
1/26/2019 22:56 – Facebook Post

8:35 p.m.

Sheesh, my body rising now is killing me, I can not even leave the house….
This, by the way is meant to be good news…Smh..

1222… Means Completion of 1-12 22=V… Victorious..

I do believe it links to Victoria Jackson public expression and the play with Kelsie Bissell which took part here, and of course Rays McKayla and Isabelle Ilic last play.

I have given everybody credit, so that in the near future, when the worlds AMNESIA lifts, the Universe will have the forever records of those who did do their part representing Ancestors Time and also of what took place before and the true heros who worked quietly undercover,without the desire or even need to know that they are really Eternals under cover in non memory…

A M N E.. SI A…. Sage Isaac Albert..

I did speak of Donald the Interior Decorator (I D) whom I lived with in Staten Island during 9 11…
I did speak of Donald the Interior Decorator (I D) whom I lived with in Staten Island during 9 11…total Amnesia not once but twice!
He told me how he rebuilt from scratch his memory, right down to learning how to read again…
I knew that it reflected the story I was in.
Donald means “World or Universal Ruler”
Donald Trump… D T..4 20…
T.D…Terrible Death T D… 20 4…

The correct code is B O D… Y…
Being Full Circle is the “Doing” not telling.. Do and when you have done, come to a public forum and recount your story of “Hindsight Foresight” but not before…
I was told on every level that my Being and Doing was completed in 2003 by many but finally by Sky Oak Spear ( Avatar Descendant…) S O S…
And thus I was conned into answering an S O S.. Distress call from This World …
But I was then brought to Facebook to recount my completed journey and share ( not become the “Lecturer, Teacher Professor Reminder role I was literal cast in and as..
*Link Plaster of Paris… P O P…
Pop was the nck name of the father of April Shaw, grandfather of Tom Truman, Luke, John and Bridie Shaw…
They lived on Ash Street in Map Town in England..
So I suppose that he represented the true play of the Truman Show.. and Tell… Like one does in elementary school..
Your School project…
Mine it would appear, was about telling the Truth of What is a man, which the A-Liens about to join Humanity to complete Our evolution back to E, they representing the last to finally merge with the Entire Universe to complete the process of Humanity evolving to the E.. HUE MANITY.. The New Species and the intended creation of the Source…
The Source.. E.. T S E…
Who does not test, but only examines your presentation.
Yes, they are invisible… but have been watching…
sending hints “Anomalies Singularities.. A S” to determine who is really rising, choosing to pay attention..
What do they read and what will they do with it.. will they ignore our writing on the walls…
That was not a test… but more Observation and Record…Graduation, from one Vibration Frequency to a higher one.. and who would sustain it, be humble enough… to investigate, learn a new language…or way of being in Existence.

Human Children were created as their Source..A Man – Curious and Investigative… C I…
F U N…Adventure…

Completed with the play of Alien Father Alpha…Represented through the reflection embodied by Christopher Filgueira.
And completed with Izzy and Cash Dollar.
I C..
I D..

I.E… K…E…M.

*8:44 p.m…
844 Black Bamboo… Its a restaraunt I just ordered from..
31:13 usd was the bill for two days of Food.

9:12 p.m
I.L.. Infinite Limitlessess

.. I then looked at my phone and again 3 1 was in it…

31 13 usd… 4 4..8.

8 44 Farmington Ave West Hartford… Yes we are really E T Alien Farmers, we plant the Seed and then come back to Harvest.. The Ones who rose through choice to be the literal bodies aligned to each Beautiful One…

When I was called to pick up the food, it was a suprisingly, light hearted a almost joyous voice..”Hi I’m Jay.. ” were his first sentence, before clarifing that he had my deilvery…

I had thought I it was someone I knew but there is no one who calls me that light hearted…
those who come near Kelsie Bissell and Rays McKayla

But I paused when he repeated his name..”JAY”
not Y A J.. Represented by Jeff Sullivan and Solierys Rosario portal which Stephen Esteban Miguel Filgueira had taken me invited by the them..

This was J A Y… Spelt the correct way, and the truth of Jay I had met at The Collection where I had worked in 1996..
19 9 6… S I F… ( Also F I S T Of Fury…)
A I ..I… F… 96… Not 69…
I have proving that I am the Original True Source…and not even the Highest frequency Beings Expressions reflection

i am the Original… Source in which none can reflect me… And which I am the Reflection of None.
Not a boast but a simple fact… Despite everything and everyone seeking to Challenge and prove other wise…
I was aware of that play, but it never interested me except to move to fury at how far each would go to prove that they were the original or better than me in that role of I.D…
Fist of Shango.. Oh yes Fists of Fury.. I Be…
Bruce Lee… Brotherly Love… fills the gaps so all can see as I see, so that too can experience the truth of Being in Existence is truly Beautiful Expression.. Extase Bliss..

Estas tonne…
E T,

5 20… 5 2O… E B O.. E B F…
E Best Friend Harmony..

Go back on my page if you will, I identified him over and over as the Avatar Descendant line Being Vibrating of that reflection of my Brother Father.. Lover and Friend…
Yes.. Male and Female Lovers are the E.

When I went downstairs, despite my aches and pains which could have given the illusion of old age, I saw a handsome light hearted picture of Youth in this young man.
He was carrying no weight, and if he did he carried it as if if were nothing… lightly.
He made instantly feel almost grateful… the delight of fresh air…

JAY… I knew what it mean… 96 Dark Matter.. 6.. 6th Sense…

Kelsie Bissell “Going Home” by I.F.. Intrinsic Focus..

I F… I Fact… Sixth Sense…
p:Home.. Rays McKayla

Just did not know that that which challenged me in all,would go so far, and even cheat find a way to prove me wring and hence not the Source not aThe Creator… Not the First man… No..
Always NO… But perhaps it was really meant to mean
ON… E…

A MN E S I A..
A IS E .. N.M…A,,, P A.. R D .. I S E..

Correct view but really now it is all full circle it works any way you wish to view it…
But the original expression is

E S… I D..A. R A (Y) P… E…. o

Jay… it means “Rejoice.. Joy.. swift victory…” in Sanskrit..

I guess my point of view is supreme full circle…

pr o of

Esteban Miguel Filgueira
Sarah Kaizer

E.S…. I D… Two last letters on his phone,,,94 and..

1 18 1… 16….. E.. ME. K.A.H..

9:55 p.m.
I E E..

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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