
1/26/2017 22:37 – Facebook Post

8:15 p.m.




The name Aza means “One who provides Comfort” in Arabic, Hindi

Comfort and Joy… C.J… 3 1O…

There was no war in Heaven ( Mind or Space as Star Wars) there was just a beautiful battle to merge all back into one”

Traishon N Sumler…

The Genius who was convinced by this world that he was Dumb..
..Which he quietly contested while accepting because he could not prove they who called him Dumb, who sent him and his sister to special ed….

Tomorrow the 27th, I am going to the immigration office, my Birth Certificate has arrived..
Which signals to me personally that my Truth has been denied not only by the World but by Existence..
Which does not make sense since I never set out to solve the Riddles of Existence of be “Spirited Away” to the Spirit world or the World of Mind and Imagination.
The age in that code is 51… Which is not my age…
In this Play it is 49, confirmed from my current ID to the very transcripts of this Script I have reading.

I have stated that my age was 66…

That I was undercover and came into this world from the Future undercover…

Why is this important, this my Age…?

Well it was about proving the Truth of Two Universes.. Parallel universes…
When in Truth they are one… 6 6… both the Physical and the Spiritual… being both made of Sixth Sense… Music..
La La.. Land…
La as the 6th Note…

I also knew that I had quantum leaped last year ( which was a leap year) to one full Circle, moving from 66 to 67… 77..
Thus 66.. =6… 77..=7… 67….
Confirmed as Age Code 48 last year.. and then extended from my Birth day 11;28 2016.. to Sacred Portal 49 Existential Death..
Proving that it Existed which was confirmed by both the Script, the Enacted by Esteban Santiago… who killed 5 people and injured 8 at Forte Lauderdale who flew from Alaska the 49th State and the place where the Documentary, “The 4th Kind” was shot..
This all took place while I was proving that equation..

Notice that he was 26 years old… A-Z…
Ad his name Esteban Santiago… E.S… 5 19… Which was my Bed Number 5019…Which I never got to lie on that bed before bring transformed to Room 3A Bed 3002…

Esteban means Steven.. Yes… the Tag of which I found on the Tree here, and which was my room mates name in Paris when I saw the Bright Famed Light in 1992… Representing my own reflection..
It means “Crowned with Laurels of Victor.”
Santiago means “Saint’ and also James brother of John- it means the ‘Supplanter’ the ‘Usurper”

Crowned with Laurels of Victory the Saint… or the Usurper…?

I say it is the Saint.. as in Simon Templar… Please see the photograph which Johnny Camille shared on me…
In the background there are not only Wings.. As in Hermes,
which is my sacred portal 28… my Birth day…
But there are images of the Logo from the movie the Saint..
The Match stick Logo with the with the Halo…
Which I call the Full Circle Consciousness of O.E.. Mathematical symbol of Eternity….

*Simon Templar is a fictional character known as The Saint. He featured in a long-running series of books by Leslie Charteris published between 1928 and 1963

Simon Templar is a Robin Hood-like criminal known as The Saint — plausibly from his initials; but the exact reason for his nickname is not known (although we’re told that he was given it at the age of nineteen). Templar has aliases, often using the initials S.T. such as “Sebastian Tombs” or “Sugarman Treacle”. Blessed with boyish humour, he makes humorous and off-putting remarks and leaves a “calling card” at his “crimes”, a stick figure of a man with a halo. This is used as the logo of the books, the movies, and the 1960s TV series. He is described as “buccaneer in the suits of Savile Row, amused, cool, debonair, with hell-for-leather blue eyes and a saintly smile…”[1]

Beautiful Devil….

S.T… T.S… Traishon Sumler.. A Beautiful Devil-Saint…Whose portal I have just passed through.

And this code was confirmed by the constant vision of Nenad M. Djurdjevic which despite our differences ( they have not been antagonistic but rather a battle between two points of view which had to merge)

And So 67 was confirmed as Sacred Portal 67.. “How Far would you go for the Love… The Truth…

66 is 12…3.. Traishon means Three.. 3…
77 is 14.- N to 5..E.. Nenad M. Djurdjevic to Emeka…
88 is 2(8)…16… My Bed Number…

Esteban S.. 5 killed 8 injured…

And I happen to be proving E Harmony…
But from an address 13 85… “Sacred Portal 85..”Consciousness” not Killing…
And what did the young man state was happening to him..
That he was being given instructions from the C.I.A.. through remote control.. about Isis…

Sacred Portal 58 represents me going Home..
Isis represents Sacred Portal 45 Throne of The Creator”
Which is what Isis means…

Some one it seems was seeking to Frame me, and use that as an excuse for me to be kept in this play as a slave…

To a story confirmed by Dean Dunkwu’s expression…
“Let people Chose to Accept of Reject the Message you have been compelled to bring to the World”

Which I could not have agreed with more…

The Picture Johnny shared of me taken in 2006…26.. Z Todays Date..
Was just after I had gone to the British Embassy and asked them to let me out of this country.. but to my shock, ( and shock to many at who overheard the interview) I was given a tongue lashing by the woman there… That I had to stay here!!?

Well here we are on the 26th… and 2006…

Yesterday two people called Elvis and Eli… who are cleaners whose office in the Room, who have such disregard for the people in the Shelter came in making such noise. They do this everyday, David who has a sleep apnea does not allow me to sleep at night through no fault of his, because he constantly gives us time to sleep before he comes up…
But these two guys… especially Eli I had noticed the way he choses who he would serve tiny portions to or big portions…
With Free Food!… Beyond contempt such a play..
And yesterday they had gone to far after a month of enduring their loud barging into the Room as if the people in the room were worthless… Lazy..
I spoke to them three time and got such a shocking reponse..
Why are you still in bed anyway…( This is a Mental Health Shelter I Roared!”
And then he said… this cleaning staff half my age…
If you do not keep quiet I will have you transfered from this Room..
I roared and had to stop myself from strangling him…

Enough of this Hell and non stop seeking to Humiliate.. to Kill me literally by negligence.. Refusal to acknowledge what is happening to me.

I had read the Script, which stated that America would End…
The End in terrible Violence..
Recall in 2012.. the mass exodus of Stars from America to Europe…
But instead I was stuck here proving and proving the Script to Americans and to the rest of the World that they had to actually Wake themselves up..
That no God would not this for them..
Yet here I was playing that role… and for what…

And so this morning once again I found myself cleaning Shit literally from the Toilet Bowl of which I had done so many times of a grown man not being able to clean up after himself..

I had no money and been made or treated like a beggar for 16 years while I was in the Spirit World where I could read the Script of the Human cause and effect which manifested of course in this physical material realm…
And I have been linking Heaven and Earth World… until reaching the Double V in the most selfish and cruel evil set up ever..

With a body which would give me no peace…

I was tired of cleaning up other peoples shot…
I knew that Traishon represented that Evil of the Innocent who rely on God and others to snap their fingers and change the world…
‘Its your Job.. Emeka.. Think of the Rewards..”
Until he started to grow up.. and realize that this is everyones responsibility…

I had known that there as a link still missing because I always had just enough money to survive..
And my code was the moment i could not afford to by my American Spirits rolling tobacco.. It was done.. That was my last straw…
I am the last of of ..
I had given evidence of this being a Money coded play right to the last 1 U.SD. which linked Triashon to Nenad M. Djurdjevic
I had tried to link him to Ezeufonna Ifennanna Nnaemeka nope..
Then to Dean Dunkwu…nope..
But on the this morning.. irritated and annoyed to distraction that this 23 year old was going out of his way to supply me with moneies for coffee…
I slept.. and saw a vision of so real of my in Miami with Erik Ebright and Izzi.. It was not a pleasant vision…

But then I finally got a response from Nenad.. he spoke in E code..
That Peter meant Denial and the Traishon meant Betrayal and that he would link with none of them..
I was impressed and gave the evidence that that what each had done and represented had been played out and transformed…
And that is when he told me about his Vision of the Transfiguration…

Welcome Sherry Merritt Sherbear…

Sherry means ‘A Newly born horse… Human Spirit..” and Darling in French…

Merrit means ‘Boundary Gate…” B.G…. 2 7…

Sher Bear.. Means “Bright Bear.. Bearing Courage of a Bear..’

Transfiguration Transformation…
Confirmed once more by Nenad…

The Newly born Human Spirit.. and Darling we are the boundary Gate.. the Bar…
E bright Darling Bearer of the Burden with heart and Courage..
Transfiguration is the opening of the Heart- How David Roman tolf me that the wings are formed…

But is it not too late..

Because the play went too far.. The Script too evil
Because imagine what I have endured if every word I have posted even to bearing the 59.7 trillion world debt is True…?

9:37 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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