
1/27/2014 19:38 – Facebook Post

Egypt; Judaism Christianity Islam…He Brew.

E J.C.I…H.E..Brew.

The Last Universal Spiritual Creation Story which has shaped our modern world.

The Kingdom of U.R. (You Are) and Sodom and Gomorah (Pomepie?)
…and No Ah’s Ark.

And the last Covenant (in that story) between “God” and man.

I found that my stream of consciousness and unconscious expression and outpouring on Face Book moving flowing back (without any control on my.part) to the last universal E.S.P story which has shaped the modern world.

Touching upon OINRI in Southern Nigeria, to Greek and Roman Mythology, Celtic Hinduism, Buddhaism and even the Aboriginal song lines..
But each time I have found my being my body brought back to this story of Abraham Lot…A.L.

The one Spirit Story which has affected humanities and the world with the greatest conflict and wars.
Three religions which emerged from the Slave pens of Ancient Egypt.
Three religions formed from one family Abraham Ismael (First Born) and Isaac.
Which have consciously and unconsciously shaped our way of seeing each other and our world.

A mind map and riddle which instead of bringing a world into Harmony.
Instead became a story of brother set against brother Sarah having Hagar banished with Abrahams first son Ishmael banished to the desert. Setting sister against sister. Abraham siding with Sarah… and the distrust suspiscion…
And this Bible Story-whether mis represented or a riddle has been the basis of the worlds spiritual and then physical story for over 7000 years…

A story of I and I and the 24 tribes…
12 + 12 Tribes of I and I.

A story of a dysfunctional family, of favoritism, Gossip, denial, false accussation…
This is the story which has founded the modern spiritual foundation of the world?

No wonder the world is in such a state.

I mean do ppl not realize that the prejudices of these fabricated distorted stories are still be used by “powers” as a means to seprate rather than join?

Would not the most logical thing for the United Nations to go to the root Cause and Effect of this Cultural and National mind mapping by creating a universal conference to resolve all these issues which are the real sources of problems in the world.
Perhaps, those who profit from this silly distorted story “written by God” by sustaining that it was written by the Creator…Who to the best of my knowledge is Source of Harmony, rather than this “Stories” chaos felt that the Masses would never realize that these stories do not really make sense.
And would remain hypnotized in thier mind that the Bible is the word of God.
And not correlate the inconsistencies in the Bible with the inconsistencies and chaos that story so deeply entrenched and which has influenced nations, created Nations. Partitioned Africa, founded the “New World” and robbed the world of its common sense and Individuality for not pausing for a moment to wonder why a story which has so many gaps.
A story of a family A Bra H A.M and Lot…as in a vacant Lot Plot has wrought naught but misery suffering chaos bullying death chaos war and cinflict for over 7,000 years.
And that said story has held and maintained such a strong foothold in shaping political socio-economical, cultural and even social media visual spells in shaping the collective subconscious and conscious mind of humanity.

A story swallowed whole because it was said to be written by God.
And thus, inviolable..even to modern minds who become aethists because of this “opiate” of the masses…
Who are not even aware that even after believing that they are free of such shackles of thinking…Do not realize that it is not easy to reject such a deeply entrenched story imposed, often with the point of a sword, not only your ancestors, your D.N.A sequencing, your inner world, your outter world.
Your physical world, your literal geographical topography…Right down to you socio political structure and system…even to your Monetary system and exchange.
Wall Street.
In God We Trust…
…You’ve got to be kidding me…right?

And if not, who is God to you.
Nature and the Beautiful Planet, the skies the Celestial bodies…Naturalness…All with Harmony Stupendous Beauty plentitude, generousity, *See Earth Porn, order, logos, reason, meaning, Majesty, Royalty…Awe inspiring…I fun nnanya…I C Love Everywhere love beauty meaning and reason..And Law Cause Effect Consequence…Responsibility.
The Garden of E.D.E.N.

The Book of Life and Existence True.

Or a World of chaos, Pain, suffering, inequality, injustice cruelty, dominion, cruelty. Death, Disease, fear, brutality savagery, Evil, manipulation, sadism, masochism, war, wounds, hypocrisy, surival by any means, sepratism, acceptance of unnaturalness, slavery, superiority, incarceration, Hell of mind, betrayal, broken hearts, broken bodies, broken spirits broken bonds, broken covenants, broken promises.
Malice, revenge, irresponsibility, denial Blame Cursed and Damned Expression, Extortion.
.the Black Male who is really brown…
The 9 realms of Dantes Infer No.
The Book of the Dead.
Existence False…A Lie.

All From a story of Creation Story so falsified or intentional warped peverted and distorted like story of Lot.
This is your Lot, this is the Plot, the Plot of your story…
“Bring out the Beautiful ones so we.might “know” them…
Fuck them up the arse….”
and ignore the message they brought, these Ones, these messengers of true Beautiful Hueman Spirit who came to the realm of the spiritual dead.
“Let us Fuck them for the Beauty, the same way we fucked the Beautiful Earth.
The Gift and the Present.”

And this World created by the distorted Word of God is that which so many choose as Will Real…for comfort?

Over the World of Energy in which the Blue Print, Plan and intention is Everywhere…even in the mischevious little devil and angels called the children we profess to love.

It is true that I and my kind have suffered greatly in your world. And I have personally have lived a life time of Discomfort and Denial of my true Nature. Which is to.laugh dance make love and be merry and gay.
But I could not do so in a lie.
For this is not the real world, no matter how you may deny,of have forgotten or even chosen to compromise and abide…
But this is not reality or even life. And it definetly is not the World. For the World is a reflection just as a mirror does, just as the air does of the foundation…
The Beautiful Earth.
The Beautiful Skies.
The Beauitiful Celestial Heavens.
The Beautiful Oceans and seas.
The Beautiful Caves and underground Caverns…

Tell me, where on Earth above below within and even beyond is there not Beauty?

Tell me where in Nature in plants in animals reptiles in bacteria, even in poisons and venom is there not reason and meaning…A Story..A Beautiful Story…Which when read correctly is so transparent that it should obviously Reflect Expand to infinity and beyond a corresponding beautiful world. With all the diversity of Nature existing with reason function and meaning…
From the Anaconda to the Crocodile to the birds of Paradise who fly free in the skies.

So how dare anyone suggest that I do not live in the real world.
For I come from the real world. And I journeyed into the land of the Dead…
The realm where even time chose to forget.
This realm of the story of Lot and his wife.
Of a King Priest first Christ coming to give the dead
A Bra H.A.M..An Arm of Harmony to bring forth Evolution Awakening. To a domain where humans are caught in a viscious cycle, repeating endlessly the same story over and over and over again of Lot in Sodom and Gommorah.
Of civilizations after civilzation rising only to fall by fire and brime stones…Be it volcanic to missles and nuclear Bombs…
A beautiful messenger who is two “Arch Angels” in one Brown being…EZE OI NRI
Repeating the same Message over and over to the Dead matter Materialistic beings lost in Fear and Lust…
“That you Are UR created from Energy Beautiful.
Beauitiful Energy UR.”

“Those who do know their history are doomed to repeat it”

Meaning this equation in different geometric forms and patterns exist in a.our stories not just mine.
My Grandfather had 24 children. 9-8 from my grandmothers line.
One of his inlaws family names was Morrah..

Thus, it is my understanding that this story of A Bra H A.M and Lot which was founded from the Slave Pens (O pen is O sir US…Slaves to the pen are writers with out field/Empirical Experience. Which then created a story and weave which were them formed into social systems which then morphed into religions called Judaism Christianity and Is Lam

had to be resolved back into its original Equation.
Which is as follows.

E= J.C.I
E is 5 V
J is 10 X
C is 3 III
I is 9. IX

Existence = Jesus Christ Individuality.

Jesus is really Yeshua.
no J in Aramaic.


E is Y.C.I.

E= Why C.I.
Why C the Individual
Existence Why Chukwu emeka Ikemefuna..?

*A brief note my.hosts once told me that he had a message given to him, that he was told not to see.me, not to hear me and most of all not to acknowledge me.
And the evil he saw being done to.me.

But Y does not exist nor does the Trinity..All is one.
Thus, there is no 10 nor is there really a 25…
only OI-9.

Thus Y is 25 as B.E.

Thus, E=B.E.C.I.
not a religious group.

E is Energy V
B.E is Being Enetgy/Embodied…II V…VII
C is the speed of Light Consciousness. III.
and I is the Individual and 9
IX (9=I) which would mean that it is beyond Harmony
Infinity (In Fin It Y), and thus the Highest state of being in matter before returning to O the Full Circle Source.. is 9 or being an Individual passing through one self as I and I (Yonathan Yi Eric Brown Kimberly Brown Will Real Kasper Jasper).

Throug Consciousness Individuality..C.I

See Same Me..
Which moves I and I to I
Ishmael Isaac
The one who Hears and the one who laughs.
The Lamb E and The Wolf E.

THUS the final equations using letters words and Romam Numericals…no numbers becomes

E= B.E.C.I

Emeka=Being of Chukwuemeka I.K.

Using my name for example to match this template.

H.E. Brew
(Heaven and Earth Brew/mixed).

E= B.E C.I….is H.E Brew.

Energy is the Being Expression of Consciousness of the Indivudal which is the highest state of being and its the key to passing.through the 9th Gate I. and the full circle O ti the other side.

Until H.E. Comes and Explains No More.

Came A Lot.

Author of the Round Table.

But my experience of this dimension always came back to the birth of these three religions

For those aware of my journey on Face Book it manifested through my constant stream of consciousness totally unconscious it came full circle back to Lot and Sodom and Gomorrah…

And the Beautiful Earth and the True Beautiful World.

A T Rue Story of the Real World agaist the lie story if tje world as seen by me.

Emeka Kolo.
27 Jan 2014

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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