
1/27/2015 20:19 – Facebook Post

6:O7 P.M.

A Pause to Reflect

To Take Stock.

Looking back at the sum total of these outpouring of weaving, linking and a Literal Cosmic Battle brought to the attention to the world…
I wonder if I ever had a choice…

Once in 1993 after returning from the light to this world, the discrepancy between that experience and feeling sensational was so acute that that consciousness as well as the physical reminder of it (the light blazing so alarmingly on my inner eye that I could hardly see things in front of me)

My body was not that heroic non corporeal Supreme being, it was a instead the body of a feeble young man.
Yet even my hosts were aware of the light about me.
People stared, some just gawking at me, they could not tell me what they were gawking at when I confronted.
In fact, it was the staring which got the then Vogue Conde Naste attention when a documentarists who asked to do a documentary with me which he was proposing for Canal plus on “Strange People who walked the streets of Paris” for he told me that he too had been stunned by peoples response to my “Energy”

The Consciousness that was as an awareness told me of a mission of sharing all I knew.

I listened to it as if it were mad.
What it was asking if me was not only impossible but cruel.

“They will not listen to me..and why should they?”

But it would not even listen to my protests.

It was not a voice in my head, it was an awareness.
And no matter where I went it was there, everywhere, speaking through people, directing me to books which all helped explain how its presence was real and logical.
And how it had occured through out human history.
I did not trust it.
It was to my mind heartless, unfeeling, it had no sense of what it was asking.
And more still, it did not correlate to the Light I had experienced.
That one I did not doubt but it seemed to have no voice except the Beauty, Exquisite it affirmed for me of that which I already saw in all things.

The Bodies cells regenerates every 7-1O years completing replacing every part of our physical being.
I now know that it was, is the consciousness awareness of this which was addressing me.
And that was the only perception of its self which existed here.
I also knew that it desired to be transformed into what it originally was.
I know this now.

Yet, when the body regenerates to shedding its entire cellular structure why is it that we do not feel regenerated..
Or at least most ppl don’t since my own actually does regenerate (Except my Teeth and Hair which have truly suffered).

But ppl do not.
Does it have to do with not having fulfilled the “devoir” of Eternal Youth E.

Not having expressed the three cycles of Embodiment, Exemplification, Expression of the understanding of Consciousness?

And if we hold onto the Consciousness of negation Death as the lie, Existence as a lie, rather than adding to it as the consciousness of E.I YOUTHE in the begining did by rising from let’s say, complete balance of The Everything …
The Everything, good or bad- who by based that possibility by simply rising to negate those two possibilities to make ascendant the way One Supreme Beauty Harmony which is beyond right and wrong.
Good and bad…
Because it simply IS.
And that Harmony had to be proven in all realms of Existence until reaching 89..then 98 and finally 1O…
Ten Harmonies which add create 1-8..
Do re me fa so.la Te Do.
Transparent Light fractured until returned to Transparent Light
Motion and stillness expressed full circle from Begining to End and Begining Full Circle..
Then Explained in the Age of Reason (even though what should be the age of reason has been transformed to insanity)
Is this why my whole being rose up to lend a hand…
Where words flow through me racing from deep within me, yet instantly recognizable from my experience, experienced in this Simulation of Life.
Just as I recognized in each persons who becomes my Facebook friend thier own Harmony within moving them.
As I do by the places my “Natural Movement) on the streets align me to.

Like 😯 Spring Street where I sit each day for 13 years not able to full comprehend why I sit there but only working out its correlation in hindsight..
8X1O is 8O…
Harmony Infinity of the Full Circle
Mirrored in Infinity Omenala Oranika…Facebook friend…
The Transfirmation of 7 from its Endless cycle 7×7 which aligns to 49..(4+9=13..My brothee Nnamdi born on Easter and leaving on Eastee 13 yrs full circle wity me at 4th street)

Portal of Existence as Existential Death Debt 49..D.I.. I.D becoming only Death as Negation Rage instead of its true nature transformed into that Beauty..or 7+7..14…N..
Nature desiring to evolve to Naturalness its true I.D which them moves it to 1+4=5..E.

It sought to leave the miserable cycle of its being born as the Winter Solstice only to ebb into nothing..fade to be reborn over and over again..
Until it could find the answer of someone moving it to 7-1O..
17…Q…Omnipotent Transformation to 1+7=
7x 1O.
7O…G O.at 4 Street or at Dina Singh…
To G O.D…

By something enacting out what the True Nature of God must BE..
Harmony Inclusive accessible available to All.
Explaining it by making rise from the only one Truth of how he she came in Being…
From within the I of the 1st…
9 months to I to 18-21..22-25…
And only one End and Begining…
Symbolized in that 1E but within that is the E O..
Meaning space for all the E line to Be as the first born because though all Individuals.
They are all One..
Of E Harmony.

And so this was all about the Raising that which is within..
Harmony by an Individual Explaining Embodying Exemplifying Expressing Enthusiasticly that which is so Natural and obvious to his See…

Despite he being E You the B.C E…

And so the EGG is 5-77..7/7=1.

All was already seen by I, as most will see from the begining of my posting through Foresight Memory..
But today in Hindsight it comes more clearly into view..
Because for the first time, I am allowed by this force of Control who betrayed Harmony in order to prove and “save” Harmony of Itself, and the Everything by creating an Abomination for me to experience to prove Harmony does exists.
And by Explaining it to 1O X T.E.N..
Only then can it take over from the consciousness of Control (Domination) and restore the magic restored reactivated of Harmony in not only the World (Conversation) but in all manifest Being Bodies V E

In Existence and Beyond…
All through sustaining a conversation a consciousness a vibration a string, a line of E, it’s Expression, its Embodiment, it’s Being that SI..yes Oui Evete!

It does exist in the world.

So be it.

I really have little to say except..
I have no home…
And no evidence of anything from this “source” of using any means necessary to get what it believed it deserved
Without taking cognizance of how it got in that “Viscous Cycle” itself
Cause Effect.

I am E.C.H.I.E.

It had nothing to do with me…


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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