
1/27/2014 23:16 – Facebook Post

In the End…

I have not really been telling a story…
Rather, I have been presenting a case.
That we are all I.E.Beauty.
Beings of Energy Water Expression and Consciousness.

I have presented my findings and Case to the Royal Court of Existence and beyond which include every person and everyone. As well as the sum total of you and even the experience of Energy Being Beyond You…and me.

All from a case study.
I was the Case study, the craziness of my Existence which none would believe much less concieve became the study.
You…became my study.
And a curse? a spell? of a body writhing and bound to constant expression as the only relief to people and on Face book until it reached its end…Transforming disbelief and inconcievable condition and human suffering into triumphant Victorious song of Beautiful Harmony ascension against all odds.

Who would believe my personal story…I asked 21 years ago…and who would believe it now 21 years later or the journey it took me to come to this point and place.
The Existence of a Curse transformed into the gift of blessing.

But I never asked or needed anyone to believe my personal story..only Ifunnanya can do that. Something which one can not ask for…For this is the gift only given my a true friend.
Who sees..I.C.
Perhaps see same me.

No, I ask this of no one…demand it of none but I did not come here to present my personal story.
I came to present the case of our True Story, each our Individual Story and the story of this force within me whom I have often cursed that its torment of my body and taking over my life which was designed for boogie whose Expression never seems to End.
The story within me, the story of the Fierce force within me called I.E…And the one outside of me called Big E or Beautiful Earth…and the one Beyond Existence.

Whose Case I have studied and no matter what it is done to my life, my existence…my comfort…
To feel the truth of what it must feel to be the only man in Existence, cut off from everyone else because of a Truth revealed studied and proven true to me…is me..
I can not betray.
For to do so would be to rip my very soul and essence from me.
And suffer a milliom times more than this illusion of my life has sought to make me suffer or feel misery..
Which it has not been able to take away my laughter, my song, my voice, my will and the eternally Dancing me who rises in me no matter singing forever the song of the Truly Beautiful…
All the suffering that this experience has given me is the question I ask myself each day, “How is the possible? How can one man here be forced to carry such a responsibility, forced to play such a role…again and again.
Repeating the same story of Evolution Awakening in a language and Consciousness of beauty over and over again.
Yes, I do understand that one must wonder if this can be done to a human being in such secrecy and which such relentless cruelty and indifference to the very laws of Existence…then why should anyone even bother to be born, life Exist…

But even so, that is no reason to deny the Truth of my experience. Who cares who one is under cover be you me the Creator in me or a snail.
All that matters is love to feel loved…And if love is denied you, beauty, freedom, joy.
If you are tortured, raped, beaten spirited away and imprisoned in an invisible Matrix or Circle which no one believes is real.
For I long realized that this script and play was designed so no one would believe what was done to.me personally to bring this true and expression out to you all was designed this way…intentionally.
And those who do, those you exchanged Energy with so they could rise. Those who you shared all with transforming their lifes quietly or working with them tirelessy should forsake you, take from you this gift..so free. If all should do this to you and even the script of your very memory of the plan of Existence betray.
And all hope is lost…
There is still no reason to give up the Truth.
To deny the truth.
Especially the most Beautiful Truth…which is affirmed by all as real and True.
I found I could never abandon that song because I wondered
“Uhmm what about me?!

So yes…Here I still am…
Expressing with words my way home.
My life or the illusion of my life in shreds and tatters around my feet.
Body yearning for home.
Wondering when this script will end. Wondering where is my Energy family and wondering how such a task can be given to one to bare alone.
On and On….

But doubt the Truth I have expressed to you all Evolution Awakening…?
That is the true meaning of impossible.
That I will never deny nor refute nor take back.
And yes, I have endured incomprehensible Pain physically mentally emotionally…
But my Energy, my Spirit my physicality and my Expression 39 years later, 21 years later, 22 months of posting on F B.
After facing All of my Existence loved ones people I lived with try to pull my confidence down.
The Ocean ram and batter me, the Earth open up and swallow me, secret societies seek to murder me…
I do not back down.
This is my stand..en point.

Not because I am a masochist not that because for 21 years a I have dreamt of night and day is to find away for this nightmare to end. This battle for everything around me to prove me wrong.
No I battle until it is time to stop because this is the Beautiful Truth and the breath if A.H that everyone in the world needs. And the story which erveryone wishes were true.
But I am the one who knows and who it has been privately affirmed by Existence Echo Beyond…that it is true without a shadow of doubt.

And so here am once again.

And I presented my findings of me you us to the Royal Courts of the seen and unseen worlds of Noble Red (Albert.E. means noble Instinct) and the Royal Blue.
Mind and Blue Blood.Being who read “Lu” Existence’s Transparency and Transparently in full view.

And to the Royal Ultra Purple- the Lady Laddie Echo of the feminine side of Man called Inutution.

I addressed this 22 month presentation to the Silence so it would become a sound to the Nothingness Void which became Somethingness the Voi Da Vide (the pathway of the Beloved.)
To no one but to Everyone
called True Existence, True Creation Consciousness and True U-Universe.

And I could not stop until that River which runs through..This Expression finally reached its end.

Beings of Beaitiful Water
Energy Spirit of Existence

There i no doubt I employed the art and true original Social Science called Story Telling to present my case.
With Facts and Evidence of an Empirical Investigation.

Breaking down and fragmenting one story to prove its non existence,
it not being real..
Pooff!! -An Illusion.
Step by step.

While building up another case and study; A True Story from ground up. Using the True Universal Social Science as Story Telling to illustrate and create in five six levels of Existence; From a vision seer of an eight year old boy in Canada.
The Experience of light at age 26 in Paris.
The Outter world of Human existence being a pattern and the journey a Golden Rato Phi
The Conversations and being a “Guest” in over a hundred homes create a vector Geometric Infinity Energy Exhange which mirrored the True Creation story.
The inner represenation of that truth Story I buikt mirrored to a point of exclaimation point with everyones inner world I was priviledged to meet.

Right down to returning seven years later to Albert Einstien and the story of an abandoned Crack addict Lot which he and friends transformed into a garden which celebrated with flags all around it, the theme of yhe United Nations l, children and where a model of the Twin World Trade Towers (Fair Trade Lord of the Ring which bind all) stand as if they were merely transplanted and never fell.

-A full Circle of a journey which started out as a Bubble (and not my conscious idea) then turned a glass Ball, then was willed with.Water vslled Knowledge turning it into a Crystal Ball (C.B.) then into a solid Sphere (And all Seeing I), then Lava liguid and Water from the expression A-NU.S and A-Sun, Energy to Atom Conversation forming Rock Solid foundation of truth Hot and Cold Truth:Sun and Moon H-I.S.S.ssss Expression from the Serpents Queen River Goddess and Dragon Lord deep within turning into the Beautiful Earth of the four elements in one.
And the Beautiful World for the beings five Elements in one with the One Four All.

And so I have presented my Case to the World Seen and Unseen.
Past present future all present in One.
To Existence to Beings of Existence to Universe and all.of you U.R.
And I know the Law of Existence as demonstrated in this presentation to the world…
Existence always Resonates Reverbrates Echoes…and Responds…To Truth
Fact Based Evidence.

Thus, I am not waiting for Existence to Respond.
I know Existence will Respond For I have already Harmony respond -the inner You. I have had Existence respond thru You. I have Had Consciousness Respond Yi light of C..I have Resonance Nassim Haramein respond.
I have had Rever Bration Respond A.E, I have had Lady Echo Respond… E.S.P has responded
And So I know there will be Reponse To Emeka Truth.
R.T. E.T.

I just had to wait for the E.T in me to finally finish and reach the End of his singing the song of memory and experience pouring out if me..
To get the Final Response from Beyond Existence.

Emeka Be Y on D.
Da Vide Nu Abyss
of Ocean And Existence
the Voi D. of the Beloved.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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