
1/27/2015 15:47 – Facebook Post

2:2O P.M.




A Pause to Reflect and Take Stock.

Looking Back.

This is what I know.

I have been in movie, a simulation called life.
Which even as a child, I was aware was not real life.
I knew I came from somewhere else, and later found that I was not alone in that perception.
Memory or even understanding.
The difference being with most others is that despite my efforts to settle into this realm and carve out an Existence, I was not allowed to.

Personally, I just sought to live.
My research, even my “undercover” investigation as to why most of humanity lived undercover and in a duality- where what they felt and knew was in direct contradiction with thier expressions as they reacted with this “Simulation” called life.

And the simulation was confusing.
I saw that nothing seemed to be in harmony.
Yet I was fully aware and could easily see and read and even link the truth, that there was an underlying harmony in everything right before peoples eyes.

The Simulation of life had become warped into a desperate chaos by peoples reaction, relationship and warped perception of it based on thier emotive reactions and frustration.
This created a web, a series of causes and effects which morphed the Natural Simulation of this World- which I called “The University ” into a fear based, control based…and finally destruction toxic consciousness and perception of life and Existence.

A Chain reaction which began from History and the inception of “Time”.

As I stated earlier by the time I reached age 26 I went into a sort of coma, after being suddenly ” afflicted ” with a mysterious condition.
-A result of “Flight or Fight” I am not sure, but it enabled me to experience the empirical evidence which till this day, despite the inconvenience of its Truth, the Evidence of our comming from a realm whose portal was a light so exceptional, so beautiful and the feelings and sensations I ft while basking in it, left me in no doubt…
This is Beauty Infinite.

This is where I come from.
This is where we come from.
It can not even be defined in the terms of Love.
It simply was, IS.


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