
1/24/2016 22:07 – Facebook Post

From Sonia Duquemin Rankin

Meaning of the Name Sonia D.R…

“Wisdom Is the Road Wolf Rims Shield…”


*I am said to be born the day of the Wolf so one might suppose that this is also a personal message to me…
Considering that I have lived on the edge of Human Existence all my Life and am impatiently waiting at the last portal- The Edge of this Human story and perception of Existence…Which most understand but do not apply..

S.D.R../ R.D.S….AH.D.S…

Lady Hawk Eye…H.E.

Supreme D.r.i.v.e…(Rive “River) Supreme Doctor/

Lady Harmony Echo.. H.E

Road Supreme..

Ba the ancient symbol of the Individual Unique Person…I..UP…
is symbolized by a Little Bird…

The Next question is what really is the meaning of this word called Love/

Which we have established through the affirmative Echo Response
E.R (Meaning Earth) E.R. Letters 5 18..(5 28 Hertz “Love Frequency”)
That Love is the Expression of the Heart, which occurs at the 4th Chakra..
4 is Balance 44 8…48/84…88…7..77..14..5..E..Expression,,,

Thus, is love is 5:28 affirmed in the play by Nadee Nakandala (Born 5;28) and Donna O’Sullivan (Born 8:28)… 5-8; 28//
5+8=13…M…D;28…D 1O…D.47..11 28..39..C.I… D.Jay…D.O-A..

Then 5 18 would be its source expression as Balance…Support…
The Foundation E…A.H!..Would be Expression Relief…
A Base and a solid foundation to walk upon…

Anna and Ana…Anna in O.I Nri Igbo means “Land” Earth…
Anna also means “Grace Favor..Child…G.F..C..I…(F+C=I…6+3=9=Letter I_

76 39…Please View sacred portal 76.. 39…Guardian Guardian two in one…There is a person behind the Two..

Thus, the Grace and Favor “Do -Awareness” C.I..
is solid Ground to walk upon, and a solid Body to Exist in…

That ground allows you to stand in Balance…Libra…
And the Body allows you to See and Touch each others Ethereal Selves in a Solid Elemental Body…

Thus the Ground and the Body are Balance as well as Truth…
which allows you to know as a fact that in each moment you exists…
Because you can Experience Balance as Truth which allows you to See and Cee… Through eyes as well as Consciousness…

This is the meaning of Love…Support Balance Trust…Constancy…
A land you can trust, a body you can Trust, and Existence that you can Trust will Support you.

In the last 15 years when I finally gave into this mission and was forced to leave behind All my possession, wealth, everything I had gained to embark on a mission seen experienced and recollected from a 7-8 year old boy who wrote an small book about the Awakening of the World…
I have lived without being allowed a Home, access to correct medical dental, economic, bot even the System to support me..
Nor was I in the hands of peoples homes, who many did assume that despite my spending every working moment solving their riddles, would all begin to move to that power principle of your not having anything and hence begin to define you by a standard of what you do not possess..

Humanity and society can be cruel, so cruel that this circumstance moves most people to commit suicide rather than endure the expression of others especially when you had wealth a a measure of Fame..

Each person was tempted to use that power, because they could not conceive or trust that I was taken care of…

Time now 8:28 p.m.

I was always taken care of to the surprise of many so sure that I would die on the streets, give in or be afraid of them because they had homes and security…

But I soon realized it was a set up in this play,
(Many will recall my Supreme protests of Indignation ) when I realized that I was being put to the test of proving E-Spirit of Grace versus Money in New York city of all places…
Just I had to prove the Principle of Beauty Supreme over Power, Rage, Violence….Manipulation Deception)

Imagine forcing someone to prove that…


No I know what love is…

And it has nothing to do with what is described as Love here…

Love is Completion and Completion is to Cee and Express in Harmony the Truth of the Full Circle is the Universe..World…Portal out of the Cave as Jesus Christ story symbolized… Cross Tree Cave in Tombed.. with a Round Boulder…
How did he get out of that Tomb..

I.N.R.I…S.P.Q.R…. I.S… I Natural Respect ..I Sacred Portal Quintessential Quantum Restoration Resurrection…Re Ra…A R E E-ART-H..E

I.N.R.I meaning the King of the Manifest Ideal…
Sacred Portal Q.R..17 18..11 87/78 M.W 78/87
out of this world and into the Kingdom Come K.C..
and my Fathers House (Son Brother and now Friend Love HE SHE)

These codes;
the Two signs held one on the Tree or Cross..
the Other held by the Roman – Gaius Cassius Longinus…L.C.G..12 3-7…
12 37…LU..C.I…G -od…Ode…Sensie E.K.

Spear of Destiny..
Discovered by Adolpf Hitler…A.H..
March 15th 1945..

Zeina Hanna
Born 3 15…86….C.O….H.F…Harmony creates Fact..
45 Months on Face Book
46 in a few days….

Spear Of Destiny?

S.O.D…Donna O’Sullivan…D.O.S..

E.D O..S…Sophia…

S.o.i… in french Soi Meme.. Soignee…

So is I..Infinity…

Ios meaning..

“a small hawk, Buteo solitarius, having two plumage phases and occurring only on the island of Hawaii, where it is a rare species and the only living indigenous bird of prey.”

Hawaii is the 5O State… “Paradise” Consciousness Cloud 9..C.I

Classical Mythology. a woman who, being loved by Zeus, was transformed into a white heifer and was, at the wish of Hera, first guarded by Argus and later pursued through the world by a gadfly until she reached Egypt, where she resumed her true shape: identified by the Egyptians with Isis.

DI Di..
Did The DE ED…

Am B Rose…
Ambrosia Amber…


DI ..(Are Is)

Bon Done…

Mgba Afor Ocha ISIS..


Zeina Zorro…
Beautiful Heroes of the Golden Dawn…
Freya…Mgba afor ocha…Ala ISIS..


I.A .M.F..

I A.M..
Sixth Sense

8:54 p.m
8:56 p.m.
8:57 p.m
8:58 pm.
8:59 p.m

H E D-I…

And Heidi….

Sophies World.
The Book. Novel Roman-ce…

9;OO p.m

Heidi means The Noble One…T.N..O… True Nature Full Circle..

Alberto Heidi….AH…


9;O2 p.m

92 B.I…I.B…”Heart’

Foundation of Existence source of Love C..E H..
9;O3 pm


see sacred portal 93

9:O4 p.m.




H.Q Basement 18 Mountain View S.R

Broadcasting from here to Eternity and Back…

9;O5 pm..


Ritz Montes…


9:O6 p.m…96 69..

I.F..I Fa-C.T.

9:O7 p.m.


See sacred Portal…

Di Bon donnez

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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