
1/25/2021 1:46 – Facebook Post

Supremely Fed U.P.

S F U. C.K… U.

shared 8-14-2019.
H N T S…

8 14 H A D… ( H N) Infinite Naturalness ( Nature)
/Sacred Portal 148 source A D H. A D.

8 14= 22.


15 days later, ( waiting) I was moved to 900 South Road.

To do it all again.

Please note my Beautiful Behind. B B S P 22 Ass. Arse Bottom

Me as Pale, Blue-eyed and raven Black Heir -H-AIR.

We Dance on our Words Anointed Vibrating Expression Supreme as the Supreme P-Art- I- C L E…C Quantum.

Rich A RD.

12:46 am.
/ 64 21..
6 4-3.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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