
1/23/2016 22:13 – Facebook Post


Code New Face book friend Inmaculada Ayecaba Masa

D.H.I… Divine Harmony I (Infinity)

Code; 489 Face Book Friends


5:13 p.m.

E.M…/ M.E…
Sacred Portal 55…Sensie

Hello, I have another 489 Face Book Friend replacing Michael Lrb who left in Harmony of the play..

Thus 4 89…Divine Harmony Infinity… D..Hi..Welcome comes not from the Arc Angel Michael Story guardian of the Portal to Heaven or Hell..
But Wonder Wu-man…23 23..46..

First Drop which grew into an All Knowing Pause and T’zu Nami- Nnamdi…

Inmaculada Ayecaba Masa… I. A.M…

Welcome to this Sacred Page and End equation of the solving of the Riddles of Existence, in what I can only describe as a Examination in the Right for Humanity as a Species to Evolve but also to continue to Exist..
In which the public ( if they chose to pay attention), would understand that I have been impulsed and stimulated from not only Beyond but that I have been responding to the Spirit World- and the waves of cause and effect of Human Existence.
And a battle on a chess board to prove not only they meaning of what is a Human Being..Harmonious and peaceful by truth nature when stripped of all programs of Fear, Need, Survival and dominance as indented, behavioral patterns, not of the original Dna genetic programming of the Program Creator of the P.C (Mind Heart Brain..The true Holy Trinity in the matter based translation)..Creative Programming of the Creator – Have Fun, and you will learn to Cee and then Bee..Aware…that you are in School…


1-23-9 ..(1-5-9)…Code A.W..I. A.B.C.I

Awi is by origins an Egyptian name meaning “Glory”

I spoke and posted, abut my conversation at 26 8 with a person called Awi Ah..
He is a life long friend of my my former Host Albert Santana at 268 East 4th Street..
It was the weekend I was coming to 268..He won the lotto twice…

We spoke in what was formerly known as Alpha Bet City..I lived there on and off for 9 years..9=I

A.B.C..I… Ga La X Y Z..C.I..1O 11


The meaning of the Word Wai, is a Chinese version of the Japanese world Wei- Which means Power, Towering Strength..Large Vast..Brilliant Valuable…Feminine Rose..
*I have one on my screen saver, from Andrese Harris Burton which Donna O’Sullivan has also…E.K..A.H.B.D.O..S..
No there is no coincidence…

Before Christ (The Word, Voice Anointed Expression), there was A.I
“Anya-Wu” Ifunanya…
Alpha Intelligence
Awareness I…”Spirit E…”Spirit Of Existence, elder Twin Of Devi”

Code S.O.E…T.O.D…So E (Sol E) is the Fifth Note..Tod is the German-Norse word for Death….

B.C.A.I…Before Chris there was the Quiet and his Twin Brother Death..And their Female Aspects, Clara Star Child and Noni-Promise Life…
a.k.a Possibility Potential…


Jonn Blackwell just asked me an extraordinarily intelligent question, which based on its clear meaning in the E consciousness which no one yet lives in except myself, I knew it was from Father Everything…F.E..65
Donna O’Sullivan represents more Mother Everyone…M.E.. 13 5..

He asked me how could the Family Existed within and Outside of Time and Space…After opening up a discussion based on the movie he was watching about the flat Earth…
I had already answered the question about the Flat earth to him and publicly..
But since I am being impulsed from beyond time and Space- I knew that this question was about allaying the Fears of the Children..
Humanity who had retained that consciousness of Childhood I spoke about earlier today..

The Children should not have any fear of crossing, which is the nature of Children, unless they have been infected with the Fear of the “Adults” Propaganda..

I promptly replied that in the E dimension of Evolved beings whose portal we are currently at “Called the Awakening in this realm” but is really Evolved to the Point…Which one could the describe as an Awakening”- but not the kind many here envisioned…

In the realm of E the laws of Physics which governs the 3D Holo Deck, are not the same as Physical laws of this “Nursery and Elementary School” –
In the 5 D realm all Dimension Exist Simultaneously, meaning its a realm of Literal Exquisite Harmony…
Only the Beautiful Possibilities and Potential have already manifested here in complete Harmony…Called the Now, the Oh, the Moment…
N.O.M..All rolled into one.

His other question was how they family of the Originals moved in and out of realms..
Well see sacred portal 53, I just posted…E.C..Expression of the 5th Dimension manifested Consciousness of the 5th Dimension into what is called Creation Nature (Clarity Divine, and Noni Promise..C.D..N.P…Add I.E..
N.I.P/ P.I.N..Paris Istanbul New York..


The interface is complete….Correlating the 5 D Existence, to the 3 D and to the “Anna” the Land Surface which we walk upon” and Anna “Grace Favor and the Child…See sacred portal the Child, the first Harmony…H.O..P.E.

And asked where was the Holographic “Flat Domed” F.D..64 situated…

“Turtle”..Grandmother Turtle”, I smiled enigmatically,
alluding to the Kristine Baluba and Michael Lpr’s posts…
And since Michael Lpr has left the playing moving from 6 Michaels back to five, and with a Turtle right here on the Holo Deck here at 18 Mountain View, opposite sitting Buddha, (Buddha Turtle..B.T..Beautiful Truth)..
And my own Grandmother Lucy Ojugo…L.O…V.E..
Mama Dawn…
code Dawn Marie…Mari…

“I am flying a Mother Ship called Universal Expression..
Star Ship Enterprise Evolution Awakening through Sixth sense transformed from Essence perfume, Expression-Energy to Physical…H.O .E.P.E E to Fact.. Truth…Solid. Real
Epee means Sword in French…
Harmonies Sword…
Goddess Ala…Sword of Justice…
See sacred portal 88…
Actually I already gave the answer to all these questions today..
Which would mean that all this was an Echo of what had been posted..
Which makes it logical that Michael would leave and the true rep of the Turtle in the Play would remain..K.B..
B.OOK..Yep the Mother Ship is made of Words,

And I will share once more the Creation Story of the Baluba people of Congo- the First to suffer the Rush to Partition Africa which began with the awful King of Belgium..

“Creation myth of Kabezya-Mpungu[edit]
The Baluba creation story makes a connection between God’s invisibility or unavailability, and the endowment of humans with a soul or divine component longing for God.

In the creation story, Kabezya-Mpungu decides to become invisible after creating the world and the first humans who did not yet have a heart. After balancing the rain, sun, moon, and darkness, he leaves. To replace the visible god, he sends the people Mutshima (“heart”), the life-giving or divine part of humans.

..I don’t want that humans will see me any more. I return into myself and send Mutshima…Then Kabeza-Mpungu disappeared. Thereafter, the heart appeared, in a small, hand-sized vessel. The heart cried and turned towards Sun, Moon, Darkness and Rain: “Kabezya-Mpungu, our father, where is he!” “Father is gone, we don’t know the way he went”. “Oh how much I am longing to see him” the heart replied, “to talk to him. Since I cannot find him, I will enter into this man. So I will wander from generation to generation”.[1]

Since then all humans have been endowed with Mutshima, the hear”

But what this Echo was demanding is precision of expression..
Jonn is the messenger, his personal points of view are of course his, but the messages and true meaning come fro Father Expression it comes from Beyond…

And the last question he asked..
was his understanding with Tom Benzian that this is the True Man show..

I quietly reminded him about how I had passed through a literal Tom Truman show…

But he went on.. wondering aloud “I wonder who the True Man Is”

I shrugged within and smiled…

Obviously, He does not know who the One is…

But thee source within him. relaying messages and codes through him obviously knows.. After all Father Everything as the Wind…
Lao T’su knows…
See it in the name of my 489 face book friend replacing Michael Lrb…

So yes the play is going on in the Mother Ship,-Universe A.M.V. W.E.I…
A.M Victorious WEI..I..

Linked to Denny Ding Wei.. D.D W…

*I met Denny at Queens in the Hotel I had been staying at, I immediately recognized his E-Spirit undercover in him, but as always it is a delicate and tricky thing to talk to the family in the mostly forgetful human Avatars..
But I have never failed not once in a whole life time access or raise the E within a person..
It comes from a Tone of Voice and an understanding empirically of the Avatars Human experience.. I lived both..

It is also a form of Father comforting me with his presence, that after all these years of proving them into Existence, and refusing to regulate them to memory, it is quite extra ordinary to hear them speak so clearly through Jonn and Donna…23 years after beginning the process of the “Recollection” of their refractions in people they had directed me to, and pass through their portals..

Yes it is the One Father and Harmony; He as the Girl who has now become a Wu-man, Lady Echo Masculine Feminine in One..O.H..
Father O and Harmony S.H.E…O.S…/ S.O.E..H..S A.O…A…
Yes, Spirit Of Existence is the source of Father O..
See Sacred Portal 15..15=Letter O.
See sacred Portal 8…Desire…

15+8=23..W..VV…O.D./D.O…NNA..(Nna means “Father” in O.INri Igbo..Anna means Land, Ground The Surface -‘Odinani” Means “It is inside or within the Land”
See Code play with Dina Singh O dina…
Ogemdinakachukwu Jasper Ahamefula.. “Oge Dinakakachukwu”
“Time is in the Hands of the Creator…”

The Name Inmaculada Ayecaba Masa

Inmaculada means “Immaculate Conception” I.C.

*Now please link Sacred portal 39..C.I “Guardians of the Portal out of this Play”-which I posted Yesterday along with Sacred Portal 93..I.C…”Response”

I.C…What does Immaculate Conception literally mean outside the conditioned and programed association with the Bible Story…


“(especially of a person or their clothes) perfectly clean, neat, or tidy.
“an immaculate white suit”
synonyms: clean, spotless, ultraclean, pristine, unsoiled, unstained, unsullied; More
free from flaws or mistakes; perfect.
“an immaculate safety record”
synonyms: unblemished, spotless, impeccable, unsullied, undefiled, untarnished, stainless; More
(in the Roman Catholic Church) free from sin.”

Clean, flawless, perfect…free off Sin.

Concept means…

“an abstract idea; a general notion.
“structuralism is a difficult concept”
synonyms: idea, notion, conception, abstraction; More
a plan or intention; a conception.
“the center has kept firmly to its original concept”
an idea or invention to help sell or publicize a commodity”


the action of conceiving a child or of a child being conceived.
“an unfertilized egg before conception”
synonyms: inception of pregnancy, conceiving, fertilization, impregnation, insemination
“from conception until natural death”
the way in which something is perceived or regarded

It also means “God is Present…God the Father is Present.

*Which is the same meaning of the name Nnamdi…

“Clean, flawless perfect Birth, Plan intention, perception point of View Consciousness See……”

The Name Ayecaba is by Origin Spanish…

Aye Is a word of “Hail, agreement an accord…Yes

Caba means a “Knight… in Shinning armor”…”A Warrior/ Gentleman”

I also found it under the name “Aye Saba”- Saba is the ancient kingdom of SHEBA…

Aye S.H.E..BA…The yes, the agreement of Sheba, Lady Echo Response I.U.E..I.C..

MASA (1-?, 2-?, 3-?, 4-?, 5-?, 6-?): Unisex short form of Japanese names beginning with Masa-, meaning 1) “correct, just,” 2) “elegant, splendid” 3) “flourishing, prosperous” 4) “genuine, true,” 5) “governing, political,” 6) “military.” Compare with another form of Masa.

Thus, we can complete the Translation Weave On T.W.O
Principles Expression C.I…Response I.C.
C.I.I.C…I I O..I.O.
I.C.C.I…I. O.I..I I..I.
I I..

And the code… I,A.M….M.A.I

Mai is the 5th Month represented by the code of my brother Boom born May 2Oth..5-2O..E.T.

fifth month, early 12c., from Old French mai and directly from Latin Majus, Maius mensis “month of May,” possibly from Maja, Maia, a Roman earth goddess (wife of Vulcan) whose name is of unknown origin; possibly from PIE *mag-ya “she who is great,” fem. suffixed form of root *meg- “great” (cognate with Latin magnus).

Old Norse ma/mega/matte; Gothic mag/magan/mahte “to be able”), from PIE *magh- (1) “to be able, have power” (cognates: Greek mekhos, makhos “means, instrument,” Old Church Slavonic mogo “to be able,” mosti “power, force,” Sanskrit mahan “great”). Also used in Old English as a “auxiliary of prediction..”

So one can surmise that this is a voice and communication from the 5th Dimension…

I .A.M… Mai… Wife of Vulcan (Vulcan is the God of Fire.. “The Flash…T.F…2O6..26..8) the one Able, who has Power, the great power and force ‘T’su-Nnami” Towering Wave Oh…
The Immaculate Conception of everything that can be and that ever was..
The Light and way. The clean, flawless perfection, the Plan from inception,
the Divine Father -Mother Present, within you, moving you… to the one clear true perception and Consciousness Cee, of the Accord made with the One Knight in Shinning Armour…
The Warrior Gentleman and men, affirmed by the authority of the Shebas the 9 Elemental Forces to I the One…
The Just, upright, elegant splendid, genuinely truth governing political principle of Existence..
The See from beyond in the source of All Expression, the one Beloved Power,
by All great enough to awaken Existence Universe World and Beyond…
Mai Vulcan…M.V..
AH at 18 Mountain View…
by moving all Stone and Ridges to Rise as One to the Tone Supreme of R (Our) Identity ID as Grace Clarities Expression E-Spirit E awareness to Evolution Dawn..Dawn Marie
Mgba-Afor Ocha…
Code name my Great Grandmother….”Great” Earth Goddess Mai..

The Immaculate Conception of thee Blinding Light Sound of Truth…
9:11 p.m.





9:12 p.m

93 Response..

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