
1/26/2017 20:57 – Facebook Post

From Sherry Merritt Sherbear..

This is the Blue Print of the Physical Manifestation of the “Idea Of Life”
And only by understanding is Energetic and “Spirit Science” could we Evolve our understanding of this remarkable process…
to Fact.. by putting it to Words..
The Words and A Story which interfaces and aligns perfectly to this..
Hence the process happens naturally does it not..
Each piece of the Puzzle knows exactly what to do.. They know their roles, their parts…
Some Sixth Sense
Some”Spirit Energy Awareness” S.E.A… Moving it.. Music Sine…moving that which is “Unseen- but Seen” to manifest through a process from Expression to Energy to Spirit to Physical Manifestation…

E= E.S.P…Material…

There was an Expression. words which we who came in through this process where charged to do… in our life’s…
Which we mimicked this process in our lives even when we were no aware..
We are being directed.. Moved by this same process… E- E.S.P…M..
And it required that we acknowledge it and put it to words…

Acting our parts but also being Aware of what we were acting out, why were being moved by something called Spirit and then going beyond Spirit to the Energy… understanding Quantum… then further back to understanding Expression…..
And then going even further to that source of Expression…

Is that a Mouth… “Onuabuchi” The Mouth is not the Source of the Chi… Expression Energy….

Being is.. The Body and Being IS….

What we create, how we move, how we dance, sing move to that flow of which the Director has given each a role in the big motion picture of the Story of Life….
So we can understand that the Material representation is naught but a Blue Print…
And that the SOURCE..E.. is Being Doing Embodied and in one…
S.E.E. S.P… Source Expression Energy Spirit Physical… Material Expression… M.E.

See Sacred Portal M.E….Manifest Expression… O.E..
That the Mouth makes on O and a Line and a Curce…
O.I.C….C.I.O… The Full Circle is what it symbolizes..

Life is the Understanding the Full Circle.. not Cycle of Beginning to Manifestation not End… Transformation Transfiguration… TT..

That is Life…

E..M.E….K… A… Expression Manifest Energy of the K..11 the Parallel Universes ( Unseen -Seen) U.S… Which then reach A… 1…. H in Harmony…

S.E.E… S.P… M.E…… 19 5 5 19 16…13 5… 29 35..18…72…9…I.

E.M.E.K.A. H….I.E… 5 13 5 11 1. 8 9 5 ..23 12….35..8…88 95…16 14
P.N.. Praise Naturalness… Paris New York… P.N..My Locker…
30…C.O…C.O.E.. Creation =Consciousness Symmetrical Perfection Naturally leads to the Sacred Portal of O.E… Eternity…

Emeka Nenad M. Djurdjevic….

Praise the Unexpected!…
P.U…/ U.P! Je Pu… I could do it

Ikemefuna Michal…I.M… Possible…


One Dollar Bill from Traishon N. Sumler…. Code K. 93 0 66 32 5 D

K=11… D=4… 11 4… 15…Letter O… 1+5=6…

K-I.C..OFF…C.B.E.D..O.. D.F…
Fifth Dimension..
# F.D.R Music.. Cinq…

Life.. Sacred Portal 43…

E=C.Me 4/3 ….

7:31 p.m

The K=11.. Nenad Traishon …N.Sum-L.ER…I.C..

The Unexpected Three…

Barry Thompson.. B.T
Rick Meister.. R.M.
Linda Good McGillis L.G.M.

N.T… Nikola Tesla…
T.N… True Nature…
20 14.. 34…

That is what the One Dollar was Marked with 34…

7:34 p,m… ha!.. See the Harmony of Expression and Perfect Timing…
PT.. Which is the Point.. the of Convergence.. Whoa.. Epiphany Light.. Stunning Famous… Transfiguration….

34.. Room 3A to 4 B… From Earth to Mars.. 5 A-5C… bed 5019 to 22… E.O.S..V…

Nenad and Traishon represent the same Line…
The Evolution of 3 Cee to Divine 4 Delta to the 5.. The 5th Dimension..
Recall that I was first sent to Room 5A.. Bed 5019…
So it is a Full Circle expanded from 5A to 5C….

Through Being aligned to Body… BB.. 2 2… 4…To bring it to V.. Victory..

Represented in the name and being doing of the Self Born..
Venkat…. now Vinod Vinod… Vie-Nod…
See meaning “Joyful Happy”


Venkat has left the play leaving Vinod….


And evolution of the Self Born.. Supreme Being through adding R..18…1O8.. only through understanding and expression explaining the 1 Full Circle in Harmony… Do Rey Mi… Fah Sol La….Ti-Do…T.D.. Traishon bed 4019.. the last bed aligned to 4019 bed but had to pass through David Dawn bed 4017.. 57….and Bed 4018.. 58…E.G.. and E.H… Earths Grace.. Expression Harmony…
Rob Barr.. “The Bright Shinning Light
Dawn Marie…Dawn is the Famous Bright shinning Light of Nature..
Dawn Piercy
But in Being Body it is Transformation Transfiguration… of all three together

So Being and Body.. B B 2 2.. +18… Rob… Brings 22.. V.. Vie..
Victor of the Truth of Life by proving out of Existence the lie of Death as a BED to rest … Shelter… to lay down and.. die… rest sleep..

No that is not it.. Death is Transformation !…
Ti..Do!~…1-8… 1O 8.. 18… R… Transfiguration… R.T..T.N.. 3 to their True Natures…
And there they are One Nenad and Traishon.. representing the Battle to end the Angels and Demons Play.. D.P… 40 16…
And bringing the World back to their Senses…
E.N…S.A.O… See meaning of “Sao” Portuguese…
Ana Leonardo Caixas

And thus V.. 22.. is 4 and V=5… 4+5… 9.. I Sun to Pluto…
Solar Plexus..
Sacred Portal…

7:56 p.m..

To Home…
Opening of the Heart Chakra… H.C.. 8 3… 11 1.. K..A

Unbelievable… I can not believe I had to solve and link this…

7:57 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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