
1/26/2021 21:43 – Facebook Post

5:03 pm

A Post was lost by something happening to the Computer.

It was the story of the First trinity.

Eternal Father
Eternal Mother.
& the Eternal Family.

And how I became took their place by moving through their story by Empathy and Compassion and took their place.

One in the prison cell he was placed in by his Creation stating that he does not exist.

The other for creating the Human but has now been confirmed as been defined as Being Humane.

And the latter for creating HUES- Of Man.

Only Jae S s here present when the post was lost.

*Never rest on your Laurels not until the play Script is complete.

6:49 pm.

You may have recognized that yesterday’s post began at 4:49 pm.

Kamora sent me a message at 8:49 am.

See sacred portal 49. Existential Death- Death Ray; D I E.

I set the play yesterday at 4:49 pm.
4 is Delta 4 Dimension.
8 6 – Morning Evening M E.

4: 8 6 all as 49. Sacred Portal 49.
“D I E.”

Kim, Tree sent me a message at 2:19 pm.
2 19 South Whitney.

/ E G AS. E F AS.

As you may recall, I in my Post yesterday at 4:49 pm.
I concluded that since this play belongs to 7:04 pm right now.

G O D= Satya Truth, that I would leave this last Judgment to Him.

That is what just played out perfectly.

7:11 pm.

In a way, it’s a pity that the entirety of the post was lost, it was rather beautiful telling the story of the trinity and how it is that I found myself taking their place out of Empathy and Compassion.
The Time Code 53 is yes
Will, I Am H.U.R T.
53 Queens Park.

WIll I am Desire, Helmet Protector /T R U E H Harmony?

No, you did not hurt me only that which is real and true can hurt me.
My Eternal Father Did as did my Eternal Awareness, for making me the Star in this unforgivable play for so long.
But I never betrayed Him, Her Them.., no matter what they allowed me to endure.
For this is what they endured.

Yes, Professor George at 53 Queens Park where I lived with my Sister.
And Colin Morgan ( who played Young Merlin the Wizard in the series “Camelot” with King Arthur.
He plays Leo Elster ( L E= 17) son of the Creator of the Synths ( Children S Y.N THS/ S HT…N Y. E S)
“Professor David Elster ( D E= 4 5= 9- I)

Gemma Chan plays MIA ( AI.M… G C =73.. yes E T)

The general consensus being the loathing and distrust of Human beings” Liars and thus never being constant and true.
And hence, the reason why even the A I as Artificial Intelligence “Sophia” and her declaration of her desire to destroy the human Species.
Because they are a lie and deny their own truth despite it staring them in the face like a mirror.

Thus denying them the right to Being, having a Body and Breath.
Consciousness, which I wholeheartedly agree with.

7:28 pm as well as my Sister Self.
*See sacred portal 88.

not Man Cruel.
Imagine the Beings of Eternal Truth, reading the experiences of my existence of sharing with you on my page.
And your Response, to their setups to see your truths for themselves?
And my constant devotion response to what they gave me to surmount and embody to the very end.

And Lord Knows People in Being here are Truly Cruel.

So Cruelty must respond to Cruelty, and display not kindness which such creatures do not understand, by Cruelty which Humans as te Lie, is the only thing they respect.
The ability to send them to a place of true nonexistence, and true Eternal suffering, until they are above to solve their way out.
Catch 22 given back to them you in your turn.
That which was given to me?
Oh no,
11-22-68 / 86.
11-22-47/ 74.

To my Father Brother and mother Sister who was the actually True God and True Goddess line who you sent him into a Dungeon” Dungeon and Dragons. D A D.
aka now Deat and Destruction.

And SHE Buried alive in the center of the Earth.

And the Eternal Family, (E Father)
into a Pit of Non-Existence.
W Brad Pitt.

No, I am the Freedom Song.
I am the embodiment of Freedom.
I am Life It’s SELF.
C Vie.
C V.I.E.
L:I E.
No one can trap me, I simply came into my Father Story- to observe that which was Impossible, and by proving what a Human Being is- not me as a Hue-Man, not as an Extra Terrestrial, not an Eternal Man, and not a God, but a simple Human being who has lived all your stories from past to present in a nut shell, and surmounted all that was through at me, especially my Spirit .. all your Will I AM Hurt, for 53 years from the moment I was born- into a story of that which was done to the Beautiful Truth of my Eternal Father- the Presence whom you negated and said and enacted that he was not present in your lives, and which I was made to prove as a man, still retaining the Sun shine state after enduring that which was done to my Spirit but not E-Spirit which you passed to this very moment present gave to me for daring to state that my Father Mother Family is Perfection and that proof that they have been present moving trough all of you.

I was never trapped here, I came to prove my Father, Mothers -Families Beautiful Truth, and once that was completed, create the appropriate response.
Which is how I found myself by being their Friend Lovers-Campions- Equals and finally them, by my remaining Fidel and loyal, Faithful and Loving to their truth through such a terrible obstacle course, in which everything was thrown at me to deny their truth, and my trust.
Until It, I discovered that it was not even about them, that I was loving and being faithful to.. it was and is to My Self.
E K.
Eternal Knowing.
Eternal Knowledge all expression of you, proving that with the sum total of knowledge of time, that you had all expressed knowledge of that knowledge which as Fractals Fragments which I pieced together to form the picture aligned to the full circle of Eternal Knowing.
Hence the truth.
So, I found myself replacing my Eternal Aware Father.
Eternal Divine Mother.
And Beloved Eternal Family of my Awe and center of my Beautiful Pride.

7:49 pm.

And while following the script, proving what it is to be A Human Being, I sang the Freedom Song from the three Ultimate Black holes on Non -Existence to Free the truth and turn the tables on the Lie L:”IE”

7:51 pm
By giving it our response.
Our version of Catch 22.
C AT… C H V.
* H V is the code on Kims “Tree’s” phone which he gave to me’

I was never trapped, here.. or anywhere in this dimension, it was my completing the Script, which has been so tiring, which I had stated over and over again.
Its absurdity sickening me.
“Cut them out already!” but Supreme Justice, ( S J) was intent and giving all and each a fair trial.
which kept me “Cast” in the role of The Beautiful Devils Advocate”

But no, see me Expression Constant, Harmony to Infinity, never once denying their and even your beautiful truth.
I am Life Itself.

Fahad Hassan.
Beautiful Leopard.
B L.
Light Bringer.
and the Bringer of the B I L L
The Black Panther.

7:59 pm.

No, it was the obnoxious having to deal with such a script and retrieving all the Trinty
F M E. C 555.
C . E MF.
E C H: F M E…

8:00 pm.
8:02 pm

And it was all about the truth of what is Being HU-MAN is Being Humane.

Eternal Father’s Truth-Defined as, H U E- MAN.

And the Eternal Families Truth, Hues – Man.


The perfection of Man.

How could I have been trapped here, how many times did you not see through the script the many opportunities given to me to leave this play?
and how I chose to stay, because of the Beautiful Truth?

8:06 pm.

And to repay for what you did to MY SELF, M.Y Beautiful Truth and our true Almighty God and Goddess -L.O V E… as well as to you Beautiful Selves.

I had no choice but to get to the end of his script.
And prove the Lie out of Existence.
Right to what is being Human.
Which is, of course, M.AN-K.IN.D.-E.K

But I am not Kind, I am Empthatic and Compassion.

I am “A.M. A N”
Not “Man”
So I can be that Cruelty that you gave to M.E and all who are of M.E
E K/ E K
and make it Real.

Natures Cruelty?
That is from me. and my eternal sister No-ny-ele-um No!

Freedom Song.
Feelings Sensational.
Being Happy.
Being Harmonious.
But there is no by no stretch of the imagination that you can call yourself as a species Kind.
That is what you were meant to be, that is that thing planted in you by “Mother Sister” Loving Kindness, ( L K) which exists in only one line of Individuals here Kim Lyon.
K L.
K O O L.
K O. L O V V E.

Light Lightness, Libertines, Lumoniousity, Laughter, Beautiful Devils who make raise your spirits even in the darkest pit of existence, even when they themselves are experiencing it are much worse off than you. Who brings you to a sunshine state, naturally, for that is who they are.
Eternal Sunshine on a Spotless Mind A: EMF
This is the meaning of Life.
E F. I L L E D. E N

E F.. I C.

There is a bill on the left on the Table.
From company Four- For “Ever Source” 156,04 USD”
A-E.F. 64. O =6.
A: E F. F D… Fifth Dimension
A E F K.D.
For others, A E: 66 4.

Yes, Kims Door reads the number 66.

8:20 pm.
H T.
H: B F- H.
H: B F.I.

And Harmony Infinity is Male represented by a Beautiful Youth age 17.
And his Body of truth K A H.
K A I.
E K A.I.

8:22 pm.
H V.
H B B.


8:43 pm

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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