
1/26/2014 19:06 – Facebook Post

The Bull of Wall Street and the Minatour in the center of the mind maze Matrix and Thetus…Emeka’s Thesis of the E.T ressurection

I had a dream…

I had a vision last night.

There were Beings of Light Energy.

It was the Truth of Humanity.
Beautiful refined…Dancing light beings.

There was Wall Street
The Exchange rate.
The Stock Market.

And a great Bull…
And a great Wolf….

On the other side of the Wall there eas Great Darkness, filled with Savage people and matter bound people.
It was hellish beyond comprehension what was being done to the spirits of people.

And there I was in the midst of this great melee of human savagery and matter bound humans yearning for Energy of light.

I knew there was no wall.
It was an illusion.
It was the illusion of what had been done to Fair Exchange.

The true exchange is Energetic Conversation.

The true Stock Market was amazing ideas creativity,inspiring projects.
Plans Projects which all linked in a D.N.A sequencing which would change the face of the world.

But Energy had to connect with one side of humanity.
Its Energetic self…
Refined pure true…Harmonius…with its matter bound Atomic Material Nature.

The Illusion that they were seprate Energy Atomic Material natures had been created by what had been to the greatest source of Energy in the Universe.
Human Energy.

This Energy had been so enslaved and distorted in value that a great wall had been erected in peoples minds and hearts.
A Great wall of grief.
A wailing Wall which seprated the true human light beings, the sources of Energy..
And the horror done to it.

And a great Bull…
the Minoatour a Brass Bull stood guard so no one could pass through to the other side.
The Bull was the collective rage of the world market.
The Savagery in which entire nations had been sold on the Slave market-The Stock Market like livestock…
Pensions, savings security peoples life work, energy very lifes had been sold betrayed so savagely. By men and women gross, crude, brutal…
So much so that they had lost any memory of themselves on the other side of the Wall.

And the Bull of Wall street was the rage of all those betrayed. All that Energy expended. Energy created from thier light, their belief and love for life country…that Existence is Beautiful.

The Bulls rage was awful.
And it existed in the maze of Heapthealus the great inventor God.
The rage in the center of minds of men and women whose very lifes contribution had been sold so savagely in spirit. The same way the Africans had been sold so savagely as Stock.
In the stock Exchange.

This is memory is what prevented the true light in humanity from merging in one.
The Bull was the rage of Memory…ZA!
Answer for what has been done to the true meaning of Fair Exchange.
ZA! For what has been done to sharing Energy.

Za! To what has done to the Will of I.E..The principle of refinement of Energy and the gift the light beings gave the Cave men to evolve into beings of Embodied Energy and light now in one with
B.E.A.M. E
Beaing Energy Atomic Material Expression.

And so, I found that I was set up in a virtual reality…the same virtuality reality, a hologramme in which money with a savage energy was used to test me.
And the Light Energy in me tested me…

Each day for 14 years money was used to make me wish to give up this Truth.
The stupendous savagery of the “Energy” behind it.
Corrupted…with strings attached.
I love having wealth and Comfort…but not blood Energy money.
And so the “play” set me up to see what I would do if money was given to me which was “loaded” and when money was taken away from me and used to “humilate” me..
Even as I fought each day with the isolation of my lone revelations and research of the Evolution Awakening.
Surviving in New York as I battled with tears of blood the Hurt of Wall Street.

The Rage in the minds of men and women who were betrayed or forced to turn in wild savage creatures of rage in order to survive.
Sell thier most precious resource…
Thier Energy their light their potential thier visions their inner comfort..to survive.

…And they came at me with such a rage for not giving up my Truth…And yet also fought me, themselves because they recognized the truth I was fighting for was their truth…Our truth.

And in that duality was a savagery and visciousness made so terrible by the love for me, or my true will to ressurrect our truth…against a jealousy of that will in me which I did not give up…
Could not give up…For our sakes.

And so I fought the Bull of Wall street…and I wept.

For I knew that only transformation of the Bull could break the illusion of the Wall of memory of what had been done to its beauty by the savagery of men so afraid to stand on thier own.
What had been done to Beautiful Expression…

And I wept tears of blood when I conversed with it saw its beauty and then transform back to savagery when it came to Money and Memory of what had been done to Its Individual and our Collective Energy…
How a system had been deliberately created to turn the beautiful spirit Energy and potential of men into savages no longer anything resembling anyyhing called Man.

Turning Fathers and Mothers into horrors, drug addicts,killers, assassins, junkies, speed junkies…Rich or poor it did not matter.
It was a systematic destruction of values spreading all over the world. Destroying within, to the very core of the Family, the nucleus, to the very cell structure and even going as far as to destroy the very D.N.A and Unified Field of O which links us.
Expression Natural Nature.

Its rage was “Why take Away from the True Nature of Man created so beautiful!!!”

And I understood the rage for I am the rage of the Creator personified.
And I saw as it wept as it attacked me, again and again, relentlessly.

And so we fought, yet it had nothing to do with us and we wept tears of blood as we fought to make things right.
A price had to be paid. I was chosen to pay the price, he was chosen to exact the price.
And underneath a conversation linked us.
And I Fun Nnanya bonded us with laughter and humor despite the horror of the Bull fighter and the Ma’at A Door.

Until Atom became a full Circle by Energy Conversation, exemplification personfication…Expression made dark matters transform into solid truth called love.
And a new world of Being Energy Atomic Matters through Expression Conversation btw Energy and his Sun A…A thus, did the wall finally come down and Energy and Ahtom Expression of Matters of Explaining K.A..(matters of the soul) bring a new consciousness and way being in the world and Earth as one in the present.

And so did the Bull of Wall street and the Devouring Wolf of Destruction Transform into Posiedon the Beautiful Bull and God man and the Devouring Wolf transform into the Eternal youth, the Eternal Dancer born to celebrate the Beauty of his Creation…
Beautiful is the Son of Man.

All from a play of constant Expression and holding a line of conversation and intent of cause and effect. On a holographic chess board somwhere beyond time and spacecreated designed to quietly and privately determine the fate of Man.

Thestus E
Emeka Thesis Confirmed
as real and true.

This is in deed the Moment of the Energetic Transformation all through the consciousness of two beings and one in one…
With All.


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