.b…Ross…
And how I was now having a conversation with him which I have never done…)

He saw what I was saying… and spoke about how he always leaves his phone at the bank across the street.. and had done so just before coming here but had recovered…
“Law of Infinity.. Reciprocity… ” I explained that he could have not seen what I saw as a basic Law of Existence at Play.. E Harmony… if I had not pointed it out…
And he would not spoken up if he had no paid attention calling it “What a Coincidence…”..
But it was no coincidence because there was a resolution… He balanced out a “Karmic Equation” – some one else could have easily pocketed the phone stolen it… It is true.. this is the Bronx a poor section….
But what it brought forth to me- was the evil.. the Play… the imposition.. the manipulation that that which is behind this is of Evil beyond human comprehension but It source is definitely Human.. I recognize its Selfishness its indifference… it Cruelty… like a child with no training no guidance but influenced by an Evil which allows it to believe that it can do whatever it wants and get away with it… And it does… knowing that it is causing others suffering spreading disease.. maiming destroying killing tormenting… torturing and not only accepts that but makes entertainment to celebrate Its corruption and its Joy in that It can even disobey the laws of Karma and not pay attention and it is okay for others to suffer.. even to the threshold of Eternity .. in their place to wake them up… And despite all this be ungrateful and demanding…More Moore.. Slave? No they are not even aware that the other has an existence or feelings.. they have so negated the existence of the Ones.. the messengers that they have conviniently and consciously regulated that being those being to non existence.. to Mental Hospitals prison. torture in life and death without a shred of guilt or conscience…
Psycho’s Socio paths…

They are nothing to do with me of the E… this Echo response returned to Humanity…

Anthony then spoke about Fire, about how some one was not paying attention to what they were cooking and how it caused a fire…
which could have killed many people…
I spoke of the fire just recently which killed a record number of people right opposite the Station here… he had not heard about it!..
“I do not pay much attention to the news” he said.

I asked him if he had ever read the Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy.. and I recounted the opening scene sequence of Earth be bulldozed out of the Way of an Intergalatic highway…
And that a Sign for humanity to read had been put up over an eon, so that Humanity could protest and stop the action but no one paid attention …and so when it was time to destroy it despite the cries of Humanity.. It was destroyed all perished apart from A man white….. a Black man … Arthur Dent. D.A….Ford Perfect…F.P… Zaphod Beeblebrox…Z.B…and Trillian Astra… T.A…
It was written by Douglas Adams.. D.A.. Arthur Dent.. A.D…. AD/DA… ADD A… D A A D…DAAD… ADD..A.. Awareness is the correct code not DA AD… or 4 1… Add Awareness.. A D D… 1 44..1..
T E N…
Room 4 A…D A… bed 4-004.. 44 DD… Awareness.. Manifested… by I.E…

But what about paying attention.. AT TEN T ION…. A TT..E..N.T….ION…/ N .O I..TN…”2014″ E.. 20 20… Yes Kemi.. the A…Awareness…
Aware One.. A.O…

But what an Evil Script… So Evil… so cruel that it the Aware One wants nothing to do with it and the World…
and finds the way to use his Source Codes to blow the Whole thing, planet quadrant up… Knock Out all except the Clean Ones…
7:22 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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