
1/24/2016 18:48 – Facebook Post

The Battle For The Future Continues..

Literal Conversations with God and Goddess Harmony Grace and the Gracious Gentleman..

Giotto Di Bondone…

Giotto “The Peaceful Ruler..Gods Peace…T.Pr..G.P/ R Pt. P.G”

But originates from the name Ambrogio “Ambrose” which means
Di “Is” Of
/I.D. the Immortals…

Bon! Done…!

Good Done…

E-Nod…No..B..Being… No Body…

2:53 p.m.


1-24-9… A.X.I..S.. A 11…

24-1-9…X A I…

X is the Alpha Intelligence… Anya-Wu Ifunanya…

See Sacred prehistoric bowl marked with X in Enugwu Ukwu- OI-Nri…
where my Great Grandmother
Mba Afor ocha.. The Loud Sound of the Evanescent Fair Light of Truth of the Third Day and the Third note “I N.R.I.” 3rd Dimension note of Mi!
Not me me me….
ROY..Yellow is really Gold Y=G (Y=25..B.E..2+5=7..Letter G)

…ROGG (B) ER..Er is the Ancient origins of the world Earth.
R O GG=77..14..N.5..E V E….R

R O GG E (Blue is the 5th color E)..R.S…/Stone Ridge / E.G..D.I..R-AH..E.N.O..T.S


Michael Rogers…
Jude Rogers

E.I..To I,E.

Rogers T.H.AT…(2O-8..28..
I was born the 28…Alpha Theta..1 2O..3 Cee Completion)

“Roger That Over And Out…”

R.T.. O.A.O…O 1 O
Roberto Todaro

RT..18 2O..38..See Sacred Portal 38..3=C, H-8
Consciousness Harmony,


Ka means…

“The ancient Egyptians believed that a human soul was made up of five parts: the Ren, the Ba, the Ka, the Sheut, and the Ib. In addition to these components of the soul there was the human body (called the ha, occasionally a plural haw, meaning approximately sum of bodily parts). The other souls were aakhu, khaibut, and khat.[clarification needed]”
5 + A.K.K..1 11 11…5..


Add the Ha..81/18…Haw…Completion of the Body

5-9….E.I…E Individual
Haw The E.I plural…Haw..( The E.I’s the Family of E)
5.O….Ha Wai “W.E.I” I… The 5Oth State..
Code Aryana Luna Leone…A.L.L…

Giotto di Bondone (1266/7 – January 8, 1337), known as Giotto (Italian: [?d??tto]), was an Italian painter and architect from Florence in the late Middle Ages. He is generally considered the first in a line of great artists who contributed to the Renaissance.

Giotto’s contemporary, the banker and chronicler Giovanni Villani, wrote that Giotto was “the most sovereign master of painting in his time, who drew all his figures and their postures according to nature. And he was given a salary by the Comune of Florence in virtue of his talent and excellence.”[1]

The late-16th century biographer Giorgio Vasari describes Giotto as making a decisive break with the prevalent Byzantine style and as initiating “the great art of painting as we know it today, introducing the technique of drawing accurately from life, which had been neglected for more than two hundred years.”[2]

Giotto’s masterwork is the decoration of the Scrovegni Chapel in Padua, also known as the Arena Chapel, completed around 1305. This fresco cycle depicts the life of the Virgin and the life of Christ. It is regarded as one of the supreme masterpieces of the Early Renaissance.[3] That Giotto painted the Arena Chapel and that he was chosen by the Comune of Florence in 1334 to design the new campanile (bell tower) of the Florence Cathedral are among the few certainties of his biography. Almost every other aspect of it is subject to controversy: his birthdate, his birthplace, his appearance, his apprenticeship, the order in which he created his works, whether or not he painted the famous frescoes at Assisi, and his burial place.

As Lao T’su he too was A Naturalist…
And by Drawing actually the Human Body and person, was known as the Vanguard of the Renaissance… Rebirth…

Codes.. 12 66-7…8-1- 13 37…/ 73 31 18 76..6 21..

Scrovegni Chapel…S.C…19 3..A.C.I..Supreme Consciousness
Arena Chapel..A.C..13..M…13 O5..M.O.E….M.E 4 D..M.E.D…..U.S,A

Bell Tower B.T…1334…M.C.D..G

4:5O pm.


Immortal, Peaceful Ruler ..

Di Is the Husband “Di means “IS” and “Husband” in OI Nri Igbo…
Mari-E Dawn..
Code name and number Dawn Marie 56…

Is the Husbands Identity..
He is the Husband of Dawn…
the Evanescent Light…
The Knight in Shinning Armour..
of Diana Luna..Anya-Wu. Wu-Man…
code name Luna-Soul Maia

Wu means the number Five in Cantonese Go means the same in Japanese..

A Go Man… Past…
Epsilon Man..
He Mann..
Eh Manu
E Man..
Ise Man…. Ise Meaning 5 in OI.Nri Igbo..
Is-E Madhu… Madhu means “Person Individual Unique”
Abua..Abu means Two, as well as Abu, Home Dwelling place of A=1.


The Past began with the E line, the Future is the E line, and was created by the E Mann sitting in the Present… The Point of convergence of the Past and the future after linking all the Potential outcomes and possibilities…
We now link the Past of this Human Time line, with the Future line the Eternal Ones, to merge and Rize in the Present.
The Past as the Body, and Future as the Eternal Beings, merging together in the Momentus Momentum Of N.O.W.E..
N.O.M ..MT…
Name Mountain..
Nuno Ordens Miguel… Emmanuel..

Code Babalola Tobi Emmanuel….

Beautiful Truth E..

Only the Beautifully True E line is All I See and Cee..
Past Future Present all aligned as Solid Individuals of one Complete Harmony..Full Circle Infinity..
All is E
Nothing else Exists but E..

The Rest…Begone.

5:45 p.m.


Coco Yam..
May OC-OC..


5:46 p.m.


/First Drop E..

5:47 p.m.


E-11 28…39..

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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