
1/22/2017 21:32 – Facebook Post

1/22/2017 21:32 – Facebook Post
1/22/2017 21:32 – Facebook Post

6:15 p.m.

F.O…./ O.F.

(6 6)

22-1-2017… 37/73…1 1.. 1
V-A.A.. Victorious 5th Dimension A-A… 27…(A-Z.A..26+1)



1-5-1… Full Circle 5th Dimension.

Innocence not Purity is the Source of Evil…
But it is not the source of Stupidity.. which this entire 16 year play I have been in, in New York is.

Innocence is.
At least in this World…


Yesterday, night after posting.. I realized how much this Equation and Formula, though Real and the Literal is stupid.

It no longer makes any sense to me personally, because it is more Stupid that Evil…
Oh I read it, and I understand it and is makes sense in that there is symmetry…
But it is what the “Way”, the Rules, the Conditions of it that are just..

Traishon believes he is Dumb, Slow because they told him that he is, yet he has grasped things what I thought were simple enough,
but the world made seem so complicated.

He found a 10 USD… He told me… After dumping yet another Macdonald Sandwich by my bed this morning….
He has been doing that, he drops snacks by my bed..
He get the money by simply walking up to people and asking them if they would give him money for breakfast.
There is no lie there because he gets breakfast, and at least 10 dollars within an hour. He buys what he needs and comes back and he is done for the day.

He does not like doing it, but he does it and he always comes back with money…
He says he just manifests it by establishing an intent on what he requires, breakfast and money to buy his ‘Smokes”

And when the money began to increase,in the last few days, while mine disappeared,he took to offering me first 2 usd yesterday… and more today…
But I know it is for me to be able work- his Spirit is fully aware of this but no Traishon… He is just spectacularly,activated by his Espirit.

He came back today having found 10 Dollars, and saw the excess not as an aberration but that I sent him the money, so that he would have something for himself-since I am not crazy about asking anyone for money without having earned it, or given some sort of service.. Exchange.
So when I went out to take a walk, once again as every day I have been in this 16 year play of existing in New York without a Job which earns a steady income or documents which would have enabled me to….
And a physical condition which does everything to consciously sabotage any action I take to go back into earning my own income…

I saw that this was a story of Evil, Cruelty.. yes, but more that anything else.. It was Stupid,Silly Petty…
You get some one to play a role, in which to manifest the Truth,then do everything to frustrate and sabotage that expression you are forcing that person to enact..
It is like a very badly behaved and untrained Child to have power over you to do what every it pleased.. Cheat, break laws of Existence…

Because the person you are doing this to, will see and understand what it is.. It serves no purpose, because you know the person undercover is really who he says he is, and you create a play to make it public to humiliate The Source Creator….and his Expression Family….
Just so that you can create the illusion of getting back at this person…
And yet the rules, the logic the reason the majesty, the intelligence, the splendor of the knowledge, the awe, the beauty… all the very things which make This..Life.. Existence.. thrilling…
Worth beyond anything is boiled down to this petty nonsensical play of Money…
The power to make money…
To do what ever you want..
Control anyone..
And have no responsibility or consequences..

And this is real…
A Santana once told me that he does not want to take consequences which he deserves for that which he has done…
And went to such lengths to enforce it… on Nothingness.

So that consciousness or way of thinking actually exists..

So that consciousness or way of thinking actually exists..zof actions laws created to bring them home, back to their highest potential…
to know the benefits and knowingly break those laws and codes ad then go on the war path to not pay the consequences..
Consequences of Laws Eternal.. Meaning that these are Laws which brought Everything including You into existence…?

It does not make sense does it….
But that is the Story that I am in…

This is what the Worlds Sum Total of Expression has manifested…

I came back from my Walk, amazed at the inability to walk, for my body muscles joints are literally like toffee, a stick mass…
And it literally feels like I am the product of some Cartoon, some dream or wish of a child which was granted…
Be Damn with All laws of Existence Creation…

And it literally feels like I am the product of some Cartoon, some dream or wish of a child which was granted…

It is why I kept stating that ‘This is Impossible’
Not because of it being a Challenge but even a Story- an illusion has structure, logic… Even Evil serves a purpose, even having reason…
That one can not circumvent the Laws of Existence which is Symmetry….
In All things…

And that is why I say this is impossible..
This New York Story…
And the question is who grants the power to the Spoiled children to make such an Absurd dream to manifest…?

A Simulation… But for anything to operate.. it requires that Symmetry, that Order that Logos.. S.O.L… which thus can be Explained and has Reason….

I was contemplating this and that I someone had called me from Nigeria…
I thought of my Mother and my heart sank, 28 years of finding myself constantly hearing my mother speak about money…
Not that my Mother, was fixated on money, she has not seen me in 28 years! Lost another son, been exiled in Nigeria away from her children.
Is a Seer and was at some point so beautiful people used to run away from her.
She was loved by her father to distraction who indulged her because he saw her as not of this world, and a ferocious mother almost as beautiful who fought to protect her..
And she is strong but never been able to step into the world..
And so despite her often stepping up to help me the play by her natural expression..
Money had been so ingrained in her as the thing which one had to have here, especially after my parents divorce.
She saw that it was the real power here…
Not Beauty, not Energy whom she calls God, not even Love or Truth…
She realized this early, nut only after first indenting my sister and I with her Truth…
Beauty, Truth, Justice, Compassion and passion..

But what she experienced after the Separation then Divorce..
in 1978-79
A Woman whose Beauty and Charisma which had become her greatest burden..
Which made my father keep her from getting her University Education my Grandfather was sending her when she was living with my father after they got married..
She at 16…

7:11 a.m.

And so, she changed and when she left my Father and saw what the world thought of her as a Divorced Woman in Nigeria while being a child of such privilege.
And I saw some of it…
People were Brutal, Cruel.. Evil…
But my mother was protected by my Grandfathers Wealth and Name…
But what she witnessed….
Made he seen to change…
And the talk of Beauty, Wisdom. the Laws of Existence.. the power she had used to survive my Bio Father and sheild her kids from his extreme Brutality and then Incredible Charm…

Evaporated.. I watched her come to terms and to grip with this World Reality..
And when she saw how helpless she was when my Brothers were kidnapped by Bio Father…
I saw the last of that Woman I and my siblings had loved as a True Goddess.. Aphrodite Gaia… but of an E.T source.

I witnessed the hardening and yet at the same time the retreating of her true self into a character she had created…
But I could see her constant horror, shock.. and fear…

And she began to become the Enslaver, without even being aware…
enslaving all around her, especially her children, enslaving us with her fear….
Money…. you must make money and then we will survive this horror…
Nothing protects you here except money.

It was the cruelest transformation and the most horrible to watch because she did not believe it, and yet she began to become the product of her expression and her fear… of this World.

Until I and my sibling could not abide her, we left her, secretly both intending to make gazillions of dollars to rescue our then 45 year old mother… Who as a Woman, a Truly Beautiful Woman, she had never been given a chance to fly…
And all the men had sought to diminish her so she would never fly away. leave them… because such a woman as she, loyal, a lady, gracious, and to them, not fully aware of the power she did not know she had over men, women.. the World…

Innocent..? My Mother…
Dumbo… as they sought to call her…
No… by No means no, she was even aware of the Spells of Dumb and ect.. she was just to shocked that anyone, even those she loved could use such tools.. go that far…

And so her fear of the World deepened and the need for he children to be wealthy, to take care of her and themselves because the driving force of her existence and the nature our relations with her transformed into…
And the Horror of it to my sister and I…

And it was made more unbearable by this Mission I found myself in where the very condition to prove the Evolution Awakening was based on the challenge of Existing without Money..

At some point some Jealous person had cursed my mother to end her life walking around with a begging Bowl…

I found 4 Brown Bowls- but that was from the play of the young man who passed though a mirror and saw a Wooden bowl of water…
a comb and wood or clay formed mirror…
And saw the Face of God…

These are the tools I have always identified with my Mother.. the Hand Held Mirror and the Comb… but the Bowl of Water was B.Eau..Ti.. Herself as Nnamdi… Her male self before H.was Transformed ( Quantum Effect) into Male and then Female..
What Human stories call Adam and Eve…
But not quite correct…
Eros Adama would be more correct…. HE as Sky Blue ( Sky Fall) and She as the First Color…Red Clay… R.C..Earth…

Not a Begging Bowl..

And just as I was cursed and an object placed in the Earth that I would be frustrated in the everything I did, and nothing would manifest to completion which would lead me to go mad and destroy myself…
This is you recall was found out by a Bishop from Awaka who told me Uncle that it was buried in Amawbia and had been planted there by a half uncle code initials N.U…and N.U..is actually the God of the Abyss… Olokun./ NU..Kolo… Me…
Meaning this person knew who I was and had sent me back to myself…!!

To the Void.. lperhaps not knowing, but its E-Spirit within certainly knowing..that I would not go insane, but rather sent me on a mission in the Altered meaning of the Abyss…Void Black Hole….
At the Bottom of the Sea, or perhaps the See.. Cee..
Which is my Mothers English Name.. C…
Cecilia Nnamdi the same persons… Transformation…
I already knew this even as a boy.. I had the memories I recorded and recalled here on Face Book of that dimension where my Mother Existed as this Form and Expressions besides a great mirror, of how we used to converse..
And how she had looked in her mirror and seen Nnamdi.. my Twin Self already in Existence after he Rose after me…
She fell in love with him, seeing me in him but as a Man..
And you our conversation in that realm changed because she yearned to meet that man she saw in the mirror was so Far away…
In another Realm Dimension…

And she wished me to go and bring him to her…
And how I discerned this and went on this great journey..
Secretly smiling and aware that it herself…

But my mothers Nri name is Onuabuchi…”From the Mouth comes the Song of the Chi…but the Mouth is not its Source’

And Nnamdi’s English name is David…. John…

And my Mothers Cecilia Joy….

C.D…both born 11 22…

C..D.O.N..J.J…10 10…20…T



The code is D.C. 43…ON…1010…J.B…Truth…

Sacred Portal 43 Door to Life….

not the code play of 34..3434.. 68… That is the wrong way…
The code if Hindsight Foresight.. 8 75 Face Book Friend…

Traishon means 3.. 123… A.B.C My mother is called C.. by everyone…


Vinod Vinod….


6 Nod… 6 Nod… to Nod is Assent… 66..Nod.

V.ie..Vie… Nod.. the 66 Nod to Life…

Vinod means “Happy Joyful”

So, This is a Play of Two Cruses made real…
I do not Beg…
Nor does Traishon…
I know how he gets people to give him money… just like that..
It is the same way my grandmother told me she used to take my mother with her to the Market when she did her businesses…
My mother always ensured that customers came and bought from this magical charming child whose energy made them just want to give and run away… from such a mirror…

And so it was with Nnamdi…
And so, I too experienced alone and with my sister who has the same energy…

And so when Traishon, who only speaks about getting money, with no idea as to why he must work for it… but rather that it is required to get what he wants.. Which is Rest and Peace of mind…
The very things which is a basic right….

And who has been asking me to manifest money for him everyday, despite being at the same time so astute in the Story Telling genre that he surmised again and again that my powers had been stripped from me, which my E-Spirit agreed to (not me) when I entered this World play, in order to rescue the Truth of the E and then use the Powers but as Reason Explained to build the building blocks to how Power such as the E works..
Which had to be explained through Reason in this Language, which was completely unnecessary, as I had explained to Samantha Yurkosky at 97 Green Street Maha Rose in 2011,
that only the E line Consciousness can access that frequency and thus activate that power… And it is Merited Earned..
And thus, those who rise to it are Naturally Responsible…
It become Innate.. The E in you is Eternal… thus it has Eternal Memory…

But the way he speaks about it, can give you the impression which he himself is aware of, of being selfish..
But then you watch what he does with it,
the 10 he found..
I went outside and on my way back found 1 usd…

I had found 5 months ago… on the same street the top, this was time it was at the bottom…
I was so furious… 5 1… E..A…
Still this insulting money play…
All on the same street…

Traishon had seen a man drop the money… and had picked it up. not returning it to the man, because the Money he said he knew was for him sent by Me…
So when he came back after hearing I had found 1…

2017…37.. 1 O… 1 USD..

He immediately volunteered to give me the balance of 4 usd he had left… I don”t need this, it is the excess…

I had now 1 that was in me Wallet… plus the 1 had found…
And the 4 he gave me…
6.. and he had spent 6…

And so I was furious, not with him… but this play…
And he heard me and said that politely that he did not wish to hear anymore..
And all he was interested in was in my manifesting what he wanted…
And I knew why, because he had been locked up in his house until he was 18… By a verbally abusive but very protective grandmother.. And he had grown up in poverty… Father Dying after joining the Army… Mother of Drugs over dose and Grandmother of Lung Cancer which brought him his freedom..
To travel.. and do all the fun things he wished to do when he could not..
He then saw what happened to his brothers his sister who had a disability..
But could well be, that as Triashon that he is of that Evolved Consciousness which are causing parents to see their children as Austic..
Cause we live in out minds! He said.. That is the 4th Dimension..
The 3rd Dimension got infected and so it was dirty..
“And you could not land in your bodies until Evil or the Infection was conquered or proven an illusion”
I responded when my jaw dropped by the deftness of his grasping things so simply which I had been forced to spend the last 27 years explaining…
And 50 Months on Face Book…

When Traishon walks around he is no here, I see myself in Paris.. even now.. I go to a place where I am hardly even aware of the putrid surroundings….

But I do it in a way where people have desired to know and access that place I go to…

Traishon goes to the Bliss of Nothingness
I go to the place before there was Nothingness..
Extase Emptiness = Full… Only something Full Empties…
That is the secret of the Black Whole….The Abyss Void Aware


8:25.. P.M.

And Frances Frick stayed in and He and I slept and I woke him up…
Traishon links with him but is polite to David Dawn..
Who was not here all day today..
So all three of us got rest..

And then I called Nigeria.. the Number which called me..
It would not connect…
I thought it my Uncle Sir P..
But the amount on the Phone card was 8.50 USD..
And 8 minutes left…
So I finally called my mother.. And of Course she was there..
And I told her…
I had lived both Curses.. Hers and Mine…
And Proven them untrue despite they being made to be real to this point…
And I told her that I was in agreement with my Sisters Assessment that all our lifes after 1979.. All was about Money…
And that she had gone so far in that spell that he no longer could see the Hell my Sister and I…especially I had gone through…

To bring her back to her senses…

Being Simple… is not being Simple…
It is being able to understand the Square Root of All things…
Not necessarily the Lowest Common Denominator….



8:32 pm

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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