
1/26/2019 18:01 – Facebook Post

3:03 p.m


A-Z …T S.

Your Going to Miss me when I am gone.

It’s a sad fact that this has almost become a law, something to be expected.
That only when something or some one is gone that people appreciate.

I.am called by the 4th 5th Dimension,
The Forgotten One..

I did not Forget Others, or the E or anyone in this script, I give each person credit, naturally with enthusiasm and joy.

I am aware that this is no longer the etiquette and manners of this world.

I do not Forget Others, and I do not only express, I act…I do.


True Source E…


2019 Evolution.

Total Solar Eclipse 2017..
33 State Oregon to South Carolina 8th State.

No matter what you do, in this current Human Mentality, majority of the people will never be satisfied, no matter what Ones does for them.
They will forget the Beauty shown them, they will constantly make you fight to convey the most simple truths, which will cleanse them.
They will call out others, who do things which those calling others out, do also.

Take a look in the Mirror.
Know Thyself..
But all they see is the Truth of their perceptions of themselves and will negate the Truth, all those who helped and fought for them to rise.

This is a Truth which everyone knows, it is in the History Books.

Hence there is no surprise that the Heroes of Humanity have become less and less through time.
Why should any one of these True Clean and True Light beings wish to fight such madness of spirit or “forgetfulness” after that cycle has repeated itself through out Human Existence on the planet.

“Your going to miss me when I am gone”

Why should the True, and the Truth stay in this world where the Truth is disrespected to a point of utter disbelief and the lie is celebrated
“Everybody lies” …?

Not true..

But I personally have held onto to the wonderful moment when I no longer have to interact with Human Children in this last play of Evolution.

People learn here only when it is too late.
Only when they are faced with the manifestation of the Truth.
The ones who rise, get it…Do and Be rise…
And those are the ones who do not need reminding of how to Be, and Do, they do it naturally and share with out putting themselves forwards.

They exist.

But not in the Truth Script I am in, the people I have been moved to link and connect with had need.. They could not Do the work naturally with love light and laughter..
They had to be trained.
But as I walked through this path of Human Children, it was not for them, that they mistakenly think it was all about rather it was about walking through the Earth Universe
4.5 Billion years
13.8 Billion years.
D.E ..M.H.

5.4. E D.
8.13 H M.
E D H M.
9 21.. 30
Represented by P.N.
And Sarah Kaizer

It was about reaching the End of this Universe
Rep by M cKayla and John Mack
M.J./ J.M.

To reach Eternal Youth which they represent in age manners and way of Being and Doing.

Thus, ending the story of Human Children

What a pain in the ass they are, to cut out that Beautiful Illusion Children transformed into the abomination..- children in “Adult Bodies” spoilt rotten by this Script which allowed them the illusion that it is all about them.

Their Balls..?
How eager I am to leave them to their fate and they few who will rise after I have gone and my family line of Eternal Youths Expression
(E Y E. Line of the All Seeing Eye. A S .E..)
Rise here, now that I have finally reached thoer frequency, having evolved the Children rep M.J/ J.M. to the E.

I want nothing to Do with Human Children in adult form, who never grew up, never cleaned up their pasts, the Scripts of their lives, and whose self centeredness and balls is truly beyond belief.

Those left behind, not cut out, will have to rise without me, and it will not be easy, for as I mentioned and proved over the years, that to reach the E, which I represent, the more you made my life a living Hell, the more your own life will be made a living hell, because to be E..
Equals, you have to go through what I went through too.
But those who did not do that will not have to because they had the empathy to feel understand what I have been going through with the Spoilt Brats -Humans as “Adult children who never grew up.
( Linked by themselves as I did and the others as I who have no Need and are the Original E undercover, waiting to rise and take me Home once I completed the Mission..
M.H./ H.M.
M.J/ J.M.

That is why I smile dangerpusly. Quietly..
You can have your fun now while I slaved away but vengeance is mine, which is my simply walking away.
Not caring anymore especially after all I have witnessed and experienced.

I promise when I leave, there will not be an iota of help from me.
I said this over and over again through out the years.
So many felt they knew and know better than me, and so they will be given the chance to prove it, when I am gone .

My family are represented from age code 18-19. -21..
Eternal Youths Expression.
Not works in progress… children as with constant demands, Needs, Spoilt Decietful Decietful cruel…

I take the Children who are real children 1-12
21-1.. who at 13, M move naturally by themselves flowing to The Source.
Who respect and recognize the Source..
Because True Children do not need proofs or evidence codes, they do not test or challenge because they are Truth and Truth recognizes Truth.
As simple as that.
True Children T.C .. C T ..
Common Thread
Sacred Portal 20.
Sacred Portal 19
Sacred Portal 5.
True Children Echo and Recognize the Truth there is no work with them.

In a strange way, this has been the one comfort and revenge, which I have been aware of, and this is the statement which I have uttered quietly through the years, often with a quiet smile..

My yearning to go home, has intensified the more I have enacted with the Mentality of this world.

The one constant I have personally experienced in this last 13 years, is this mentality of people either seeking to Shine at the expense of the gift of sharing
Most people take advantage of love and are even defensive when you call them out for it, even though it’s for their own benefit

We live in a world, so sick, a mentality of “Me Me Me”
Of people forgetting to say “Thank you” and “please”

Of such bad manners, often from living in their own heads where everything is filtered through A subjective experiences rather than raising the subjective to become objective by including and seeing the worth of others.

Too many times, I have witnesses the best of people fail the last test of seeing the value in others.
They begin to rise but see themselves as Sources.. as the ones who have risen and place themselves on pedestals with out often realizing it.

Manners Respect Courtesy…

When McKayla Rays told me about the documentary of what she surmised as the E line, who the documentary stated all wished to leave this world because the selfishness and self centeredness had wrought unintentionally and intentionally evil.
Their loathing of this world because of just how rotten meat people had become

And what is Evil, apart from that extreme selfishness, that self interest.. or simply that desire to be seen as worthy and of value that they even unintentionally push themselves forwards rather than rising through seeing the outside of themselves, to See all those who brought them to this place.
Ancestors, great men and women who devoted their lives to Humanities Evolution.
Who did amazing things, contributed such knowledge against such odds.

People who truly changed the world, moving whole societies to evolve

These are the True heroes..

And when I observe today ..
The Conciet and the Balls..
Good Grief..

Oscar Wilde famously said, that Youth is wasted on the Yong..

Youth is not based on Age, it is a state of mind and being, it is the Immortal Technic, of which that stare of Energy Youth keeps the body Eternal Young..

That is why only the E lines bodies rise and transform.

I am a dangerous being, I can tell you what you only want to hear, after giving you the entire Truth.
I observe what you focus on from the Truth I gave shared, and that which you ignore and negate which allows me to See the image of yourself you have created .
And so I will feed that part you desire to be feed and let you weave your own web of cause and effect..
Even if it leads to your non existence.
I let you believe what you wish after providing all.the clarity and observe that which you chose.

Your not allowed to be in that space in between anymore “between Chien et Loup” as they say in France.
Not a child not Eternal Youth ..Harmonious Being .

The state of Limbo where Humanity dwelt protected in a prism called Time.

We are OUT of Time..

Mikki has graduated..to E.
With the Creators Grace
Emeka John..E.J..
Who is as God.

The Creator…?

Answer The ones who reflect and exemplify The Source
They who represent the Whole.

Not the Black Hole.

5:00 p.m.


Your going to miss me when I am gone.
I Promise.

5:01 p.m


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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