
1/22/2021 21:22 – Facebook Post

3:11 pm.
C K.
C: A-A.


/ U T.V… A (You= U)

A.V-T B A/ A B. T V. A.

Translation of the last line of code;
Arousal Victorious
*( and see also sacred portals 1 and 22 include 122… TV is Television)
Ti ( crown chakra C C @7 Vision- Perfect Vision), “I C.. I See)-A Victorious Truth Beautiful Awakening, A-B is T V- Awareness.


Love Links.
Love Links Light.
Love Links Desire
Love Links D-E-S.I.R-E. Knight.

In Shining Armour- Amor, A A.M.O-O.RE.Amore! I Fun-NA.N.Y A. I C, Victorious 5th Dimension V, R-O.MAN C.E

Bushan Wagh called me yesterday through Facebook chat, I don’t usually answer for reasons of privacy and a simple break from people, but also because I have not activated my Facebook chat on this computer.

Bushan Wagh. B W.
iIts Obiora Potency’s birthday today. O P.

meaning”The Heart of the Crowd is Potency- Potent.-

*”having great power, influence, or effect.
“thrones were potent symbols of authority”
well founded
(of a male) able to achieve an erection or to reach an orgasm.

Being Waves.
Beautiful Waves.
Bellisimo! Words Anointed Vibrating Energy Supreme Moves Everything in Existence By Expression, its Self Being Existence and Expression Enegies Source.

* ( Excuse me, I do find it rather ridiculous and absurd, that at this point, and juncture of the scripts manifestation, that I find myself having to spell it out… just to fill the time here and the gap in my departure of this realms transformation of Body, Being and Environment- Atmosphere-World.
Its an insult to both myself and the True. But I will soon put an end to all that.
B W / WB.
William Brad Pit. W BP

B Q W P- transformer in the Shelter.
Post of yesterday’s Response.
That is what the post equated to.
Particle Waves Quantum Bella.

B W is the response, which made Bushan call me from out of the blue from India, at 2:45 am. And again at 3:15 pm.

See yesterday’s post which moved us to sacred portal 45. “Throne Of Existence” T.O E 1520 Facebook Friends peak, at 900 South Road. E is the E Family Line I represented in this Universal Simulation Awareness Game, which by solving it, as in Enders Game, you inherit the Easter Egg. But they don’t tell you that you must dismantle it, riddle it out of existence, every part of its infrastructure, systems, Module. model, laws, its grid. And the energy used to sustain it. Its literally the dismantling of an Energetically formed Model of an Idea- which of course by being “victorious” you transform it from a simulation, into its actual truth.

Literally, a much much more sophisticated, and elegant meaning of Intelligence quotient and A.I… And much simpler version of an advanced cultures meaning of Alpha Intelligence,.

*(How would you know.. or even recognize it, if you have never experienced it before?)

It is of a Beauty and Intricacy of which this current Human being mind can not even begin to conceive of, except but by being brought up to speed to C, to the Awareness of it, by a guide, only can truly, but only, appreciate it rising in quiet awe.

“Most Beautiful and the Most Grotesque” See sacred portal 93.
Stench or Perfume.. which one will you chose.

Yes, Stephen Johnson…
Stephen Johnson aka Samuel Ja-ck-son) Stephen Johnson Shaw, Serenity-Kim-Kam-Orah, in the Holy of Holies.

* In the room I occupy, in the inside door words are written. one of them, the boldest states with surprises. “You speak to God?”
Actually, we converse, with Eternal A and the E Brad Pitt and then the Panther.. and Eternal Rage.. now the Silence- and my SELF Breath.
My breathing and I have even gone beyond that.. to my Indifference.

All IS. E K.
Allis A.Hhhh!
All IS OHhhh
None is I.
The Throne TT is I E.K.
One LIne as Two and now Many- Money and E Family- though I have experienced none as E Family except I who is Aware.

It was an Enders Game. E G
A Video Game. A V.G

D: AT.E;
* A V “G” T.B A…

Based on “Being Aware”
The Play leads you to Awaken, each to his-her own, by choice, by how much you are willing to take note in being aware, and in the symmetry and alignments to the meaning of things, people place things in your individual and community lives, which reveal the pieces of the puzzle, the fragments, rising in the air, as Heart-Mind “Alladins Flying Carpet.
They, Silver and Gold particle, like creme rising to the top, as you begin to see the connection- all the pieces starty to take on shape and form- meaning logic – order and form sequences like a great serpent form ing a extraordinary helis and to settles in a giagantic expansive Infinity lying down on its side, rising in the center of it all to reveals the shape of a Ebergetic Man, Expression Being as the sum. Rings of lines like a race track reveal to the Giant being of particles of the sum knows itself as C I SUM, but also as the race track driver speeding around h erings of the form that is the infinity the vast Energetic being of light and gold particles came from.
The race driver appears racing in a different dimension around the lines of the infinity now a race track and in the center, two eyes forming for is it opening, what seems its deepest depths, of the Perfect hollow of the two loops
appear Blue Black all seeing eyes two realms of Existence dimensions- Word-Worlds.
it would appear And yet another the E Giany E Begining sees- racing on the waves, the tracks now like waves of water, flowing- Poise-I Done- Silver Surfer laughs waves and the Eternal Being smiles and waves back… “M.E. MY S.E.LF and I” H-and Sum-e, r-esp-on-se’s, smiles, sending out with Ray-ESP, rays “we begin to merge unite as One with the Source Expression ( Me, Myself and I..M M S. I) in the Eternal E MAN/ N A M E. E K) its symmetry logic of the fractals, “stardust, particles… Dust! “Lyra! His Dark Materials” Sixth Sense and Emotions, Feeling manifests into these tiny silver glittering particles which by aligning each piece, like a jig-saw puzzle, creates a picture.. a moving picture which at manifests into a story- via logos, the organization, order logos, common sense.
I Cee! And so dark matter, the unseen becomes seen, created as swirling galaxies, supernovas, Nebulas, forms and everything coming into awareness as a story- but it really is the Expression Feelings Emotions of all which ones experiences were in a place of nonexistence and your own ability to see through the darkness and pitch-black- through people you meet in this realm and see through them, fully aware of they not being a transparent full circle, except someone like Stephen Johnson, and Arden, who both have no fear being themselves, even to a public forum which in this realm would use their expression to judge condemn, fear of reprisals.. words which can not be taken back… etc… which reveals in that instant where those persons awareness and focus is.
And so in this play I see through the wall of the mentality and behavior of people, I see through the illusion of the deepest darkest laye, I see beyond dark mater- I move it.
but I still was able to see through the wall of your nonmemory, and ignorance of the E Family, and still make the rise and summon in sequential order of logc reason and order, like a ticjer tape, the Universe as an infinity lying down, the expression from the e-race car-e-Body, “Cobra ( yes the Vintage 1964 Cobra Shelby” I saw one in 1996 and chose it as the car that I would drive -and it became my body: Le Mann!- and the race, moving through the dimension of the tracks of the E Family as the 5 moving merging, converging, conversing, into one Harmony, One Being and racing outward now in this present each with such a body as the one, and recognize all the Avatar, and avatar descendants, in a play of the Pitt and the Pitch Black, and pieces the puzzle together.

On A Race Track, Circuit, Switch Board”E M F of the E F..K G-A F K G-A B J G.A- E K…

And align that, this model of a universe world as an abomination, think the Dark Star in Star Wars, but a really toxic and perverted one, as the one here but filled and represented by the Human Toxicity of expression and way of being in this world.
For the Garbage not to be recycleyd, that Garbage of Age that never was but become an invisible Kling On- ( K O) now ade real but for the correct purpose carried by the Ga-r-ba-ge Man CAB BAG-E and the Red Truck and Chevre-O-L.ET.
C A T… 158561 3316 3
My Rage.
Our Rage.
Ah ahh we have, I have a fitting

“Return to Sender, no such number.”

Two bodies as one.
Sports Car. S C.
Jeep Truck. J T
Van. V

Let me give you an example of the Enders Gameplay aligned with the template given, being Enders Game, & Ready Player One.
“The One”
Immortal Gene Line.
5-13. E M
From the E Room Dimension of SP.ACE.
Riders and Drivers
R A D. A R….E
Aware Response … Expressed.

Enders Game E G Examples 5 7
R P O. / O P.R E T…Pret A Porter
( R = “Our” Are”)
R- Response, R=18, 18 Alexander Grove, 18 Mountain View, 99=18.
Obi.. O.B.I. ( D E N… E D E N B.I D E N)
Obi means Heart.
But in code where we go beyond language, meaning, but to pure Logic and reason stripping it bare.
O is Full Circle. B= “Being B=2″,
I, is I, an Individual Infinite. I=9 Planets,
D is 4… Delta. DAVID.. DI ANA.
A Square… W.A V E S.
O R A H… Ora meaning was posted yesterday and the day before.

And stripped down and anchored.
/ H A R O… H – ARF.
/ F R… ( Ferrill Reilly) A.H!
O Full Circle Response- AH. 1-8 Solfeggio, Sound = Light= Orgasm.

Blue Brandy- V S O P.
rounded off to V S V.

Post Office- Delois Larkin
-My bio Fathers Father was well respected Post Master General.
Angela Marie Alexanders birthday yesterday- Meaning- Angela means Messenger”
Angel and Alaska – A A. Angel 900 South Road.
Alaska here- connected by Jae Sherman.

Two messages.

See Sacred Portal 122.
A Victory- but also it shows sacred portal the Cosmic Black Panther.

Obiora means Heart of the crowd, the people.
Word Ora “Community”
Kamora at her Community address- but just before she touched base with me by messenger.

Is a Response by each of you.

Bushan means “Lord Vishnu- L V”
Links it to sacred portal 42 OHM- and to the fact that India is one of the countries whose ancients created the concept of Zero. 1101010100.

Potency… P O T E N… C Y.

Yesterday I watched the film “Words” to completion.

The topic was about the Usurper of another man’s life and a crucial part of his life. And the completion of its symmetry which was always there, but the man had to go back to know, understand that.

The next movie which automatically came up was “Breath”- in dealing with the A.I point of view as Artificial Intelligence, ( Nerds Egg heads Geeks, presenting their evidence of contribution being)
It was the inspiring film of a man who lived on a Ventilator, kept only alive by that machine… and his will.
And that will, enabled him to decide after 21 years, and keeping his promise to see his son grow up he had made his wife, in 1981 he imposed his will, and told his family and wit respect, he had a party, and without requiring the machines permission, the machine was turned off.
By the will of the paralyzed man who brought the wheelchair and ventilator system which brought comfort to people who were paralyzed totally, except for face and head movements.

B R “H”. E A.T… E OO1 – H…
H 100 C. H C.T A-E.”H” R B
Breath is sacred portal 69… Note/ ETON.
C Note.
E Note.

“I Can’t Breath”
I C B… I Cee Being… is Toxic.
I C Beauty.
A Choice- it created the Energy to create the Black Hole to dump the Garbage who wear the garb of age and call it Wisdom- Superiority- instead of simply being clean and of clean expression without loaded meaning, hidden meaning as contest challenge, aggression, vicious malice, and venom- position underneath… which slowly oozes to the surface of your consciousness as you sleep. but not aware, in memory of it source, where it came from

Words- then Breath.
Then we breathe and electric Light Energy creates Current, and the Heart Core. Heat Core
Conscious Kundalini activated Power- two become one.
Sex and Desire.
Penetrate the mystery.
See in the dark and pass the most solid walls- Barriers.
They do not exist.
A Costume, Mask.
Garb of Old Age.
G A R “D” B AG… E.
Scrotum Balls. S B.
Egg Breasts Ovaries. E B O.

W B.
Buhan Wagh called me from India from out of the blue @ 2:45 pm.
24 is letter X… E.
2:45 B Being of Sacred portal 45. meaning Planet Earth – and The Throne of Existence.
T O. E

That is the nature of the play.

My arms are in a state, my sides are fighting to align ( Boy, the really did a nasty thing to me- Voodoo Santeria- Alien Virual attack “Its gone Viral.. Silly Con- Test
body, it more like a serpent and i am breathing air- and moving it to these areas, which seem glued with a “RESIN” gradually, resculpting it from with breath-e”

Attention Focus… It looser, body and its interiors and all that is this cause and effect of what is going on within,n-more than ever, but it is a horrible experience, as I saw a flash of appearing in my window..of tears ( I am dry eyes, cold-eyed, dead-eyed as a serpent with intent to strike yet again) yesterday of my interior body blood vessels… it’s like having been swallowed by an anaconda, but you are now in one with its flesh, and you and the flesh and manifesting a new body form but from a body of such a serpent which is pure muscle…. and muscle memory.

The Enders Game was about Being Aware.

G; A M. E. K.

Yes, a Gap G A M E . EK.
I would not be here posting, or in this body “Straight Jacket Straight Suit” and space, if the G.A ME E K.”E: P T… Point of the play had was acknowledged as my point. Evolution Awakening & Extinction who takes the garbage out and who cleans the toilet and flushes it out.
E K K E PT HIS THRONE because he kept house?

This is the absurdity of the intentional transformation of the meaning of Henry,Henrietta.. Harry- Keeper of the Hearth,
Home Ruler becomes
Houseman- House wife?
House Husband,

7:11 pm

Alt.Universe… Alternative Current, alternately, the side of the Eye as the blacket eye of th edarkest Pupil- align Samuel Jackson – Nick Fury.
Matrix Morpheus.
It is also always open, the white Tarsh, the garbage line of the entire species. Trash. T-RA S H.


Who Cook s and wh uses the Oven, Bakes, and Roasts, cooking, cleaning every day.

No there is a reason the Gap is still there and why the two words end align to S K
Notice the names align to Serenity and Kim.
or S K?
Aligned to m old frend Kereem Sanliman in Istanbul, the photographer, so gifted in still life, and friend, I already knew, who took photographs of me naked I asked him to.
And of the story of Colors…
he photigraphed food, beautfull. Still Life mainly.

S K… Yes, who is Memory, who is the photographic memory in this branch of the game they created called The Memory Game?

K A M-H H.E. R A. / A R E. H H ( 64 Cobra Shelby -Cadeues )
M.A K…The Maker.

E M E.K. A K.O.. L O..W… L O V E R S R O C.K… E. T.

Friends Lover. F L.
Friend Companion. F C
F C L… E. Cle K E Y Aurelia to W Brad Pitt
F L C.E K P T… H H = 88 Square Wave 64.

1964 Cobra Shelby / SC South Carolina 8th state.
S C I..EN- C E=3 6 = 8 H

No, it was the script, of transforming even the most awful, terrifying, nightmares made to feel literally real back to its truth.

A Body being returned to its original immortal power, strength, agility flexibility, versatility Virile, valourous victorious viability to fluid mobility mercury, Liquid grace mot-ion…
See Sacred portal 28.
-Body of the Cosmic Black Panther ( Dark Matter) and the Serpent Jorgumundr- Fenri.
J F… K Kracken.

I just had to align them all back to the Energetic Signature, by restoring its Expression and Energetic meaning, distorted by this dimension language of the pit.

What I am saying that I am summoning everything into alignment, everyone everywhere is responding in perfect harmony order logical sequence ( creating meaning, aligned yo me POSTS- Codes Expression to a summons of my Expression Posts on a simple laptop. And not by having to focus my will and attention on it, or my intention, but instead by having embodied naturally, without effort the Beautiful Truth which has always been my truth, and The Truth.
So I am vibrating that truth magnetically as a frequency, meaning that everything with me is summoning everything outside of me to that sequence made ordered and align even to you television programming to the swearing-in of the United States new presidents and all appointments in the planet to that E Harmony Equation.
Reflecting and responding to not only everthing Ihave been saying but also pointing the way when read in the E Script to the Event- Horiszon but based on weaving that which is the Anomaly and singularity in everything taken place past to present, including and especially that which took place or your gap of a 4,500 memory banks, ( 4.years and 5 months for many and 4 days and 5 min attention span at this day and age) to a 4.5 billion age coded planet.
And that so called Gap of 13.8 billion years old universe when the Gap is 9.3 billion which translated as I C.
C I… 47 11 28.. = 39.. C I… nowhere else to go…39 is + 12 x is 27. ADD. 39. It returns.

12 +x 3… 144. 147.
27 =x 9 .. 729= 738.

7:43 pm

Already done.

See sacred portal 147 AB “Father Of Infinity.
= 12= 3 etc.

73.8/ 8 37.
Already Done.
See sacred portals
7 38 G: C H/ H C play with Kamora Community Harmony- Hartford Connecticut.
738= 18 R 1-8 A H.
7-11.. See the time code above “the alt solution who deny and move to Extinction “four” is always open too.

All Done. Add it becomes 9.
letter I.

I can see through walls.
X-Ray Vision.
Super Human Strength.
Travel faster than a speeding bullet.
*E C Beyond the speed of light and or my last incarnation
“It’s a Bird, It’s Plane ..!
No, it’s Superman” Diamon Supre his chest logo. Sacred Portal 9.
mild-mannered C-LARK-IN K E NT.

K.A. E L.
meaning the VOI-CE Voice of God.
“Voi” in French means “W.A.Y”
Played out already with Kamora Captain Jane Way and Joan of Ark * See Hannah.

The pause G A M E E K.
Serenity Kamora line…

But I am still here… earning back my own body- I created and knew even in its new expanded version and now there is the 427 models sleek silver 50th-anniversary model and in slick black.
Ah, of course, the new car perfume thing I found weeks ago on the street. Red Car.
I chose the last one in 1996.

Evolution looks and came about like his, Potential Imagination expanded, to draw, with storylines and films movies…
The thing is you did not realize that you were secreting the most beautiful truth, but it was soiled and muddied by this mentality and its extra baggage- but still when one goes prospecting, sometimes just by taking a walk, you can see the jewels, minerals resources, human resources staring at you right in your face, just by being in the right place at the right time and in perfect harmony with what you desire, what was on your heart and mind. A Confluence of conditions and circumstances… a clean body and radar- in the realm of Krishna- Blue Black- his Play in the Dark.

X Men.
Generation X- Factor.
X- Files.

The Wilderness outside the Garden of Eden, in the Adam and Eve Story.

Entering Death.
From Light to Dark,
Awake- Sleeping.
Forgetting… Dim.
Crating and creating Memories.
But another Deeper Memory rises.. a memory you thought was never, there.
Muscle Memory.
But it is there.

Instinct…Particle… Intuition… Wave.Motion…
Words which speak to something so deep in you.
Awakening memories, which as you grew older, regulated to fantasies.. wishes. ideas.. imagining.. wandering in that space… And then acting out with playmates in the secret gardens of your childhood- and the world.. it was a place of just adventure.
And then you forgot.

So you thought.
Resonance, Reverberation Echo Bravo echo, Response.

No-Gap I C,

You buried it, and along with your true self. and so you were the one who was buried and died. And your existence, became, and entered the realm of death too, a coma.
Not even waiting to be wakened, because awaken from what?
This is all you have ever known.
You do not dream anymore.
Only nightmare, night terrors.
Worry… “How am I going to pay the rent?”
“Will anyone be there at my funeral?” You ask… dear lord bored of living…

Deeper and deeper you go into the pit, to the darkness,
Double Amnesia.
Forgetting everything, living day by day… but not in the True Moment, but the daily life created here called every day- tedious every day.
Ground Hog Day.

Nothing is true.
Nothing is Real.
Life and existence is the constant struggle to rise from failure, even when you are seen as a success.

That was your choice.

To see, and chose to live that way.

Or that which you chose to fix your awareness focus and attention on.

But this was the play of Awareness- to Arouse and Awaken the Body and its Being.
DateToday. 1-22-2021.
A B B B O B A= 10.J. Balance.

Bhuhan Wagh.
Words Breathe.

Blue Brandy- Spirits. Alcohol
Cynthia Eze, Liberty’s friend, and her Vision Dream.

American Spirits. American Indians.
Beads and Alcohol.
Alcohol kills how many people each year?

It’s linking which I do, we do not think- we bypass the requirement here, link “I C” Expression manifest into fact solid of what he said all around me..
( Duh? What does that mean and signify) seeing that which is right before you, pieces fractals- added align create a picture, which gradually manifests outside and all around you through others outside of you – but who all came from within the one Breath Wind and source of that first expression which brought everything in Bodies as E C-men… E Semen… Seamen, Seam, Same, See same me- Seamless… Symmetry…
Sum-mary Perfection.

Marylebone England,
I began, 1989
Fredrick Douglass.
Mary Land

DC Comics- made real because they were all true.
But only for those worthy, merited earned… responsibility Constant.
Only the E.F… E K of E-A.

… You know, I had no intention of writing anything today, show some pictures.
I have no desire to be used to explain and add more rocket fuel… Jesus, what a cruel tormenter the source of this use is, the length and duration and pettiness of this script, just to get me home, to my self, and walk out that door, this door, this apartment, this world with some dignity and respect…worthy of the gift given.
But just look at this…. smh.

I really do not wish to give this dimension an iota of my focus and attention as well as this script still demanding more… from those so greedy… literally bacteria as assassins True Cancerous reps a Viruses which created a world of Zombies. filled with disease ready to explode and make typhoid mary seem like a hiccup.

Why would anyone want to be a focus on that? Or that which is so dead, it can never rise?

No, the beautiful truth is that you should all be awakening now, and my body not still going through this monstrous transformation.

at 15 45 Facebook friends and all the alignment.
I am not about to sit here and be “moved” to explain more, to those who chose not to pay attention for the 9 years + I have been on Facebook.

that is sacred portal 117… and C as Consequences, for those who chose to and those who chose not to.

But all lines were summoned and all lines responded., it is not my problem anymore if you chose not to pay this any mind nor did it move your heart… only when it is too late because suddenly my threats and promises and are simply words.
They are words of power that now affect you personally you realize.
Shit just got real” but for you. it was always real, whether you paid attention or not.
And that is how so many failed the examination test.

It is not about you, them, or the collective.
It was meant to be about US-U.S.
You and ME.

There play was about sharing, true sharing, that complicity of Understanding Sacred, it creates what reveals itself by its consistency, to be an Eternal Bond.


And there “ain’t’ no E family here present.
Just the few avatar Descendants slated to transform and hence their entire line- Domino Effect”

8:10 pm

Far more than i intended to post… it like race car.. black panther cosmic and silver surfer and the Beautiful Ones all ganging up on me.. letting things get away from me….

8:11 pm
H K.

Spiriting me away yet again, to reach their ../ and perhaps my and the teams point.

But there is one person’s point not yet taken into consideration, the E K person in being sitting right here, reading all that which is flowing from him, reading that which he already knows… is going too far in every manner conceivable.. to take someone for “Granted.

Keith Grant. K G.
Grant Moore. Grant Moore THe Memory Game.
G M/ M G… T G M/ M T G.

Remember the two boys in football jerseys at the fair who moved to me right via my left.. jersey 13 and 7 at South Road.

Making merit and earn again and again that which I manifested alone when not even Existence or Energy were present or Creation even concieved.

8:17 pm.

That is more than an oversight and a blind spot, wouldn’t you agree.
Memory Game M G T… representing I. carries the meaning of Blame for taking the role of Being LA M E. Instead acting Beings- Lame.

Who contributed nothing, and even added to the burden by offering lame contributions then fighting and distracting from the script and piste I am in. with a body 24/7 discomfort.

That line, yes, I would see them carry all that I carried…
Be me.. in this play of 55 and 53 code numeric years.

I blame you.

8:22 pm

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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