
1/26/2019 20:34 – Facebook Post

5:28 p.m.


E B H…

A-BF.. T S… B O A…I.

Let me just solve this one riddle quickly of who is the original Tree Sage T S…
(Nothing to do with Kim really, he was used unknowlngly to challenge me, used by the Moors Pangea Ancient Magic…
K A H…Over Soul.. Egypt…
I AM E G Y P T… E G.U Y…PT.. ( U=21.. Universe Universal Understanding.. U U U .. 63.. F C/ 36.. C F..)
Its their riddle,no blame to him…

T R E E…
T R… 20 18…
Eri E-Bright… E E…5 5… Aligns to me right to Flora Restaurant- a Portal to even “American Gods: A G.. Suggested by Esteban Miguel Filgueira where his motel room is 55 and he quotes the number 8 13 H M.. in the 2nd or 3rd episode I just began to watch last night…
To the Flora Rainbow Flora Rose.. F R… 6 18… Sarah Kaizer 618 T L E… To my work on the Menorah, to the True Tree of Life and the Truth depicted on Estebans door mat, to the Twisted Tree depicted by Jeff Sullivan.. and my twisted body..
Alien Wizards…
To the Tree Albert Santana created out of red clay in his garden of a Statue of a lean Brown man alerting the World to the Awakening and the Presence back in this World..
to meeting him in 2006 with Sage, Isaac Calvin McCullough and Albert Santana… A S I… I S A…Alpha…
to Rays McKayla and her Angel Statue she bought while I was drinking Angeline Wine.. A W.. At Solierys Rosario and Jeff Sullivan and Stephen…Filled with Sage representing Sacred Portal 37… Sophia O Lauren… S O L… “Professor of Love..Beauty Doctor Love versus the Mad Hater… M H..Which depicts the Mad Scientists claiming to be the Source of the Universe.

6:31 p.m… Link the use of Patrick Okolo by the Unseen..

R M B.. R B.. O R B… B R O.. TH E R L Y…Love…
Philo..Adelphi… * Where John Shaw filmed me in his apartment he shared with his brother Tom Truman on Adelphi Brooklyn in 2011.

It is not a physical place or thing, but E S are representing it in the Physical World Board Game.

*Recall the play with purple Grapes in my locker with Kyle Murphy seeing them at the end of a tunnel…And recall the color Rays McKayla chose to paint my room here.. Royal Purple…

I can give more evidence conclusive, to prove my Awareness in this Universal Simulation as the Body.. Rep by Mackayla..Lady..Meaning ‘Kneading Bread” Massage.. the Body… That I came as the First Red Wave First and Last as Light O.. then last as Red…Wave Length.. First Man “Kasien”
meaning “He Who Distributes”
Heart 4th Chakra… 8 Chakras.. 7 is M linked to 8…4 4…
* 440 Asylum Avenue.. Red Roof..plus… rm 904..
Asylum Sanctuary… not insane Asylum…
Meaning that I have always been seated on my Throne.. “ISIS” Means “Throne” – The Seat of my Heart and H-ART…

13 31… Nnamdi Chris…44…( I was in bed 4-004..44 In the Shelter Room 4 A… 41… 5…19.. 18… First bed assigned to me..

S A..G… E…
Sarah Athena Stephen Alexander…
G.. Giovanni.. :John..
Estaban… Emeka…

T R E E… S A G E…/
E E .. R T… E G A.S…

T S…is not the complete equation..
E T.C… S E E… Emeka Kolo

I suppose this mania to be seen and heard, depends more on the ones who are relevant, and are meant to see you…
And Hear you.. the Ones whom I am really addressing, the ones still unseen by all of you…
Your most Beautiful Truth… The Real True… you…

Your most Beautiful Truth… The Real True… you…rather, this year is reflecting onto the physical realm through numbers the Expression, Original linked out side of Time, on the Astral Plane, in this Game of proving the Source of Muti Universes Supreme I C… E…
I Consciousness Eternity..

M U S I C… E
E I C S U M… MARY…Mckayla.. rep.

7:00 p.m


A lot has been happening which confirms the Human Body has begun morphing all over the world.

This was recently confirmed through the personal experiences of Christopher Filgueira, Rays McKayla, John Mack and what Esteban Miguel Filgueira and Rays McKaylawitnessed with. Sarah Kaizer… and lastly with Tree Sage.. Kim Arthur Hies…

And my own body, literally feeling every growing pain..
( Dear Lord, it has become so intense in the last few days, that I can hardly sleep- this of course, was not how the process was meant to take place for me, because I have physically risen before in 2002, and 2003…and it is painless and takes place in the blink of an eye.
This process was exacerbated by the holding back of my rising so that I would do the riddles equations which allowed all physical mater represented by You past as Time…
( M H/ H M.. J M.. John Mack Holly Mack…)
Could rise…
But through this play of my expression explaining.. endlessly taking, weaving and bridging the Gap of “A GA PE…”
Of Brotherly Love…
Recall it was bridged and completed with the play of Isabelle and Cash/Dollar…
He traveled to Philadelphia.. City of Brotherly Love..
with Sarah Kaizer on a business Trip… Art Fashions Museum..

He traveled to Philadelphia.. City of Brotherly Love men.

Rep by Christopher Filgueira his daughter Izzy., represented by the play of Isabelle Ilic ( i i .. 9 9.. 18.. 5 18.. birth of 4 year old Izzy… while I was at Delta Manor…
Delta means “4:”

And there has been more intel from Arinze Umeanoo, confirming the alignment from America to Africa (Pangea Moors) to U S.. Alpha Bet C.I.TI…
I will share that in a moment as I sign off.

The Score Board, represented by my number of Facebook Friends is at 1222…
L V… Add 5O…Paradise Hawaii.. Sent by the rep of the Scout of the Naturals represented by Esteban Miguel Filgueira who took me there chez Solierys Rosario S R…
See the Code S R… . R S… Reflected perfectly in Arinze Umeano dream- who lives in Nigeria.
MSee who he names Two Men.. Simon and Richard.

S R… R S….
ALink Stephen.. now Esteban Miguel Filgueira linking with Rachel Rachael Devon Rios Sessions after 8 Years… Link the same experience with Stephen.. Ariana Gradow A G..and Akil Apollo Davis…8 years.. He before She…Akil Ariane… A-A
Rachel Stephen.. Esteban… R S… R E…/ E R… 5 18… Isabelle
*Recall that Umeano is my Grandfathers Last name and the maiden name of my mother…
It is also my name,linked through blood but also embodiment.
Umeano means “The Four Divine Breaths.. 4 in One…”
See the O.I.Nri Creation Story.. Eri The Creator, comes down as 4 Cardinal Directions… C D.. Masculine…
4 Market Days.. M D.. Feminine…

3 4… 34…/ D C… 43… See both Sacred Portals…

Esteban Miguel Filgueira was born 8 16.. H P.. Hawaii Paradise..
Age Code 34… Cannabis Weed…which he has knowledge of as the form of healing.
And Sound healing… See Sacred portal 75..”Piercing the viel of Sound On Language.. S O L.. Email given at radom by Galaxy J 3 phone ( J 3… J C..Ten are the three…Trinity..in one..3 1…C A.. Link meaning of the name Catherine Acholonu.)
KOLD5575… K O.. L D…Life and Death.. The Line, by bending it, the Line of the Eternal Truth.. Sword…to form a curve… Sickle.. and a then a Full Circle…
Electro-Magnetic Currency Filed.. C A S H… Dollar…

E R I… C…A..
A M .. E R I C A…H..

America Africa are the two who were originally One..
representing Pangea… A-A… before it became 7 continents and 5 Seas…
75 12… 3… 3rd Planet from the Sun…
E ART.. H.. the E;s Expression of Harmony represented by the Blue Green Golden planet Earth… not the World… A K Atmosphere… Only now, have the three been aligned to be as One… A W E…

7:00 a,m,

From Arinze Umeano A U… M…

then later on about 1week later i dream again when i was with about 4foreign presidents and they handing france flag over to me and i was in that dream telling those foreign presidents that the honor are big 4me that am little boy to handle the honor but later on i took up the flag & woke up,that was in conakry in 2009 and i told many of my friends about it then
then again in 2016 here in my home i dream when i saw my late father simon & my late uncle richard who died in biafra war,i never know him richard umeano but my father simon umeano told me that he has a brother who died in biafra war and him richard is recarnated me that he richard norom uwa then i saw the two dead people in my dream and they stand in front of our home door waving biafra flag then my father called me in that dream start to explaining to me the person he with is his late brother richard who died in biafra war then i woke up”

Emeka Kolo-

-Post this on my page and I will respond.”

Codes… 2009… 29….
2016…T P… Tree Sage Peter Bragino

7 years apart…

9.3 Billion years bridged between Birth of the Universe and Birh of Planet Earth… 9 3.. I C

Simon Richard..

Sarah Simon John S S J
Luke Simon L.S
Luke Arwen Simon Arwenn A.S.A

Richard Kalama R K…

You get the picture…?

7:08 p.m.

If not truly, it is not my problem.. since everything has been made chrystal clear…

78..The Books.. on my page recording 7 years of this interactive play and my sharing The Way of Y A..(J) WAY…
Y A W E… J A Y… Blue Jay

7:Leroy Gidron.m…
G L…
/ L.G
Leroy Gidron

B J/ J B…

I have no need of my books being published or recognized by you all.. I do not need them. nor the codes…
Nor did I set out with the intention to show, remind you how to read or see.. ( how to see when you are blind with your disconnect, and your own intentional closing of your third eye and ears…
It was all created by a Force originally of me,but now independent and apart and it even broke all the laws of being to make me create this 7 years book called the E Manual..

Nor did I set out with the intention to show, remind you how to read or see.. ( how to see when you are blind with your disconnect, and your own intentional closing of your third eye and ears…its beauty seen in entirety…
But I do not require it.. but something Some One..went to a great deal of Effort… sending off an S O S…
“Sky Oak Speaker” Park Slope Brooklyn 2002, to get me to create this E-Manual…

Yes it was Emanuel.. And that is not me…

/ LE.. U… MAN… 125 The Universal Mann..that is me

Nnamdi…. that is not me…

/ I D MA N…N…E… 94… 13 114. 14 5… That is me…

The other Two.. they were my past, and I am not that person anymore..
I evolved … L O V E/ E V O L V E D…Back to H E.M..M/W I N G.. W AY…

But I know your going to need it when I am gone, too bad you did not take advantage of my being present, to help you with understanding and unlocking its secrets, which now, only the initiated will be able to understand because once I leave, I will Look only to the Beautiful Present and shun the past…passed which no longer interests me.

All it takes is a few Good men to do Nothing…”
Emund Burke….

E B…

You can;t have been seriously waiting me to do it.publish ut, edit it. organize it… after all I have done.. when myself and the E Originals ( Still Unseen by you) have no Need of even this you will discover,, eventually, its Exquisite Beauty..
and the nature of the Divine Love I once had for you…

Eros Dionysus Cup.I.D…

And so, i turn my back on a World destined to live in Regret of having Done Nothing..

The E have no regrets…

But the world which will survive The Purging… will.

7:34 p.m.

G.. C.D

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